The Wolf of Douluo Walks the World

Chapter 101 Welcome to the Blue Silver Cave (4) (subscription, monthly pass)

You can search for "Douluo Wolf Xingtianxia Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Sitting on a high place and looking down at the human beings were killed by the soul, Li Liang's heart couldn't get any waves.

Compared with the serious wars waged by the soul beasts in the Burial Land to compete with humans for resources, the Star Dou Forest is already very friendly to humans.The soul beasts concentrate on fighting the soul beast, and very few like to hunt humans. On the contrary, the humans regard this as a holy place to obtain the spirit ring and hunt the soul beast frantically.

Among them, the strongest representative is Wuhundian.Whether it was the chrysanthemum and ghost attacking the blue silver cave, or ambushing the self who had just left the killing town, or the Six-winged birdman leading his brother to force himself off the cliff of death, the soul beast of the Star Dou Great Forest has never taken the initiative. Attack into the human town.

And now, the invader plays the aggressor between applause. Isn't this the best revenge drama?

"That woman wants to run away." He nodded to Ah Yin, Ah Yin knew it, and the "Blue Silver Domain" unfolded, and the Soul Saint level domain instantly spread from her side, greatly increasing the number of plants blocking the hole. Department of soul beast.

The breeze gently stroked Bibi Dong's cheeks, but she did not feel half-comfortable, because she could feel that the wind seemed to strengthen all the plants in front of her.

Eight sharp spider spears were cut off, and the roots on the surface were cut off easily, but the plants quickly grew out again, visible to the naked eye.

"The spring breeze is blowing again." Ah Yin's "Blue Silver Domain" gave these plants the best growth effect and significantly enhanced their recovery ability. She transformed her soul power into the vitality of plants, and she continued to grow.

Not far away, a group of subordinates were desperately entangled with a powerful soul beast that they had never seen before, and the elegant chrysanthemum in Yueguan's hand was also smashed by the Titan Great Ape, and they all persisted.

"My first Martial Spirit is more inclined to control, while the second Martial Spirit is more aggressive. Only by opening the passage here can there be a glimmer of life." Bibi Dong thought like this, and the man's face appeared again. In her mind, "This kind of spirit ability configuration is still his suggestion. If I die, Xiao Gang, would you miss me?"

She abandoned all distracting thoughts and instantly switched her martial soul to the second form, Soul Eater Spider King.The originally purple-black spider legs retracted, and three pairs of dark-green spider legs stretched out, and seven terrifying black, black, black and black spirit rings rose.

Li Liang looked at her transformation and was very surprised, "It is actually a twin martial soul!"

He has seen records in books that there once appeared a twin martial spirit owner on the mainland, but the double spirit ring load was too large, his physique was not enough to bear, and he did not die in the hands of the spirit beast in the end. Died in the process of absorbing the spirit ring.

"This woman is actually the legendary twin martial soul, and it seems to be developing very smoothly."

When he saw the book records at the time, his first thought was that the person was too stupid and would not use it with such unique conditions.If he cultivates a martial soul first, as his spirit power increases, his physical fitness will greatly increase. At that time, if he puts on a second martial soul with a longer life spirit ring, wouldn't it be a complete mess?

Unexpectedly, her sudden whim would be perfectly realized by this woman, and all her second martial spirit had absorbed were ten thousand year spirit rings.

The seventh spirit ring was beating, and the real body of "Soul Devourer Spider King" was activated.A huge dark green spider phantom appeared behind her, and a bleak green haze filled her surroundings.

Without any pause, after the spirit body descended and she greatly amplified herself, she immediately used the sixth spirit ability "Eternal Creation".

The spider emperor ghost lifted up the huge spider legs, and cut out a huge green fork-shaped ripple diagonally. With a thud, the plants at the entrance of the cave were exploded, leaving a huge cavity.Fate book

"Eternal Creation", Bibi Dong's most powerful single attack technique, physical defense is invalid, energy defense is reduced by 50%, once it hits, the wound will spread, and it can only be resisted by spirit power.

Caught off guard, Ah Yin's spirit power instantly dropped drastically, although it hadn't reached the point where the oil lamp was exhausted, it was also shocking.

"It's really unexpected!" Li Liang couldn't help sighing. This woman absolutely can't stay. Her talent is too terrifying. If she can go back alive and cultivate to the realm of Title Douluo, then her second spirit will remain. With two spirit rings, one hundred thousand year spirit beasts would definitely be selected, which would be a catastrophe for spirit beasts.

With the high-intensity use of spirit abilities just now, Bibi Dong's spirit power was already less than 40% at this time, but she was so happy that she finally opened a passage and jumped out of the cage.

Suddenly, a vine attacked from under her feet and wanted to entangle her feet. She quickly cut it off with the spider spear behind her.

But after all, she was delayed. In an instant, more vines came to her. She had to cut off these vines, and at the opening of the hole just before her eyes, the plants recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon again. Cover the hole.

"How is it possible?" She couldn't believe it, "Eternal Creation" is a skill that is ineffective in physical defense, and can only be resisted by spirit power.There are only a lot of plants in the way, so how can so many soul powers resist the invasion of "Eternal Creation"?

It is a pity that she met Ah Yin, the emperor of plant soul beasts, the Blue Silver Emperor.

Her most powerful force is the countless blue silver grass in the blue silver cave.Countless blue silver grasses gathered power to their emperor, and Ah Yin's spirit power quickly recovered.

Without waiting for Li Liang's words, she took the initiative to attack, and the vines entangled Er Ming's body. As soon as she pulled, she quickly came to its shoulders, and then stretched out more vines to delay Bibi Dong's hands and feet.At the same time, the "Blue Silver Domain" unfolded, helping the plants at the entrance of the cave to recover quickly, cutting off Bibi Dong's hope of escape.

Yueguan saw that the woman on the throne also stood on the giant ape in front of him, and personally dragged Bibi Dong. Knowing that the critical time had come, he immediately turned on the martial spirit body of "Qirong Tongtianju", and the spirit body descended. His attributes and spirit power have been greatly improved.

Even though he is a Title Douluo, the spirit of Wuhun's true body is not as powerful as Bi Donghao, and her seventh spirit ring is probably approaching the 100,000-year limit.

Li Liang didn't put Yueguan in his eyes. Even at the level of the Battle of the Central Lake, Yueguan's strength might not be comparable to any of them, except for Chihiro Chi.

"Let Er Ming stop playing, really let that woman escape, what kind of face do we have." Li Liang said to Tuxian, she nodded, handed Xiao Wu to Li Liang, her own "teleshift" skill Started, came to Er Ming's shoulder, and passed the message to him.

He and Xiao Wu stared at them, the little guy who was supposed to be afraid of him, but with a look of excitement, they pointed to the fierce battle below, "I-want-Kang-Da-home."

Li Liang smiled bitterly, lifted her up and sat upright, "I like fighting since I was a child, and I still have it when I grow up? Why didn't you learn the gentleness of your'mother'?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu glanced at him bitterly.

But his attention was focused on the battle in the distance, and he didn't notice the little guy's dissatisfaction.

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