The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1344: Grain reserve

Turning over the spare tires brought by the enemy transport troops, they are vigilant. After the tires have been replaced by the transport trucks, the three cavalry teams with dozens of enemy materials can be said to be a big win.

At the same time, after receiving the telegraph message from the back and reminding them to prepare to receive the supplies, they have not been able to wait until the Europa border guards of the transport unit, and they have already raised an ominous premonition.

And quickly dispatched troops to confirm the next morning.

Finally, I confirmed that a large number of bodies were found around the road 130 kilometers away from their border fortress...

At this moment, the logistics supply was cut off, and the loss of **** troops was completely implemented.

In the face of this established fact, the border keeper is obviously unable to change anything, and only the communications force will send this bad news to the rear command.

In this regard, the rear command is naturally in anger, the looting of materials, the annihilation of 10,000 troops, plus the loss of dozens of transport trucks, this has been said to be disastrous.

But what about them?

Can this border material not be delivered?

Obviously not.

"Go, prepare a batch of supplies."

"But the Chief of Staff, this time, the food may not be prepared."

The Chief of Staff of the Command, who heard this, was shocked and then quickly asked...

"What happened? Why can't you prepare for it?!"

"Reporting the chief of staff, in the past few years, the emperor led the army to expedite and transferred a large amount of food. Now, within the empire, there is basically no more food left."

"This kind of thing, why didn't you report it before?!"

"Report, report chief of staff! For this matter, there have been reports written under it!"

After that, probably to prove his own words, the subordinate officer also quite simply turned over the previous report.

At the bottom of the report is a stamp of the headquarters of their headquarters, which proves that the report has been reviewed.

In this case, the chief of staff was slightly stunned.

However, at this moment, it is also a matter of unavoidable.

The line of sight swiftly swept through the report, which is indeed a report about the rest of the grain within their empire.

At the same time, according to the report, if this wave of food has not been robbed, then their empire’s grain reserves should be stuck in a 'just enough' situation, because in the next three months, it is the autumn harvest. At that time, new food can be harvested again.

Now, the situation of 'just enough' is broken!

Now that the food at the border fortress is saved, it should be able to last another month, but after one month?

During the period when the grain harvest in the autumn harvest came, how did the defenders of the Dongjing Fortress survive?

In just a few months, in the eyes of them now, it is almost terrible!

That is tens of thousands of mouths, not just a few dozens of pounds of food can be fixed.

As the highest commander of the current rear command, he must now make a determination.

Looking at the chief of staff who was caught in a deep entanglement, another officer next to him, for a moment, the look is complicated.

After hesitating again and again, he finally chose to speak...

"Chief of staff, I am here, I just heard a message."

"What news? There is something to say!"

At this time, the chief of staff who was annoyed at the moment was directly impatient and said.

In response, the officer said slowly after organizing the language...

"In recent years, the grain output of our empire has been affected by the climate here, and it has been declining. This year, the impact seems to be more serious than in previous years..."

The chief of staff who heard this, a whole heart was on the spot.

“You mean, this year's food production may be very low?”

In this regard, the officer is also a smile.

"Basic is basically right."

The chief of staff who got this answer, could not help but make an action to reach out.

This situation is simply terrible!

At the same time, it is even more difficult for him to make that decision.

In this era, a powerful empire, they can smash ammunition, smash weapons, and directly squat for decades, as long as those weapons and ammunition are not behind, they can continue to use.

Can it be food? Can you pick up food for decades?

The answer is impossible.

But even so, the grain reserves of their empire were originally very strong.

Now, the reason why this kind of bad situation is faced, in the final analysis, is because of the agreement between Robert Smith and Raymond Sossi.

The corps of the orc army can be said to have largely consumed the rations of their empire.

Although after the battle was stalemate, Robert Smith took the initiative to look for Raymond Sossi to discuss, and said that he could only provide a part of the food for the orc army.

But at that time, his food reserves actually consumed more than half.

Coupled with his territorial position, influenced by the climate of the bitter cold, food production has also gradually declined over the past few years.

The combination of various factors has evolved into a bad situation.

Now Robert Smith, the 'big man' is not in the This difficult decision can only be handed over to his chief of staff.

He had no choice but to see the chief of staff sighing in a deep, dignified tone.

“Transfer and go to the grain shop across the country to collect food!”


It seems like a simple order, but the things that are involved later are big.

A wave of rising food prices is almost inevitable.

And the fact is true.

Almost at the height of their empire's high-level orders, the day when the grain began to be collected, the first wave of price increases appeared in the prices of shops in various places.

And the second wave of price increases is after five days...

And tripled after half a month!

The price of food has risen, and the price of other things has started to rise.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, within the empire, the grievances of ordinary people have begun to accumulate little by little. Some low-income groups are basically entering a situation where they cannot afford to buy food.

This situation, which lasted until the autumn harvest of a few months, did not get any slight improvement.

Because this year's grain harvest is really bleak, this has led to the fact that there is no need to cut prices at all.

There is not even a price increase. For many civilians, it is already thankful.

In the empire, the whole situation can be said to continue to deteriorate. The next winter, for many people, will be a nightmare.

Of course, these are all words...

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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