The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1385: Natural evolution

At the fingertips, Luo Ji directly opened the development panel of the orc civilization and confirmed it.

Such a branch panel of the orc family, in general, as long as the corresponding orc unit is received, it can be unlocked.

Of course, within the branch of the Eagles today, there is only one solitary ‘big wing war eagle’ icon.

Other than that, all the other areas are a fog.

Because in addition to the giant wing war eagle, so far, Luo Ji did not get any units of the Eagle family, the body is there, but the system apparently did not intend to judge the body.

After that, I didn’t wait for Luo Ji to think more. The eagle-headed eagle had already flew back with a wounded white-headed eagle.

The line of sight swiftly swept through the bald eagle, and you can fly back by yourself, which means that the injury is not heavy.

Under this premise, today's orc unit of his 10,000-world civilization has already blessed the project of super-speed regeneration. If you want to come to this injury, you should be able to recover it yourself in a short time.

But before that, this white-headed eagle seemed to have a little bit of a shelf, and it was clearly surrendered.

To this end, the glimpse of stopping at the side, unceremoniously issued a warning full of eagle.

The bald eagle who heard the sound, the whole body was obviously stiff.

Then, the huge body like a hill slowly fell in front of Luo Ji...

The complete return of the bald eagle is undoubtedly a happy thing, which means that there is one more card in his hand, and it is still an extremely precious air beast unit.

Special units like this, in the subsequent battles, as long as the application is appropriate, it is absolutely possible to achieve the effect of reversing the situation.

When it comes to the behemoth unit, Luo Ji naturally inevitably wants to think of the giant horned dragon lizard.

Previously, due to the fusion of elf civilization, the accident caused the giant horned lizard as an orc unit to begin to evolve, which also surprised the Luo series at that time.

Now count the time, the giant horned dragon lizard has been sleeping for some years, and I don't know how long it will take to wake up.

At the same time, this matter is also a reminder to Luo Ji.

Nowadays, the bald eagle has also become a behemoth unit of their universal civilization. If you accidentally sleep, you will sleep...


Two days later, looking at the huge scorpion in front of him, Luo Ji couldn't help but reach for his face.

"This is really..."

For a while, I don’t know what to say.

However, standing on the good side, this white-headed eagle has just returned to it. It is also a relatively stable way to let it sleep for a few years. At the same time, more importantly, after waiting for it to wake up, Luo Ji You can get a stronger giant Warcraft unit!

----split line----

"Mia's president, what is the strength of the current glory?"

The speed of the previous glimpses is so amazing that Luo is surprised. After that, naturally, it is inevitable to confirm it and check it for something.

In this matter, Mia, who has been studying glimpses in her early years, is undoubtedly the most vocal.

Now facing the problem of Luo Ji, I only listen to Mia’s faint opening...

"Returning to the squat, the total amount of the elements in the current body should be maintained at the level of the third-order Warcraft. However, the speed of the exaggeration is indeed too abnormal. It may be the dark thunder after the mutation. A certain degree of reinforcement, maybe more than ten or twenty years, it can be advanced for the fourth-order World of Warcraft."

The Luo series that heard this was clearly inspired.

At present, he has seen the highest-order Warcraft, which is the third-order Warcraft. The fourth-order Warcraft is really not seen at all.

At this time I heard Mia mention it, naturally it is necessary to ask for it.

"Mia's president, I have never seen the fourth-order Warcraft, what is the general strength?"

In those days, the third-order Ben Leibao, forced the wood elves to have to dispatch a whole army to carry out the siege, and suffered heavy casualties.

Under this premise, what is the strength of the fourth-order Warcraft? Luo Ji has been a bit unimaginable.

In this regard, Mia standing underneath is also frowning. Obviously, this problem is also a bit difficult for her.

"Unfortunately, His Majesty, Wei Chen has not seen the fourth-order World of Warcraft, the higher the level of Warcraft, the more rare the number. In general, the third-order World of Warcraft is already extremely rare, and the fourth-order Warcraft is even more It only appears in the records of some books of my Grey Elf family."

Having said that, Mia’s voice was obviously paused, and at the same time her face showed a trace of memories. It was obviously recalling the contents of the book, and then only listening to her opening the door again...

"According to the records in the book, the strength of the fourth-order Warcraft is probably at the level of the 'disaster'. Once it appears near a certain city, it will directly pose a huge threat to the city."

For this piece of content, Mia knows that it is limited, and asks no other things.

So after understanding a general, Luo Ji quite simply transferred the topic to another thing, that is, there is an evolution about Warcraft.

In the past, his glimpse and the original fire were evolved into World of Warcraft when they swallowed the magic nucleus, while the giant horned dragon lizard and the bald eagle were naturally evolved, if they could touch the law inside. Clearly, he may be able to make more powerful Warcraft units!

For this piece of research Mia is undoubtedly still in progress.

Now that Luo Ji asked, she also said quite simply...

"When the glimpse and the original fire were superior, but in the end, they are still within the category of 'ordinary animals', so if they want to evolve into Warcraft, they need a more powerful energy to stimulate them, and the magic core is Played this role."

"But the giant horned dragon lizard and the giant wing eagle are different. Their own existence is already super-specified. It has long been impossible to describe them as 'ordinary animals'. Even this kind of creature is not a World of Warcraft. It makes people feel strange."

"Under this premise, once a certain boundary is broken, their own existence can quickly be promoted to another higher level."

In the face of this statement, after a period of digestion, Luo Ji quickly clears his thoughts.

The boundary mentioned in Mia's mouth is probably the fusion of elf civilization.

The orc family's behemoth, in the orc civilization, the giant beast is originally the super-standard top unit, its own combat power, has already reached a limit, but because of the orc civilization characteristics, they are impossible to evolve into Warcraft of.

The special project ‘civilization integration’ of Luo Jiwan’s civilization has broken this restriction.

Under this premise, the orc civilization that has been integrated with the Wanjie civilization has long been affected by the characteristics of the elf civilization that has been merged in the future.

The behemoth that has reached the limit state, once the restriction is lifted, will soon begin to evolve naturally!

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