The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1481: Layout layout

This incident caused by the Europa United Fleet can be said to have caused dissatisfaction among many other Europa players on the battlefield.

However, in this case, they will not know?

Of course they know!

But what was the situation at the time? It is no exaggeration to say that if they continue to stay in the sea, they will almost die of the enemy's joint fleet.

At this juncture, who can manage other things? There is no choice at all! You can only consider how to protect yourself first.

"This wave is beautiful."

Ke Xiuwen sent a message directly. This message not only represents his personal meaning, but also represents the meaning of all the players in the entire battlefield.

As I said before, the players in the Heavenly camp, although they found a reason to intervene in this war of total war, but their current situation is in a state where others do not provoke us, we are not convenient to take.

Although it is safe and sound for the time being, it is inevitable that the whole situation will be passive.

And now, the Europa United Fleet has been so tossed, an effective excuse for war, and it has successfully landed in the hands of their Heavenly camp.

Of course, this plan, at the beginning, was not actually thought of by Luo, but by the handwriting of Yuan Xi.

After all, how could people know what happened to their South China Sea border at the time of the Luojing of the Imperial Palace in Der Spiegel? Therefore, it is naturally impossible to think of such a plan at that time.

Under this premise, Luo Ji told Yuan Xi all the current situation and the purpose he wanted to achieve. Under the premise of letting Yuan Xi fully understand the whole situation, he gave him enough trust and The right to arbitrage allows him to adapt to a series of unexpected situations.

The results proved that Yuan Xi did not let him down.

From the time he received the news, he quickly confirmed the entire plan in a very limited time, and indicated that the cruiser team, which had wanted to forcefully stop the Europa United Fleet, changed its policy and forced the other side to the east.

At that time, the main fleet behind, from the border waters, although there is still a period of time.

However, considering the range of the battleship's guns, if you chase a distance, there is still a considerable chance to forcibly intercept the Europa joint fleet.

However, Yuan Xi did not do that, but instead stopped the foreign joint fleet that he rushed to.

Because they have clearly told him that they are above the South China Sea, the three foreign forces and the two Europa forces are sooner or later their enemies, and now they are playing on both sides, but in a short time, no matter which It is not a good thing for them to overwhelm which side.

Therefore, Yuan Xi’s practice at that time was completely disguised and saved the Europa joint fleet.

While gaining an excuse for war, it also left behind the power that can be used to balance the foreign camp.

After that, I received the Luoji of the frontline report, and naturally I took advantage of the trend and made a series of follow-up arrangements.

Since the Europa United Fleet has come, it is better to do something for them.

In this way, the Elf Druid controls the intelligence field, and Tong Lei’s Yangtze River Fleet and Wang Hao’s chasing fleet are invisibly controlling the movement of the Europa United Fleet.

To do this, it is actually not particularly difficult. The Europa United Fleet wants to go north, and the Yangtze River fleet is directly in the north.

Under this premise, the Europa joint fleet that does not want to fight with the Tianchao fleet will naturally change their routes.

Then, with the help of the Elf Druid's aerial vision, after confirming that the Fusang player Yamamoto Yoshito's supply fleet has already set off, they only need to calculate the time, and in the way of 'deportation', the Europa United Fleet will be driven to that position. .

After that, if Yamamoto’s supply fleet is hit by them, it can almost be said that it must be suffered.

And even if I don’t see it, it doesn’t matter.

Because as long as you continue along the big direction, the Europa United Fleet will arrive in the territory of Yamamoto.

The other's main fleet is now staying in the northeastern waters of their central continent, and the sea power behind them is not strong.

As a premise, the Europa League is inseparable from the alliance of foreign countries. It is necessary to replenish the supplies and carry out the Europa joint fleet. It is unreasonable to let Yamamoto and this enemy, so they will definitely launch an offensive.

At that time, Yamamoto Yoshihe, whose territory is threatened, no matter what he thinks, will definitely carry out the emergency dispatch of the main fleet sent out, and may also request support from other Fusang players nearby.

As a result, the balance of the surrounding waters has been maintained, and the situation on the center of the continent can also be stabilized by the retreat of Yamamoto.

At the same time, he also plundered the territory of Yamamoto Yihe to a certain extent by the hands of the Europa United Fleet, lest the days of this potential enemy be too the way An excuse for war.

This wave came down. Yuan Xi’s hand that played a key role was so beautiful. Even Luo Ji wanted to give him a hand, and it’s no wonder that Guo Jia wouldn’t help but swear.

In this way, the mood of the recent Luo series can be said to be good.

Not only because of this wave of success, but also because of the latest battles that came back from the territory of Daqin!

With the arrival of the Eagles, in the face of the unrelenting aerial bombardment, the mountain fortress of Daqin players eventually escaped a fall.

At the same time, the air force's participation in the war also made the attacking difficulty of the orc army greatly reduced. Today, more than half of the northern territory of Daqin players has fallen into the hands of the orc army.

However, according to Luo Ji's meaning, the orc army's offensive is still dominated by ‘stable’.

One of the reasons is that Luo Ji does not want to be too eager to play, but instead let the Daqin player drill into the void, let his orc army scuttle in the gutter.

Another more important reason is that Luo's orc strength is relatively limited, so he wants to maximize the advantage of the orc unit 'overspeed regeneration'.

After a game, the orc soldiers in the army all raised their injuries, and then they took another one to avoid some short-term hits in the short-term, resulting in injuries and injuries, resulting in a significant increase in the mortality of orc soldiers. Case.

To maintain this stable pace, he has to step by step and steadily beat the Daqin territory! !

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)

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