As a unique unit of the elf civilization, the branch of the wood elf, the elf druid, in a strict sense, should be regarded as a very special mage unit.

However, after they have been deformed, they will directly become the corresponding Warcraft, thus gaining strong physical fitness and spell attack ability. From this point of view, they are very comprehensive.

Close combat power and spell attack are both things that the common wizard can't do.

The threshold of this particular service is undoubtedly quite high, and at the same time, individual strength, naturally, there are high and low points.

There are two factors that influence the strength of their strength.

In the first aspect, it is natural that the spells are repaired. The deeper the spells are, the longer the duration of their deformations will be. At the same time, the number and power of spells will be obvious in the 'deformed' state. Upgrade.

The second aspect is the strength of the ‘eagle spirit’ and ‘bear spirit’ that signed the contract.

It has been said earlier that the wood elves use the forest as their home, and the eagle and the bear are their good partners.

Among the special buildings unique to the wood elves, there is a special building called ‘the place where the soul perches.’

In order to unlock the ‘Druid Druid’ project, you must first point out the ‘Soul Habitat’ as a pre-project from the development route of the architecture department.

The souls of the eagle and the bears who died in battle, died, or accidentally died will automatically converge into this ‘soul habitation’ to sleep quietly.

The Elf Druid, who has reached the basic requirements, needs to go to the ‘Soul Habitat’ to choose a soul to sign a contract, and then to display a complete deformation.

As a premise, the strength and weakness of Yingling and Xiongling will naturally affect the strength of the Elf Druid to a certain extent.

For a simple example, for example, the eagle spirit of a common giant eagle and the eagle spirit of a fast eagle before life, there is no doubt that the latter is stronger. After all, the fast eagle is Warcraft, from this point, The gap has already been opened.

Although some methods of acquired cultivation can also be used, the inherent advantages are still very large.

At the same time, if you want to sign a contract with the Eagle Eagle, you must be more difficult than the ordinary giant eagle.

After all, when you are picking the Eagle Spirit, the Eagles are also picking you.

Now that I have returned to the topic, I have unlocked the two projects of ‘Elf Druid’ and ‘Soul Link’ respectively, which is undoubtedly the strategy given by the system.

It is possible to make the elf druid with enough talent and talent to be a big druid, and the effect of ‘soul link’, Luo Ji feels that he needs to do some experiment, because he still has a few doubts in his mind to figure out.

There is no need to waste any effort. Within his palace, there is a resident elf Druid squad, let them use the 'soul link' cultivation method for a period of cultivation, thus deepening their connection with the eagle spirit. .

Then, a month later, Luo Ji called them to the imperial court of the palace, instructing them to launch deformation and maintain the deformation technique to cast attacking spells.

After several rounds of experimentation, based on the feelings of the many elves Druid.

The doubts in Luo Ji’s heart formally got the answer.

The ‘Soul Link’ project not only reduces the continuous consumption of the spelling, but also reduces the cost of casting spells, but it does not affect the power of the spell!

The result is that Luo has to admit that he really looked down on this project before. He thinks that after the level is high, at most, the combat power of the elf Druid is raised to a level.

Now it seems that the damage to BUFF plus the double gain BUFF of mana consumption reduction is enough to make a qualitative change in the unit of the Elf Druid!

If this is combined with the BUFF bonus of the ‘Elf Druid’, this unit is definitely qualified to win the top ranks!

For this result, Luo Ji’s heart was filled with joy.

Then he quickly indicated that the patriarch of the Williams and Wood Elf, who was in the Elven Province, began to focus on the Elf Druid.

As for the issue of signing a contract with 'Xiongling', this basically does not require Luo Ji to worry about it. This has been built for many years in the 'Soul Habitat', and 'Eagle Ling' and 'Xiongling' have accumulated a considerable amount. In a short time, there is absolutely no shortage.

However, what I have to mention here is that under the premise of having signed a contract with ‘Eagle’, it is impossible to bear the burden of the two souls.

Therefore, if you want to have both 'Eagle Spirit' and 'Bear Spirit' and freely convert, you need a certain strength base and long-term cultivation. The same is true for the promotion of the Elf Druid.

As a premise, Luo Ji still requires newcomers to choose 'Eagle Ling' instead of 'Xiongling'. From the perspective of combat effectiveness, 'Eagle Ling' may be better than 'Xiongling', but can't stand 'Eagle Ling' 'Can fly!

Among the group of elves in his 10,000-year-old elf Druid, Luo Ji is the most optimistic, is the army for many years, and now is the Air Force major Klad.

In many battles in the early years,, as the elf Druid's Klad, has a very bright performance.

When he was promoted to be a major, Luo Ji personally met him and confirmed the property panel.

This is a ‘勇武’ and ‘intellectual’ upper limit reaching a double four-star, a role that is both intelligent and courageous.

Under this premise, all of his other attributes have reached the Samsung level, which is one of the potential stocks currently in the hands of Luo Ji.

In this way, for a long time in the future, Zhang William is obviously busy.

Fortunately, the practice of the Elf Druid is very worry-free for most of the time, just like the Master's cultivation.

Otherwise, he has to form a new elite army, and he has to train several elf troops equipped with new weapons. Now, there must be one more Elf Druids? So many troubles, he must not be exhausted?

In this way, time flies, within the Wanjie civilization, Luo Ji is still maintaining the concern of the war situation while busy farming and farming.

In the time when Luo Ji was busy farming, this central continent never calmed down for a moment.

Above the northwest battlefield, Huangsha was in the sky, and Raymond Sossi took his orc army all the way to the territorial border of the big eater.

The smoke of the war is pervasive. In this wave, Raymond Sossi’s mind has already decided that after he has broken the border of the **** on the opposite side, he must let his orc’s army of the beasts burn and kill. This will restore vitality!

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