In the face of the orc army, the last city of the big eater is simply unable to hold.

Before the orc army completed the encirclement and trapped him, the big eater played with his remaining forces and fled overnight, all the way to the east.

As for the army of the Francis machine, he had long since ignored it. It seems that before it was completely destroyed by the army of the orc army of Raymond Sossi. After all, after many years of fighting, the strength of the army of the Franciscan army was already inferior. before.

After the supply provided by the big eater, the collapse of the army is a matter of a moment.

The whole process of staring at the moving elf Druid, quickly sent the news back to the Wanxiang civilization.

After receiving the news, Luo Ji, who was not too slow, stretched out and then prepared to leave for the West.

This time, he will inevitably have to meet the big eater, naturally he has to run on his own.

This time, Luo Ji is a light-duty trip, only with a group of guards headed by Wang Kai and the original fire, after all, after the West, it is inevitable to ride horses, but in the wild, compared to driving, it is still riding More convenient and flexible.

Directly pack the next car, Luo Ji from Deming City, all the way to the train, rushed to the West, it will not take much time.

Then, after leaving Gaoling City, the road to the Huangsha Fortress was basically riding on horseback.

To be honest, on the West side, Luo Ji has not come over for many years. The hot air mixed with gravel is still very uncomfortable. It is no wonder that the livability of the western city is generally low.

Judging from the current situation, if you want to improve your livability, you must first do a good job in greening and solve this problem.

Over the years, the elf-naturalists of the Natural Ecology and Environmental Protection Bureau have been working hard, but the basic environment here is too bad, and they are still carrying a large desert, even in this piece of talent, and at the same time The elf naturalist who added the professional effect also took a long time to improve the environment in the western region.

After pulling the black veil on his face and confirming that the veil wrapped his face tightly, Luo Ji took a group of guards and rushed toward the yellow sand fortress as the western border.

He is not in a hurry. After the big eater, he wants to escape to him and is still early. Although he has received the news, it has been a long time, but for him, it is still Just take it slowly.

And the fact is true. The big eater who fled with the remnants of the army ran to the western border of Wanxiang civilization and spent almost a year.

During this period, if Ye Qingyi had been selling food to him, he would have died halfway.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that Ramon Sossi, who captured the entire territory of the big eater, was unable to launch a large-scale pursuit because of food problems, and had to temporarily station in the border city.

During this period, although he also sent a small orc army to track, want to lock the position of the big eater, but because of the unfamiliarity of this desert terrain, it was eventually smashed by the big eater, now should I am lost somewhere in this big desert, or I am already dead in the desert.

After all, even if it is an orc, once lost in the desert, when food and water are exhausted, it is basically impossible to die, unless they can live without eating or drinking, but this kind of thing is a creature. Can't do it.

In the meantime, compared to the big piranhas who struggled in the desert, the days of Luo Ji would have to be too much.

Although the life of the Yellow Sands Fortress is far from the city of Der Spiegel, it is not bad to experience it occasionally.

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to inspect the situation of the western border garrison.

For the time being, Guo Zhen and Du Yuanzhi have managed the Huangsha Fortress very well over the years. For the results of the inspection, Luo Ji expressed satisfaction.

Then, after a period of time, the big eater who rushed to the border line was almost the first time to send soldiers to the boundary of Wanjie civilization, and asked for an interview with Luo.

In this regard, at that time, people were in the Luosha Fortress's Luo series, but there was no tempering. After all, pondering the current situation, the form is indeed quite tense. For his plan to be implemented smoothly, the action is still better.

The meeting place is directly at somewhere on the border of the two sides, and there is just a small oasis there.

The eager big eater in the heart is undoubtedly the first step.

In order to be sincere, he left his army behind, but the symbolic **** with a hundred people came over.

Of course, the main reason for this is that he is very clear in his heart. In today’s situation, he has lost the three or four thousand soldiers, even if he brought it, there is no such thing for the players who will meet him. significance.

Since the horizontal and vertical are useless, it is better to let yourself be more sincere, so that the chances of their negotiation are even higher.

However, under this premise, what he did not think was that the other party actually performed better than him. He saw Luo Ji, who had been riding all the way from a distance, and only followed the area to ride four...

In other words, the other party came with four people. This made the big eater people feel incredible, but also inexplicably felt that they lost.

This wave, with the four guards of Wang Kai, Luo Yunqi, Mezichuan and Cyril, came out and did not put the hundred guards opposite the big eater. Directly turned over and entered the small oasis.

"Is the brother of the heavens?"

Copying a lame After all, there is a desire for people, and the tone of the big eater is also very polite.

While talking, his sight is also somewhat unbearable to sweep from the mounts of Luo Ji, and the original fire does not need to be said, even the four guards behind him are riding red blood horses.

As the saying goes, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, and these horses, if they come out, are bigger than the camels, and it is not a general breed.

When they got close, they made their camel mounts obviously uneasy, which made the big eater people more shocked.

During this period, Luo Ji also showed the identity of the people, but also looked at the big cannibal players.

He can clearly see that for this meeting, the other party should have taken care of it.

But the cross-straits that ran across the desert, and escaped all the way to escape here, could not be concealed by any care.

As for the appearance and appearance, there is nothing special about it. It is not good, and it is not ugly. It is a fairly common level.

And when Luo thought so, the big eater who stood in the oasis waved his hand and signaled that all of his 100 guards had retired, but only a few left behind. Kissing.

To do this, on the one hand, because Luo Ji only brought four guards, and he put on such a clump, but he felt that his face was a little unstoppable.

On the other hand, it is because of the next conversation, he does not want too many people to hear, after all, this is definitely not a glorious thing for him.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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