The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1316: Klad’s actions

In the case of limited belief, a highly consuming magical technique such as the ‘trial’ mode that sustains the consumption of faith is obviously not free to perform.

Waving the holy sword in his hand, flapping the six-winged Shalier, his eyes continued to sweep on the battlefield.

Did not see a certain inconvenience, let him feel a lot better.

But at the same time, the previous horrible ‘melling confusing star’ made him have to face up to the enemy in front of him.

Obviously, this opponent is not as weak as he had originally expected.

The sharp holy sword tears open the body of the giant eagle knight, and even in the absence of the blessing of the holy flame, the ordinary giant eagle knight is basically impossible to be his opponent.

After a while, he has already smashed three enemy soldiers.

The situation here is undoubtedly causing Clark's note.

"That guy, the big school..."

Biting his teeth, Clark’s heart was angry, but the fact that he had to accept was that he was only able to fight against the guy with six wings.

"Bol, Kasik!"

Between the thoughts and flies, Clark directly called his two companions.

As soldiers who were enlisted in the same period, the three people are naturally clear about each other's strengths. At the same time, they are far more tacit than the average comrades.

Do not need too much communication, a simple look, an action, Bor and Kasik already understand Clark's meaning.

At this moment, the three fast eagle squadrons directly launched the tactics of the squad, and at the same time attacked the Sharier flying in the air!

At the same time, on the land battlefield, the giant horned dragon lizard Cook opened the road, rushing along the gunfire, directly triggering the enemy to place a large number of mines along the way, clearing a path for the main force of the rear.

Far from seeing the figure of the giant horned dragon lizard, the huge size of the hills brought great pressure to the Euro bus soldiers.

The chief commander of the artillery unit saw the situation and quickly signaled that some of the cannons had switched to armor-piercing rounds, and set fire to attack the giant-horned dragon lizard, trying to block his charge.

The advantage of distance, at this moment by the Europa army to the extreme, this is only in the open plain battlefield can play.

At this moment, the incarnation of the giant eagle, flying in the air, Captain Clad is secretly anxious.

Between the thoughts and the flight, it seems that some kind of determination has been made. I saw that he quickly handed over the task to the other two elves, Druid, and he himself began to raise the flying height.

The wide eagle wings continually flapped, and the amazing speed of flight allowed him to fly quickly to the height of several kilometers.

After a round trip, carefully avoiding the two air forces who are fighting, Captain Clade cuts the hot air balloon from the sky behind the enemy position!

The elf Druid, which can be said to have been in a hidden state, has never been exposed. At this moment, this has become his greatest advantage.

No one found his presence. Klad went up all the way with trepidation. Then, after lowering the flying height, the talons were torn apart. Even if the material of the hot air balloon was tough, they could not match the sharp claws of the elf Druid. .

In the screams and exclamations, the hot air balloon that was torn open with a huge mouth began to crash.

And that is the hand, let his existence completely exposed! At that time, two Tianyi species, who were closer together, waved the holy sword on the spot to catch up!

Clade did not dare to stop, in the mouth of the eagle, directly spit out a gale bomb, and quickly launched the evacuation.

The elf Druid with the Eagle Spirit is faster than the normal Falcon. After all, their existence is similar to that of Warcraft. After the deformation, the strength of the Eagle spirit is further improved. Strengthening!

A whole speed has risen to the extreme in the blink of an eye. However, the two Tianyi species that are chasing behind are also stubborn enough, and they are always chasing him all the way.

Although the distance is constantly being opened, it is not an easy task to completely open the two guys.

Between the thoughts flying, in the eyes of Klad's eagle, a sharp color flashed quickly.

In the next second, I saw him slamming back. The wide eagle wing was flapping at the same time, above the sky, the air with the elements of the wind rushed, two tyrannical wind pressure, directly heading towards The two Tianyi species who struggled to catch up later hit it.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, so that the two Tianyi species could not react at all, and they were almost hit by the wind.

For the flying unit that is in high-speed flight, the most taboo thing is tantamount to the destruction of the balance.

And these two Tianyi species, what they have to face at the moment, is undoubtedly this situation.

While realizing ‘bad’, at the same time, as a regular army's professional literacy, they instinctively quickly receded, and in the process of retreating, they tried hard to get back the balance of the body.

In the face of this situation, Klad, who has a good hit, is naturally going to chase after victory.

Between the speed bursts, the sharp talons directly tear the air to attack one of the Tianyi species.

The Tianyi planted this fashion and was still calm. The eagle claws that had been attacked quickly smashed into the shield built by God Bless. Obviously, this is his emboldened spirit. How can I help him block the next shot.

However, in the next second, with the sound of a broken glass, the face of the Tianyi species changed, and along with another Tianyi species next to it, the face was also amazed.

It has been said before that the system of magic and the spells are completely different. They have no obvious order division, and they pay attention to the lineage, and the intensity of the magical technique depends on the power of faith.

After losing the support of the prayers, the strength of the winged army's gods is naturally inevitable.

The elf Druid, who has used the deformation technique, has its own existence similar to that of Warcraft. Klad’s attack is much stronger than the normal talon attack!

Under the attack, the shield of God's blessing shattered on the spot, and the sharply changing Tianyi kindly wanted to throw a sword, but the unbalanced body made his movements to the extreme.

Between the electric and the flint, he only felt a pain in his throat. The gale from the Klad eagle blew his fragile throat directly!

The blood-splattered body fell directly from the air. During this period, another Tianyi species that managed to restore balance quickly entered the ‘trial’ mode at the same time as a shock!

The incandescent flame is burning on the blade, and at this moment, his appearance is completely enemies.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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