The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1433: Tit-for-tat

This set of offensives for the Iron Armor is undoubtedly the opposite of the big cannibal players calculated in advance.

At the moment when the vats filled with concentrated sulfuric acid were smashed on the armored beast, a large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid suddenly splashed.

Those who splashed on the outer armor said that according to the strength of the outer armor of the armored beast, even if it is concentrated sulfuric acid, do not want to easily erode.

But those splashing on the skin, on the head, and even splashing into the eyes, can be horrible!

One of the iron beasts, which was directly hit by a sulphuric acid vat, was almost screaming on the spot.

Along with the infiltration of the ‘sweet and nourishment’, the whole head of the armored beast can be said to be instantly eroded beyond recognition.

At the same time, the important senses, including vision and smell, were directly devastated by the sulphuric destruction of concentrated sulfuric acid, and the iron armor was directly smashed into a state of madness.

Raymond Sossi flapped his wings and quickly got close to it, confirming the situation.

The damage of the explosion mainly comes from the impact and high temperature, and the resistance of the iron beast to the impact damage is actually very strong.

In some game terms, if you want to cause effective damage to the Iron Armor, it is best to use an attack with a 'penetration' and 'breaking armor' effect.

The explosion is obviously not here, but it is impossible to deny that the power of the big bang still brought a certain degree of damage to his armored beast.

After the baptism of the big bang, the head of the armored beast has become all over the body.

The armored beast, which was directly smashed on the head by the sulphuric acid vat, is probably already smashed, which is equivalent to abolishing more than half.

The remaining five heads, the three heads confirmed that they were still alive, and the two heads were lying on the ground, but they did not die. They should have been blown up with a concussion and passed out.

At this moment, Raymond Sosie's mood can be described as complex to the extreme.

While being violent and annoyed, it was a little relieved.

The temper and annoyance in the heart naturally comes from the iron beast that has been abolished. After the smashing, this armored beast is obviously unable to enter the battle again.

The sigh of relief is because he has stopped most of the transport vehicles, or else, so many vats filled with concentrated sulphuric acid smashed down, and his six iron beasts may be planted in it!

The previous big bang collapsed the earth and stone walls around this pothole trap.

In addition, a few hairy mad beasts at the bottom of the pit rushed around, further aggravating the degree of collapse. Following this situation, the armored beasts were able to climb out after they collapsed the pothole trap.

At the same time, the three giant-winged warhawks who rushed to the opposite anti-aircraft artillery unit also solved the big food soldiers who were operating the anti-aircraft guns.

Indeed, anti-aircraft guns are used to deal with airborne units. The problem is that the giant-winged warhawks are simply not ordinary air units.

It is a matter of fact that you have a weapon against the air, and whether your weapon against the air can hit the target is another matter.

As the orc beast unit, the giant wing war eagle is far more flexible than the conventional air units in human civilization. In the absence of other air units to contain them, a whole sky is simply their home.

Just killing an anti-aircraft artillery unit obviously does not calm the violent temper in Raymond Sossi’s heart.

Not to mention the guy opposite, there was a new movement during this period.

Obviously, the army of the big eater, this wave did not intend to keep their border fortress in Anan.

Soon, the array of anti-aircraft guns, one after another, was formed and began to use the intensive artillery fire to suppress the three giant-winged warhawks in the air.

At the same time, a large number of cannons, which were located in the rear and spread out the artillery formation, began to madly vent their firepower toward the ground forces of his orc army.

The amount of exaggeration, people can not help but doubt this big cannibal player, is not all the cannons all over the country moved over.

The purpose of the opposite is very obvious, that is, you want to use the tyrannical long-range artillery to extinguish them, or directly to make them half-resident.

In this regard, Raymond Sossi will not suffer from death.

The signal command was issued quickly, and in the roar of the roar, countless orc soldiers instantly entered the mad state, and then circumvented the inconvenient crater in front of them, and launched an assault toward the army of the big eater.

During this period, Raymond Sossi was also frequently commanding the human artillery to advance while throwing artillery shells to cover his own orc army.

At the same time, as his ace bombing unit, the eagle soldiers, after completing a wave of bombs, also re-launched, flew toward the army of the big eater, trying to launch an airstrike against the enemy artillery positions.

However, the frontline commander of the opposite eater is not a fool. He knows that Raymond Sossi has such an air force, and of course he is prepared.

Almost as soon as the Eagles appeared, the two anti-aircraft guns had already turned directly into fire, and began to suppress the Eagles. The whole battle situation is fierce to the extreme.

With the shelling fire on the side of the big eater, the orc army is approaching quickly.

Under this turmoil, a signal bomb exploded in the sky above the Giants.

With the slight vibration of the earth, a head of armored battle rushed into the battlefield, watching the number, there are thousands of heads!

I have to say that in order to kill the orc army outside his border, the big eater is indeed a **** one.

Before that, tons of explosives and concentrated sulfuric acid that was not easy to extract were not mentioned. This wave, he adjusted all the war elephants in his territory, all in the middle of the age!

The body has reached the five-meter-level armored warfare, and it is still a very high threat to the ordinary orc soldiers of the general body. It is a special unit that can fight in the close combat with the orc soldiers.

At the same time, on the periphery of the battlefield side, the highest commander of the Frangang army was also entangled in the order of ‘caught into the battlefield’.

To be honest, he wants to refuse the task assigned to him this time, but he can't refuse it.

After all, for the big cannibal army, the places where you have eaten us and used us all these years are all provided by us. Even when we were short of food, we are also a bowl of water, and there is no treatment. You, let me do something now, and pick and choose?

But those who point to the face, in the case of white and white, always have a little self-awareness, so there is the current situation...

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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