The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1388: New type of hyperthyroidism

As the night darkens, the lights inside the mansion are gradually extinguished. A figure wearing a black tights quickly moves through the night. His light steps, stepping on the aisle of the corridor, but basically no sound, maintaining quite The efficiency is close to the study of the owner of this mansion.

Quickly confirming at a glance, the figure carefully placed his hand on the door lock handle of the study, and slowly applied the force, so that the handle of the door lock began to slowly rotate, and then the 'snap' sounded softly. Let him clearly realize that the door of this study was locked.

This unexpected situation did not make him panic. He only needed a small prop. Without a few seconds of work, the door lock was easily opened by him.

Then, the whole person quickly flashed in from the gap in the door and closed it again. It even took a few more seconds to restore him to the locked state.

Without turning on the light, the little flashlight that he carried with him was his only source of light.

The line of sight was directly locked on the desk, and after a small lock that opened several desk drawers, he quickly found the document.

Open the file, which reads the dense Europa language, but this does not make him dyslexia.

He quickly read the contents of the file and then remembered all of it in his mind.

At this moment, a footstep sound came from far away, letting him move his hand. The first reaction was to turn off the flashlight directly.

A dark environment does not seem to affect his movements.

The footsteps that came from the corridor outside the door were getting closer and closer, and then the door lock was obviously turned by a few seconds, but in the locked state, the other party apparently could not come in.

But this did not give him a sigh of relief. Soon, the sound of the key inserted into the door lock passed into his ear.

In the next second, the closed door of the study was opened, and then with the sound of ‘啪嗒’, the light switch was pressed, and the entire study was completely illuminated.

The minister’s gaze swept quickly and looked at the empty study room. He walked to the front of the desk in an unhurried pace.

Probably the pressure on the body is too big, which makes him often insomnia lately, and then an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, so that he could not help but come to the study.

Put your hand on the drawer of the desk, the slight force of the action did not pull the drawer out, which means that the lock on the drawer is still intact, plus the study door lock is also the same, which makes the minister obviously relieved, but also I feel that I am a little nervous all recently.

After some inspections and confirmation that there was no difference, the relieved minister felt that he was finally able to go back to sleep well.

At the same time, on the side of the city of Der Spiegel, this day, Luo Ji is trying on the latest research results of the Ordnance Research Department, which is the former armor made of armor.

But to be honest, this thing is really too hard, even if it is a short artisan with racial talent bonus, it is also a study that has taken years of research, plus the strength of the two cows, can finally be to some extent Adjust and forge the outer armor of the armored beast.

Nowadays, this body armor worn by Luo Ji is the result.

To be honest, from the perspective of appearance, it is just like spreading goods.

Although it is at least ten times better in craftsmanship than the orc family's hyperthyroidism, if it is calculated according to the standards and requirements of the 10,000-year-old civilization, it can only be described by the word 'rough'.

Even a dwarf craftsman can't change the armor into any shape as you wish.

Therefore, wearing the armor of the armor, when carrying out activities, can clearly feel that some parts will appear 'cracking' situation, at the same time, some structures will poke him, wearing comfort is basically zero .

Of course, even so, they can not deny the greatest advantage of this body armor, that is, the defensive ability of tyrannical to no friends.

As long as you wear this armor, you can basically ignore the bullets flying on the battlefield, and you can resist it with the attack of the grenade.

At this point, although the bulletproof alloy forged by the dwarf craftsmen can do it, it is undeniable that this thing is much lighter than the bulletproof alloy.

As for the bombardment of a high-explosive bomb, it can also hold on to this matter...

Seriously, don't expect too much.

In the face of the bombardment of high-explosive bombs, even if the armor is fine, the powerful impact caused by that moment is enough to make the armor wearer's life.

“Is it only possible to do this now?”

Let Wang Kai and Luo Yunqi on the side help him to remove the armor from his body. Luo can't help but stretch his muscles.

As the highest person in charge of this project, Bart Wildhammer said helplessly...

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is already the limit. There may be better ways for the enemy orcs, but we don't know."

Obviously, as a dwarf who is extremely demanding in forging, Bart Wildhammer is not very satisfied with this, but at the same time more is helpless.

In this regard, Luo Ji slowly opened his mouth after a little bit of meditation...

"That will be the case for the time being. In this way, the new type of armor is made, and the rest of the armored beasts, I will send you to the past. You can count back and count how many sets of armor can be made. Then write a report."

"Wei Chen is leading the way!"

The armor of the armored beast, there are actually a lot of hands in Luo, a large part of it is naturally taken from the captives and bodies of the orcs, and the other part is from the three armored beasts that they killed. The body.

Although the outer armor suffered from the dragon's dragon attack, the damage was serious, but there were a lot of good parts. If you deal with it, there are still many that can be used.

After receiving the order of Luo the efficiency of each department was quickly revealed, and the dwarf craftsman sent a report three days later.

Looking at the report, Luo Ji is still quite satisfied at the moment, just at this moment, a figure walked in quickly...

"Your Majesty, this is the spy officer we have placed in the enemy country, the latest news."

Just a few months ago, the situation of the southern empire was just stabilized. Luo Jin, who has just returned to the city of Der Spiegel, is undoubtedly invested in his busy intelligence work.

Today, Ike, who is in charge of duty, took his own short legs and quickly took the report from Luo Jin and presented it to Luo.

Sight sweep, Luo Ji quickly confirmed the content of the message, then the face suddenly showed a playful smile.

“Food crisis? This is really bad...”

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