The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1377: Small mouth opened

Turning over the latest reports sent over the southern side of the country, Luo Ji is now sorting out his thoughts without hesitation, and has laid a blank sheet of paper next to him, one by one, writing his own follow-up plan.

After all, at this moment, he is a bit more. If these plans are not written down, he is likely to turn around and forget when he is busy, or it is chaotic.

Maintaining busy daily work, the season is inadvertently rotated.

This winter, this continent can be said to be an unexpected peace.

It doesn't need to be said, but Robert Smith and Raymond Sossi, but they don't want peace.

According to the information sent back from the Elf Druid and the Mirror Division.

In those two or three months, a small-scale famine broke out in the empire of Robert Smith.

It is naturally one of the reasons why the city in the east has recovered and increased his food burden.

However, the degree of famine is not serious, it is within the control of Robert Smith, so there is no big trouble.

However, according to the current situation, the next year's grain output will not be lifted. Once the war is fought, the opposite day may not be easy.

Now, Robert Smith, for this problem, is about to cut off the intestines.

Nowadays, the farmland area is being greatly increased, trying to increase the grain output this At the same time, the Western Border Army and the Dongjing Legion of the Wanjie Civilization were officially withdrawn, so that they received the report. I was greatly relieved, and this time, I was able to feel at ease.

After that, the detailed reports of the two legions were quickly sent to him.

For the officers and men of the army, it is inevitable that they will be rewarded.

Among them, the Yangtze River Fleet is worth mentioning.

Due to the improper command of Tong Lei, in a situation where they should have taken the absolute advantage, the battleship of the Yangtze River Fleet was seriously damaged. The main battleship of the 006 was directly sunk by the enemy. Said to be heavy.

However, considering that he stabilized the battle in time, and attacked the Imperial Navy port, it was the credit for the victory in the South Sea.

Luo Jiluo pondered, it is considered that he has achieved success.

In addition, as the highest officer of their 10,000-abandoned naval force, the expedition, the navy's Yuan Xie completely destroyed the enemy's fleet in the middle, and later swept the coastal cities to support the battlefield of Manning City. It can be said that it is a battle.

Therefore, through this wave of opportunities, Luo Ji also promoted him to the Rear Admiral.

To a certain extent, Yuan Xi is probably the youngest major general in his history of Wannian civilization!

In this regard, Guo Jia, who received the news later, is also amazed.

When they thought about it, they fell down in the military academy. At a glance, Yuan Xi, who was only in his early thirties, said that this child is a personal talent, so that he can cultivate it well and he will become a big tool in the future.

Now it seems that what is said is not empty! For this eyesight of their majesty, he had to take it.

Now that I am back to the topic, considering the site and the situation, Luo Ji decided to establish a second sea fleet after a series of discussions with Guo Jia.

Because according to the current position, his sea battlefield is already divided into two.

One piece is on the Yangtze River side, and the other is the South China Sea outside the Empire.

The distance between the two seas is too far, and a fleet is definitely not able to cope.

In this way, after the deliberation, the second fleet of his Wanxiang civilization, the South China Sea Fleet was formally established.

As for the commander-in-chief of the South China Sea Fleet, there is no doubt that Yuan Xi, who has just been promoted to Major General.

Compared with the Yangtze River, the sea area of ​​the South China Sea is absolutely inevitable in the future. There is no place to place a strong talent there. Luo Zhen is really unable to feel at ease.

On the other side of the Yangtze River, in general, only patrol, alert and defensive tasks are required.

Even if there is a sudden situation, behind the Yangtze River Fortress, there can be a care.

Compared with the South China Sea Fleet, which may have to fight with enemy at sea, the pressure on the Yangtze River Fleet is undoubtedly much smaller.

As a good-natured talent, Tong Lei, coupled with his own rich experience, should be more than enough to deal with the Yangtze River.

The appointment letter was sent quickly. After receiving the appointment letter, Tong Lei began to return to the Yangtze River with the battleship of the Yangtze River and part of the destroyer.

On the other hand, with the largest shipyard on the empire's coast, Luoji provided technology and capital, and with the manpower and funds in place, the production efficiency of Wanjie civilization was once again demonstrated.

It took only about a year to complete the battleship that was built with the cutting-edge technology of the current era.

This battleship, Luo Ji designated it as the main flagship of the South China Sea Fleet, and personally named it, Weiyuan! There is Weijia Hai, the meaning of the Quartet!

At the same time, on the side of the city of Der Spiegel, staring at the huge development panel in front of him, and the large-scale development project, the look of Luo’s face at this time is extremely serious.

"This? Is this still?"

In the opposite of the two projects above, after a long period of entanglement, took a deep breath of Luo series, directly turned his head and looked at Ye Qingyi sitting next to him.

"I still don't think Qingyi, you choose one."

Faced with this problem, Ye Qingying sitting next to him, his face flashed a wordless.

"I don't understand this panel."

"Nothing, you choose whatever you want, I believe in you."

During the speech, Luo Ji Lisuo raised a thumb.

In this regard, Ye Qingyi stunned his head and then said something uncertain...

"Then, this one on the left?"

"Good! Then this one on the left!"

Talk, Luo series directly hand a little.

Later, as the pre-requirement of the project level was reached, the black mist that enveloped the new project suddenly spread out.

At this moment, the whole state of Luo Ji is tight.

Nowadays, the number of orcs in his hand is already spent on Ji, and the situation is now, and in the short term, it seems that it is impossible to fight again.

In other words, if he adds this point because of mistakes in selection, he will probably not have enough points to unlock another branch within a few years.

"Please, please..."

At this moment, although it was lighted by his wife's small mouth, Luo Ji was still a little panicked, and closed his eyes, he did not dare to look at it.

"Clear, you give me a look, what is the new project unlocked?"

In this regard, Ye Qingyi is also unambiguous, and after taking a look at it, he slowly opened his mouth...

"Well, is it called... speeding regeneration?"


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