Originally, Zhou Yi planned to spend a few more hours. After the enthusiasm of the other party’s Tianyi plant’s beliefs was exhausted, Jizichuan was invited to do so.

After all, before that, they still had to defend against some air strikes from the Tianyi species.

However, even he did not think that this Tianyi plant was actually withdrawn. This really surprised him. Obviously, this support army did not mean to fight for Charlie Crombel to the end.

In this case, the cards of their army in the south can naturally be played out in advance.

The earthen staff in the hand lifted slightly, and at this moment, the difficult and incomprehensible mantras were being sent out from the mouth of the meson.

During the spell sing, Zhou Yi was quite simple to signal the Master's troops to shoot, which is obviously to cover the mezzanine that was cast for the rear.

But in any case, the execution of the Master's troops is obviously to raise the level of firepower output of the South Army.

At this moment, in the face of such violent fire suppression, the defender of Kunkburg is about to be overwhelmed.

As a resident general, Kaz Passi felt a bit of a slap in the face, but at the same time he was helpless and could only send troops to the top.

After all, in now Kunkburg, in addition to the strength of the force, Kaz Passi really can not find other advantages.

The Mage's troops, each round of spell attacks are spaced, which is a valuable breathing time for the Campbell's garrison.

Kazpasi smacked his scalp and mobilized his troops, thinking about how to change the situation at the moment.

However, what he didn't know at this time was that a huge crisis for Kunkburg was ready to go!

The long and whispering curse did not affect the state of the meson, and with the progress of the cast, the earth elements around the body of the meson were madly condensed, almost reaching an exaggerated point of the naked eye!

Zhou Yi, who confirmed the situation, was rushing to send a signal bullet. The soldiers in the south of the battlefield in front of the battlefield were evacuated at this moment.

This sudden situation made Kazpasi feel a little confused, and then, before he thought about it, the unexpected situation far beyond his imagination had already happened.

I saw that Ichikawa, who had finished the curse, sang on the ground with the end of the earthen staff's ‘笃’.

The next second, an amazing scene happened!

I saw the ground that was struck by the end of the staff, and with a soft bang, it bursted quickly.

Of course, this is just a beginning.

In the blink of an eye, a whole crack spread out dozens of meters away, spreading all the way to the outer trenches of Kunkburg in the distance, and at the same time, the width of the cracks became larger and larger.

Earthquakes, geological changes! At the moment when it touched the trenches outside the Kunkburg, with a loud bang, a whole fortification, the huge crack that spread out of this road was completely cracked! Even the whole area at that time was falling down! !

"The ground and the ground are cracked?!"

"Run, everyone runs!"

"Hell! What the **** is this?!"

"Save me, who will save me!? I am under pressure!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Screams, screams, and a full battle of the mountains and forests.

At this moment, even the soldiers of the South Army could not help but take a breath of air.

This method of recording, directly destroying the enemy's strong defense line is terrible!

"The fourth-order mid-range spell of the soil system is more powerful than I thought?"

Standing in the back, Gao Wen secretly screamed, watching Mei Zichuan's eyes change and change.

After a fourth-order mid-range spell has been cast, it is OK to slowly exhale a long-lasting meson-like state. After all, this spell is inherently within the capabilities of the middle-level wizard, although it is expensive, it is not too Let him mana overdraft.

Seeing the opportunity of the completion of a splitting technique, Zhou Yi, who quickly returned to God, quickly ordered...

"All the troops charge! Take the enemy!!"

A wave of skills was directly brushed up, and the Shenfeng Predator Force led by Lombard was the vanguard. The long-awaited army of the Southland had a pressure.

This kind of ground fission of Jizichuan, although it did not cause huge damage to the enemy stationed troops, but the whole peripheral warfare has completely collapsed, and the morale of the Europa army has been devastated.

When Lombard’s big sword was waved several times, there was no effort at all, and it was easy to capture a whole trench area.

At this moment, a large number of Euro bus soldiers are retreating towards Kunkburg in the rear.

Lombard is also absolutely unambiguous, and directly led the troops to pursue the pursuit.

As a senior army of the prairie elves, after the closeness, these ordinary infantry of Europa could not be their opponents at all, and they went straight into the road like this!

Immediately afterwards, Lombard quickly discovered that the strength of the Kunkburg was indeed sufficient. He rushed with the Kamikaze Predator troops all the way to ~www.ltnovel.com~ plus the fire cover of the rear Terran infantry, The enemy soldiers who have been solved along the way are also quite a few, but the number of people who have seen this past is completely reduced.

However, the morale of the plunge has already caused these soldiers to basically lose their war.

In the face of such a battle, even if it is Kaz Passi, it is impossible to stabilize the situation.

In the end, the only thing he could do was to quickly evacuate with his troops.

However, according to Zhou Yi’s mind, how can this be not the case?

The Kunkburg garrison, the forefoot just detached from the rear of the fortress, and the rear foot was bombarded by the eagle eagle and the giant eagle knight.

After the withdrawal of the Winged Army, the air force led by Calgan quickly received a follow-up order from Zhou Yi.

That is, while guarding the Winged Legion that may be returned, move to the rear of Kunkburg and be ready to intercept the escaped Eurobus soldiers!

A round of aerial bombardment can be said to have caused them to hit tons of damage.

But this is not over. As a cavalry unit with flexible mobility in the mountainous terrain, the lizard cavalry unit led by Bakas appeared on the retreat of the Europa army without any accident.

However, due to the restrictions of the woodland environment, the weapons in the hands of lizards have been directly replaced with sharp swords.

At the same time that the air force completed a bombing, the lizard riflemen went straight into the mad state, and then exploded, and launched a merciless slaughter toward the fleeing Europa bus soldiers!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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