The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 202: 3 years

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Three years passed in a flash. The original bare mountain peak has changed its appearance. At this time, the mountain peak has completely changed its appearance, with a faint look of an aerial fortress.

The original shape of the towering and steep mountain is completely invisible at this time. Pieces of special alloy armor are glued to the outside of the mountain. With special reinforcement runes and bluestone as an isolation layer behind, even if the arcane enchantment is not opened at all, it can completely ignore the attacks of the first-level arcanists.

Arcane cannons and arcane generators were placed on the various gun positions in the floating city, and the black hole muzzles showed their powerful power. If there is an arcanist who wants to storm the floating city, then the intensive barrage attack will teach him to be a man.

Although, the attack of the arcane cannon itself is not high, probably only equivalent to the attack strength of the first-level arcanist. However, if faced with hundreds of thousands of such artillery coverage attacks, even a level 5 arcanist must temporarily avoid the edge.

Countless arcanists came and went in and out of the air, and many arcanists rode broomsticks in the air and patrolled the floating city continuously. The entire floating city is like a mobile fortress full of weapons. It makes people feel hopeless at the first glance.

Nothing else, just talk about the huge figure, I am afraid that just smashing it down can make a huge city razed to the ground. Of course, there is no commander who will let the floating city smash the target on the ground.

During these three years, Kenan has also grown from an energy apprentice with his instructor to an excellent energy erection maintenance engineer who can independently construct energy lines. He is mainly responsible for the maintenance of the floating city’s energy lines, with dozens of subordinates in charge. Apprentices. Become a middle-level cadre countable in the floating city.

Although the position is not high, the authority is not small. As long as there are places where energy lines pass, Kenan has the right to pass freely, except for a small number of confidential locations such as the command room, database, element pool and other important locations. An on-duty officer is required to accompany him to enter the outside, and Kenan can enter the rest of the place freely. The authority is not weaker than the few deputy commanders in Floating City. It can be said to be a high position.

Kenan's remarkable progress made the mentor very happy. When the mentor's deadline was approaching two months ago, he also took Kenan's hand and left with a smile, seeming to be happy that he had found a suitable heir.

I just don't know what the instructor would think if he knew that Kenan was actually a fake.

During this period of time, Kenan quietly took out the pendant of Destiny Shop and looked at it several times.

At this time, a trace of green liquid appeared in the original light blue drop-shaped pendant. The liquid has filled about one-fifth of the pendant. However, the growth rate of these green liquids has been very slow in recent years, with only a slight increase in three years.

This pendant was specially modified by Sophia for Kenan when Kenan said that he would stay in the Witchcraft Continent. In addition to being able to return to the Destiny Shop through the pendant, Sophia also attached a special device with a constant time to it.

This device was added by Sophia who knew that Kenan often traveled through various worlds, and that the time flow rate of each world was also inconsistent. In order to prevent Kenan from misremembering the time due to the time flow problem, it was increased deliberately.

A constant main world time has been added to this device. The green liquid in the pendant will increase at a constant rate based on the main plane of the Wizard Continent as the standard time, until the Destiny Shop returns to the Wizard Continent, that is, ten years later, the green liquid in the pendant will be full The whole pendant. Moreover, the increasing speed of this green liquid will only increase according to the speed of the main plane time, and will not be affected by the time of the small world.

Kenan can judge the approximate time of the main world of Wizard Continent by the amount of green liquid in the pendant. In addition, since the increase rate of the green liquid in the pendant is linked to the main world, Kenan can also roughly estimate the time flow rate of the current world through the increase rate of the green liquid.

After a period of estimation, Kenan has roughly understood that the time passing in this world is quite fast. It is possible that several years have passed here and only a few days have passed on the main world.

It is precisely based on this situation that Kenan dared to stay quietly in the Twin Towers College for three years. If it weren't for knowing that there is a lot of time left, Kenan would have used some more radical practices long ago. How could it be possible to stay in the academy honestly?

However, since there is more time now, Kenan's plan can be more moderate. This will not only make the plan more thorough, complete, and have fewer loopholes, but it can also reduce the risk and gain more.

It is Kenan's creed to obtain greater profits in a less costly and safer way.

At this time, Kenan was walking inside the metal corridor. Most of the staff who met Kenan would consciously stand still and salute. Kenan also gave a gentle smile and nodded in return. Gives a gentle and kind feeling. This is also the image Kenan has been working hard to create over the past few years.

Kind, gentle, polite, and harmless.

This is the impression that Kenan has worked hard to give people Only in this way can most people relax their vigilance, and Kenan can also do some of his own things more conveniently.

Human is a kind of emotional creature, will instinctively provide some small conveniences to people who feel good about it, and reduce the guard in the heart.

Although, Arcanists have power beyond ordinary people. However, in essence, they still belong to the category of human beings. Therefore, all human characteristics and defects are also possessed. Facing a good-looking woman will also regenerate good feelings. Facing a high-ranking person will also feel awe. Facing a gentle and harmless person, she will also relax her vigilance.

Now, Kenan has successfully established his own harmless image. Even if he did something that harmed the floating city, as long as he was not caught on the spot or left obvious evidence, Then most people will fall into the blind zone of thinking, and will not doubt Kenan for the first time, which also leaves many opportunities for Kenan.

Although, these may not be used. However, Kenan has always spared no effort to leave himself a way back when making plans. This is also the fundamental reason why Kenan can safely survive in the high-risk world.

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