The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1363: Robert Smith's expectations

Over the desert, three beasts, including Ysera, launched a fierce battle.

In the past few years, Ysera, who has experienced a lot of battles, has achieved a marked improvement in melee strength. Nowadays, in the face of a dozen and two situations, it is also firmly in the upper hand.

At the same time, the Griffin Knights and the Pterosaur Riders who followed closely joined the battlefield quickly.

The old rules, a sufficient number of pterosaur riders, directly on the Eagles.

From the Beishan Fortress to here, these two units are also considered to be old rivals.

The same arms unit of the Orc family, the pterosaur rider of the lizard family is stronger than the average eagle soldier.

However, the Eagles have a significant number of advantages.

In this way, the two units are fighting together, and for a time and a half, I am afraid it is difficult to separate the winners and losers.

As a senior unit of the Elven civilization, the combat power of the Griffin Knight can be said to be unquestionable.

Under the leadership of Teller, each of the Griffin Knights directly locked the Orc troops below and launched a strong cull!

As a creature full of magical colors, the Griffin possesses the lion's body and claws, the eagle's head and wings, but in fact, its size is two times larger than the ordinary male lion. Physical fitness is even more tyrannical.

Even the fierce orcs, in the face of the fierce beast, the face is also difficult to hide the heart.

A simple culling, or a collision, biting action, for them, may be a fatal attack!

At the same time, the Grey Elf Knight riding on the back of the Griffin will also cooperate with the Griffin to launch an attack. The unique fighting style has greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the Griffin Knight.

The addition of the Gryphon Knights has undoubtedly had a significant impact on an entire ground war.

It must be said that the individual strength of the gryphon knight is extremely strong, and it is not unreasonable for the special arms of both air and land.

They can rush into the enemy army without any fear, and when they want to evacuate, they can fly away with their wings, and basically do not need to worry about being trapped in the enemy.

Even with this advantage, even the five iron beasts that ordinary people can't avoid, they can step on a few feet. Of course, there is basically no harm, that is another matter.

The arrival of the Wanqing Civilization Air Force caused a strong sense of crisis in the mind of Raymond Sossi.

This sense of crisis is mainly from the Elven Dragon Ysera.

Otherwise, here is his home court, supported by the pterosaur rider and the Griffin Knight, according to the strength of his orc army, really do not need to be jealous.

But Ysera, as a super-strategic strategic arm, is a huge threat to him all the time!

In particular, the horror of the horror as a strategy and a blow has made him jealous.

The price paid in the previous battles is enough to make him die to death, and it is really impossible to eat again.

With such thoughts, Raymond Sosie’s heart has already raised a strong retreat.

Before the Fortress in Beishan, he relied on the four giant eagle to reluctantly compete with Iserra. Now there are only two giant eagle in his hand, so he can't beat each other.

And the fact is true. The two giant eagle in his air have been in a state of passive beating since the beginning.

It’s not a rare thing to fight this way and fold one more.

Thinking of this, Raymond Sossi ordered a decisive release.

In order to avoid being chased by Ysera in the process of evacuation, Raymond Sossi signaled that the air force temporarily entangled the opposite side so that the ground forces could be evacuated first.

This approach is undoubtedly useful.

After waiting for the ground forces to withdraw, the two giant eaglees who received the signal patted their wings and fled at full speed in the other direction.

In order to support this side of the battle, the air force of the Wanjie civilization, just before the long journey, has consumed a lot of physical strength, it is not suitable for the pursuit of consumption, now the other side wants to escape, Zhang William did not Let Ysera continue to pursue.

At the same time, on the other side, Raymond Sossi, who was temporarily evacuated with the army, could be said to have contacted Robert Smith for the first time.

Because of the previous things, Robert Smith still owed him a batch of arms.

However, this time, Raymond Sossi did not come to collect debts, but directly indicated that Robert Smith replaced some of the remaining arms with anti-aircraft guns and corresponding shells.

Obviously, Raymond Sossi’s own heart is also very clear. This wave, facing the top-level air unit of Ysera, is based on the two giant eagle in his hand. He has no odds and wants to win. He needs to be stronger, but also more airpower!

The anti-aircraft guns made by human civilization can be said to be a good choice. After all, according to previous experience, the dragon's defense ability does not seem to be strong.

At the time, Robert Smith, who was in the Imperial City, was found to be in the heart of Raymond Sousse's orc civilization, and it was inevitable that he would rise up in the heart.

Although he has a large number of weapons in the air within his empire, it is a dragon! Almost on the site where he ran, whoever had to pay a painful price.

Now appearing on the side of the orc civilization of Raymond Sossi, it shows that he is temporarily safe.

To be honest, this made him greatly relieved.

However, even so, Robert Smith did not intend to sit and watch the movie.

If Raymond Sossi can kill the dragon, it is a great thing for him.

After all, once Raymond Sossi is finished, the next one is estimated to be his turn...

Therefore, in the face of this wave of requests from the other side, Robert Smith not only promised, but even quite proudly gave Raymond Sossi 100 anti-aircraft guns, plus 100,000 shells!

What is this munition for him? He is more! Just be clear inventory.

At the same time, he also sent a team of artillery to teach the orc soldiers how to use anti-aircraft guns.

Even in the face of this monster-level opponent, he also hopes that Raymond Sossi can come up with a powerful card to reverse the situation.

Obviously, Robert Smith has already pinned the hope of killing Ysera on Raymond Sossi's body. He only hopes that the other party will not let down his expectations.

In this way, under the constant action of the various forces, Robert Smith’s time in the letter of help was quietly...

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