The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 229: Frost Worm

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"This, this, what do you say, Master, how could this ice worm be the backer we were looking for. We really want to help you return to the abyss, so how can we deceive you?" Assas hurriedly defended. .

"Yes, that is, if we want to harm you, we can do it in the Bone Burying Plain. Why do we have to come to Yaruite Mountain? We don't like it here." Zuo Zuo also distinguished.

Right: "Wang!"

"Hehe, I have my own basis for saying this," Kenan said confidently, as he took out a yellow gem from his arms, "This is a mantra gem, if someone tells me falsehood If anything, then this gem will turn yellow. Judging from the current color of this gem, someone must have told me a lie. So whoever is talking to me at the moment, then the result is self-evident. . It’s been known for a long time that the demons of you **** like to play with rhetoric, but now that’s what happened.”

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the originally seamless plan would fail on a small gem." Assas saw the yellow gem in Kenan's hand and sighed.

"No, no, no, your plan is not very good, it can be said to be full of errors and omissions. Even a child can easily see it. This kind of bridge is in our place, and a dime can see seven." Kenan said disdainfully.

"Oh, I would like to hear what went wrong with my plan. If you are right, I can make you suffer less pain." Assas said coldly.

"Since you want to hear, I will tell you. First of all, the timing of your appearance was too clever. You just appeared in front of me, and you were just chased. Just when I needed a guide, I guessed it. You found me as soon as you entered hell, and then you made such a plan. As for the gray dwarf, I am afraid it is a brave you casually found who strayed into this place."

"Well, this is a bit far-fetched, in case this is true." Arthas said a little unconvinced.

"Well, for the second point, according to your statement, you grew up in a half-elf society and are very unfamiliar with hell. However, during the journey on this road, you seem to be too familiar with the terrain, and the familiar bypassed it. All the devil’s territory, let us not encounter a devil. This is a bit too coincidental, I am afraid you did this because you were afraid of other demons coming to grab business."

"Well, this is indeed my negligence, but it can also be explained as a fluke. Is there anything else?" Arthas lowered his head and thought for a while and said.

"This is the third thing. Naturally, my gem is a pure citrine gem. What I said just now was a lie to you. I didn’t expect you to believe it directly. You were scammed by me. You are really stupid. Yes," Kenan said jokingly.

Arthas looked at Kenan's playful look and couldn't help but furious. "I'm going to tear you apart."

After speaking, Arthas rushed towards Kenan, opening three big mouths and biting at Kenan.

"Idiot, do you think I was like those big villains just waiting for you to flop before talking nonsense with you? If it weren't for arranging some tricks, you would have become dog meat soup now." After Kenan finished speaking, Shan With his hand raised, a black mask appeared in front of Kenan. The three big mouths of the three-headed dog bit on the mask and made a squeaking sound, but the mask did not flash a few times. What other changes, instead, a few tentacles stretched out from the light shield and rolled toward Ass's three heads and limbs.

When Arthas saw this, he quickly retreated with a light mask on his forefoot, and then said to the huge frost worm lying in the middle of the cave, "Fatty white, work quickly. If we fail, you will not end well. Don't want to die. Just come and help."

After speaking, Arthas's three big mouths opened at the same time and spewed out red flames, green poisonous fog and blue ice rays.

At the same time, the huge ice worm in the cave also stood upright and quickly rushed towards Kenan. Don't look at the ice worm's huge body, but the speed is so fast, it came to Kenan in the blink of an eye, the huge mouth opened like a chrysanthemum, dripping mucus and biting towards Kenan.

Kenan didn't dare to be big when he saw it, and quickly dodged the attack from the two sides, walked to the back of Arthas, and kicked it up.

Assass was kicked out with a scream, and then smashed into the smooth crystal wall like a broken pillow, smashing the whole wall out of the dent of a three-headed dog. Arthas's entire dog was embedded in the wall.

When the white frost worm saw it, it rushed over like Kenan.

Kenan pulled away and hurriedly retreated, leaving the range of the Frost Worm's attack, then waved a huge Frost Blade, and the huge serrated flywheel rotated towards the Frost Worm. However, the serrated flywheel that even low-level witchcraft can easily cut through can't help the soft skin of the Frost Worm. It was like sawing some hard material, and the saw teeth were broken off several times, but the worm's skin was not affected at all.

At this time, the worm stood upright, and an inaudible sound spread in all directions, passing along the cave to every corner of Mount Arrett. Countless ice worms and ice ghouls began to come here.

"Yeah, why can't I start calling a helper? Now that I have already called a helper, then your role is Go to hell." After that, Kenan turned into a whole person. A cloud of black mist enveloped the ice worm, and part of the black mist also followed the ice worm's mouthparts into the ice worm's body.

The ice worm was like an iron fan princess who had eaten Monkey King at this time, rolling around in pain and wailing, but because its entire body was covered by black mist, it didn't even make a sound. .

As time passed, the wailing sound became weaker and weaker, and the ice worm's struggle gradually slowed down. Event that eventually ceased. The entire body of the ice worm was shrinking and shrivelling rapidly, and soon turned into a shriveled skin. It's like a snake sloughing off. However, after a while, even the shriveled skin turned into free energy in the black mist, and merged into the black mist.

"It turns out that this is the case. It is possible to mobilize all the ice worms and ice ghouls through this kind of mental fluctuation and imprint. If this is the case, then I will accept your family business." Said Kenan according to the ice. The way in the worm's memory sent out energy fluctuations, notifying all the ice worms and ice ghouls to hit here.

After sending the message, Kenan turned and looked at Arthas, who was still hanging on the wall, "It seems that we are about to settle down before this."

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