The Ministry of Construction and Engineering, as one of the largest and largest members of the current Wanxiang civilization, has just rebuilt several major avenues in the city. This is really nothing for today’s construction engineering department. big project.

but! They have more than 200 cities in the world of civilization! !

The workload of this project, after multiplying by two hundred, is enough to make Sun Liang look black.

They are still kneeling down, and every time they will feel a liver pain.

Over the years, Sun Liang has become more and more aware of the mood of the previous generations of old ministers.

"Hey, I really want to retire soon..."

And then the person in charge of the goblin technology that came over, what needs to be done, can be said to be much easier than the construction engineering department.

After Luo said that the requirements were simple to say, the research and manufacturing work of the traffic lights was directly handed over to them. According to the current technology of their civilization, it is not a problem.

After all the things that needed to be told in advance were ordered, Luo Ji himself was slightly prepared, and then the newspaper gave a headline in the next issue of the newspaper to publicize the matter.

As for the traffic rules, he has been preparing for it in the early years, and now he has already written a lot.

However, this time I just want to get a bus in the city. Therefore, many traffic rules are not very practical and need to be screened.

And this work, at present, in addition to Luo Ji himself personally, it seems that there is no way to give others to do.

Things are not too complicated. Luo Ji’s own mind is basically counted, and he did not spend much time. He organized the traffic rules of the first generation of his civilization.

If you make a small manual, it will be almost two or three pages.

In return, he will let the newspapers engage in a special topic to popularize this traffic knowledge. At the same time, he intends to print these traffic knowledge on the bus signs of future bus stations.

One thing after another was quickly confirmed. During this period, Sun Liang’s movements were quite fast. In just one week, according to the meaning of Luo Ji, the design blueprints of several major avenues in the city of Der Spiegel I painted it and presented it to Luo in the fastest speed.

The design of sidewalks, bus stops and zebra crossings can be said to be basically free of any complicated components, nothing to say.

Luo Ji is more concerned about the location between each bus stop.

In modern society, there is often a road. The first bus station and the second bus station are only separated by two or three hundred meters. This concentration is completely unnecessary in Luo.

Not only considering the cost performance, but also taking into account the consumption and use of human and material resources, according to his standards, from the first bus stop to the second bus stop on the same road, between the two bus stops, at least It takes more than ten minutes to drive.

Measuring the distance of the ride, it took a lot of work, but from the current point of view, this design blueprint is quite good.

After Luo has compiled the chapters in the project plan and signed the words, he has already greeted the financial department. He quickly allocated the funds and the entire project was at the fastest speed. start.

So far, these things have been relatively smooth.

The trouble is the driver who drives the bus. As everyone knows, the bus is a vehicle that travels continuously in the city along a specific route.

Under this premise, the requirements for bus drivers are actually quite high. Skilled driving skills and familiarity with traffic rules are naturally unnecessary.

In addition to these, there is a very important thing that must be punctual!

For example, this bus needs to be separated from the first bus stop at 6:30 in the morning. The error before and after this can not exceed ten minutes. Under this premise, the more accurate the better, which makes the requirements for the candidate. It immediately pulled up a level.

In today's Wanjie civilization, there are not many drivers, so this can only be done by selecting people and then training driving skills...

The coach candidate can be found from the goblin, and the little guys are very talented in this field.

This hiring work and a lot of pieces of things that should be told to do it, this is a troublesome problem.

Because Luo Ji's circle was swept down and found that there was no particularly suitable department.

Well, think about it too, they don’t need such a department before.

In this way, Luo Ji is an order to go down, the Der Spiegel City Transportation Bureau was formally established, and even the station has to be built.

I took a shot and moved all over the body. This year, I just took a little action and said it was simple, but it was really troublesome to do.

At the same time, at the other end, during the time when the lightning squadron was hiding in the small archipelago for rest during the sea battlefield outside the center of the continent, Wang Hao had been staring through the eyeliner of the elf Druids. The situation of this entire battlefield.

In this recent sea area, it is simply not the usual excitement.

Two Fusang players and a Gaul player directly formed a joint large fleet at sea, which was inseparable from the joint fleet of Europa players.

The scene was truly spectacular. The number of steel warships, after being spread out, almost directly occupied a large area of ​​the sea. The entire fleet was volleyed in one round, and the shelling firepower was overwhelming.

At this moment, if Luo can see this scene, he will never be able to express his feelings. The players who are tossing out are really scary.

Compared with history, the civilization developed by the players is often accompanied by a part of the 'advance', so this scale is also more exaggerated than some large-scale naval battles in history especially in the three After the players’ sea fleets gathered together, they simply exuded a general battle. There were dozens of battleships, not to mention the number of destroyers.

Of course, Europa is not bad here. The joint fleet formed by the two Europa players is also quite large. This period of time is also a match with the joint large fleet of foreign players.

After listening to the report, Wang Hao, after confirming the play of the joint fleet of the two sides, his face quickly flashed a trace.

Looking at the movement of the Europa United Fleet, it is clear that I don't want to take risks, it's hard, the situation is getting better, I can't go back all the time, so I want to play more stable, and I have the opportunity to do it again.

This kind of thinking is not wrong in itself, but Wang Hao has no time to wait for them to come slowly...

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