The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1375: Their respective abacus

From the next quarter, the temporary suspension of the construction of the Yangtze River project, together with the reduction of the construction cost of the Great Wall construction project, allowed Luo Ji to successfully withdraw a considerable amount of funds.

After that, Luo Ji found a time, will be the three pillars of the Ordnance Research Department, Ye Hao, Jiang Zhan and Bart Wildhammer all called over.

According to their three talents in the field of ordnance, the design drawings of the goblin steam armor are taken out, and the three talents have seen a few eyes, and they have clearly realized the power and precision of this weapon!

For people like them, this design is simply too precious.

Among them, Jiang Zhan, who is a goblin, is most excited. The most good thing about his family is to develop such sophisticated instruments.

The leafhopper on the side is also looking at the two eyes, while the main attention of Bart Wildhammer is concentrated on the weapons equipment of the Goblin steam mech.

For these three people, Luo Ji almost showed his patience with twelve ~ ~ very much.

After the three people finished reading the thick stack of design drawings, Luo Ji asked this unhurried opening...

"How? Can you make sure you can do it?"

In the face of this problem, the answer at this time is Jiang Zhan as the deputy minister.

After all, this is the special equipment of their goblin family, and it is also the field he is best at, so he is naturally the most disciple of the three.

“Reviewing, from the design drawing alone, there are many technical difficulties here, but...”

Having said that, Jiang Zhan pondered for a while and then spoke again...

"However, it is not a kind of difficulty that cannot be overcome at all. Wei Chen has already had several preliminary ideas in his mind, and this design drawing can be said to be an abnormal detail, which can definitely improve the efficiency of the research and development of the mech. The success rate, as for the specific results, has to wait until after you have done it."

For this answer, Luo Ji is still satisfied, at least let him feel quite hopeful.

"Well, you can slowly prepare for it first. What kind of people are needed, even if you open your mouth, I will let you adjust the matter. As for the research funding, the Ministry of Finance will set it down from the next quarter."

"Thank you for your majesty! We will never let down your expectations!"

After the sounding, the three men, Ye Hao, Jiang Zhan and Bart Wildhammer, could not wait to go back and continue to study the design.

In this regard, Luo Ji does not leave them much, everyone's time is very precious, and after that, he has other things to be busy.

The vacated funds, the research and development project of the goblin steam mech, undoubtedly accounted for the bulk, but not all.

At the remaining point, Luo Ji confirmed the proportion and transferred it to the Science and Technology Institute and the Ministry of Agriculture.

After all, his wave opened out of the box, and there was an additional 'radar' R&D project on the Science and Technology Institute. On the other side of the farming department, people had to be transferred to study the cultivation and cultivation of hybrid rice.

During this period, every expenditure and transfer of all funds will be subject to dual supervision by the Ministry of Finance and the Department of Der Spiegel. All of the sums must be recorded and registered.

In fact, it has always been done before.

However, after the previous corruption case, this piece was even stricter, and the Mirror Division naturally stared even harder.

At the same time, on the other hand, as the season officially entered the winter, Luo Ji’s reply was sent to the big eater and the Raksha player on the same continent.

After reading the reply in his hand, holding the keyly marked map, as one of the players in the silver section of the Rakshasa Iron Wing Club, the body is called the face of Ivan Vladimir. Looks a bit, it seems a bit meaningful.

Although he looks like a well-developed, simple-minded character, but can mix in this position, the mind is simple and easy to go where?

The other party refused his offer on the grounds that he needed to rest.

Opposing the minds of the players in the sky, he can say that it is very clear. The other party estimates that they want to fight with the group of Europa people, while they are standing next to the theater.

For this, Luo Ji did not have to hide it, anyway, this meaning can not be hidden, as long as the other party is not stupid, it should be able to think of it.

It turns out that this is indeed the case. Ivan Vladimir did not feel much surprised about this because he was replaced by him and he would do the same.

However, the Tian Dynasty people apparently miscalculated their strength.

Although from the perspective of an entire player group, the Europa player group and the Tianchao player group are indeed more than the players in other countries.

However, a single player who competes for strength, and also as an old player in the silver position, Ivan Vladimir does not feel that his strength will be weaker than Europa players.

Moreover, the other party may not know that on this continent, the player camps that appear are not only the four of them...

In addition to the Celestial players, Europa players, Raksha players and big food players, there is also a player from the Daqin camp on the north side of this continent, that is, Etius Franke from the Imperial League!

Now look at the pattern of this Luo Ji, who was previously beaten by three Europa players, his Wanxiang civilization has undoubtedly appeared in the central area of ​​this continent.

Through the ‘Friendly’ reminder of Luo Ji, Ivan Vladimir has confirmed that Raymond Sossi and Robert Smith are in the north.

Under this premise, he himself and another big eater have occupied two areas of things.

Now let them simply do a rule of exclusion, Charlie Clembel is not in the north, not in the west, and no longer in the east, it will only be in the south...

According to that position, it is impossible for Charlie Crombel to support Raymond Sossi and Robert Smith even if there is a territory in the middle of the player.

Although the other party clearly stated that they want to watch the movie, considering the geographical location, the reality is that the other party has to help them block Charlie Clembel.

Thinking of this, Ivan Vladimir's mood, the accident has become a bit better.

After all, no one likes to fight with the enemy when they are killed, but there is a **** next to the water, although the **** may not be their friendly, but this situation is unpleasant.

In the meantime, it is really a happy thing to be able to do something for Luo.

However, Ivan Vladimir will certainly not think that Charlie Clembel was already finished in the summer of a few months ago, and he was forced to commit suicide by gun after he was forced to the end of the road...

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and .asxs. Chinese network genuine!)

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