The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1459: The fierce beast, the evil tiger who blocks the road

Originally, General Gaddafi also wanted to say the advantages of equipment. However, if you think about it carefully, the equipment of the Orc army is no worse than them. Moreover, after they seized the territory of their food, they consumed a large amount of military equipment. It also fell into the hands of the other party, and the equipment advantage has long ceased to exist!

General Gaddafi’s remarks made it impossible for a group of veterans to refute, or to have no choice.

At this moment, the door to the conference room was ringing...


"Come in."

After obtaining the permission, a relative soldier walked in from the outside and quickly reported after a military ceremony...

"Reporting the general, this is the latest order of His Majesty!"

The veterans who heard this made a slight change. Then, they only listened to General Saddam’s quick opening...

"Come on me."

After dismantling the warrants, after reading the contents quickly, General Saddam gestured to other generals for a review, and the entire arrangement was officially set at this moment.

After another week of defensive warfare, the big food army began to formally meet!

After several days of fighting, the number of casualties on the side of the big food army suddenly broke through 5,000.

But at the same time, this kind of play that changes lives and hurts is also effective.

As General Gaddafi said before, compared with the orc army, the only advantage of their human army is that there are only a lot of people.

Their human soldiers can be replenished relatively easily after they are broken.

Once the orc soldiers are damaged, they are limited by the total population of the population, and they are fighting in different places. They want to supplement it, it is not so simple.

But even so, the big food army can not afford any advantage in a short period of time.

The reason is also very simple, because the soldiers who are urgently recruited are basically equal to the civilians. Those who have not received formal training are far less capable than the regular army.

This makes their existence basically only a role in cannon fodder.

If a team that has received formal training can successfully kill an orc soldier in a tacit agreement, then if it is replaced by a soldier who is temporarily recruited, two or three teams will not come together. Can succeed...

Therefore, in the following battles, in order to pursue victory, the veterans also had to choose to let the cannon fodders rush in front, in order to consume the orc soldiers' physical strength, leaving the regular army with stronger combat power behind, and strive for greater odds.

It is a reality that there is no childish word like human rights or fairness!

The cruel battlefield has made it impossible for them to pin their hopes on the growth of a group of miscellaneous soldiers, and there is no time for them to grow up.

And it is also undeniable that this practice, while weakening the strength of the orc army, has also alleviated their food burden to some extent, which is now the best choice...

In this way, the fighting continued, the nominal 'new recruits', and the actual 'cannon ash' was also a group after another.

In this kind of mutual fighting, you can survive two rounds of soldiers in the 'new recruits', which means that the other party's fighting consciousness is not bad, will be eligible to be promoted to another 'combat camp' ~www.mtlnovel .com~ Of course, this does not mean that they are the regular army. What the regular army needs, in addition to the combat consciousness, more important is the tacit cooperation and professionalism with other soldiers.

This kind of tacit and professional requirements cannot be reflected in the recruits who are on temporary signs.

A large number of casualties and recruitment of new recruits maintain a delicate balance between the fortress and the city behind it.

But only officials responsible for governing that city know that this large number of recruiting moves has drastically reduced the number of young and middle-aged people in the city. In other words, the workforce is plummeting.

But there is nothing to say. Anyway, in the past few months, the cities and military units of these big foods have been basically raised by their Wanxiang civilization.

Otherwise, I really thought that the almost negligible output can feed the army of more than 50,000 and the population of several cities? how is this possible?

The battle of the frontline fortress is still going on. The soldiers in the new barracks are almost in a mess, and the basic structure does not constitute much combat power. The battle camp and the regular army are the focus.

The enemy orc soldiers have completely entered a state of madness. The rich **** smell is mixed with the smell of smoke, constantly stimulating the sense of smell of every soldier on both sides of the enemy, and the whole ear is even more densely shot. And shouting the sound of shouting is completely filled!

On top of this battlefield, several veterans led an army and commanded the battle.

However, with the extension of the fighting time, this whole battle, at this time, has a tendency to become more and more fierce.

And just as the two sides were about to stand still, with a violent shock of the earth under their feet, a signal flare that suddenly exploded in the sky indicated that a new force had intervened in this battlefield.

It is a cavalry! At this moment, a camel cavalry wearing heavy armor quickly rushed into the battlefield from the flank!

Their speed is not fast, the number is definitely not much, but the whole piece of the earth is banging! The momentum is amazing!

The head of the cavalry general, holding an exaggerated big knife in one hand, in the moment of colliding with the orc army, I saw his one-arm power bursting between the big knife waving, directly carrying the sweep The momentum of the army, the sharp blade reflects the cold in the sun, bringing a powerful knife!

Between the knife and the knife, the blood splashed, just one face-to-face, it was on the spot that a dog dog was directly smashed into two paragraphs!

The killing of this support army is undoubtedly the great morale of the big food army. It is too late to think about it. Several veterans have quickly brushed up their skills and shouted loudly...

"The reinforcements of your majesty have arrived, counterattack!!!"

The camel heavy cavalry with black heavy armor is fierce, even when it is killing the orcs, it is not ambiguous at all, and the cavalry is unstoppable!

The orc army that was attacked, the morale was undoubtedly hit by a clear blow. The generals of the army looked at the situation and found the retreat order.

However, such a good opportunity, how many veterans will be let go? Directly carrying out the pursuit of the army under the arm, in the meantime, that camel heavy cavalry chasing more fierce, all the way to kill all the way, **** body, almost paved the way.

The amazing power made the opposite orc officers surprised. Although they had a decline in the state of the orc soldiers because of the long battle, they were not like the cavalry on the opposite side. Kill? !

This can only explain one problem, that is, the strength of this enemy cavalry is definitely beyond the normal specifications!

Later, before he thought about it, this piece of battlefield was a regenerative variable.

The beastly beast behind him still couldn’t get rid of it, and the retreat in front of him was actually blocking the road! ?

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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