However, what Luo Zhi does not know at this time is that for the fishermen who live in the deep sea all the year round, the cooked food and wine on the land are very rare and delicious, and they are rare materials.

The reason is very simple, because they live in the sea, the sea is basically unable to produce fire, can not be heated, naturally it is impossible to have cooked food, therefore, their food is basically based on some fish in the sea.

Yes, they are eating fish. The deep-sea food chain is like this. Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, and they are no exception.

After all, the fish people don't feel that they are the same kind of fish.

Is this like when humans look at a monkey in the zoo, do they think they are the same as the ape? Obviously unlikely.

Although some deep-sea fish, even if they are directly eaten without any seasonings, taste good, but it is undeniable that the food of the fish people is really monotonous, plus many years of eating. I have already eaten it.

As a player, Pompeland Rand can return to the real world on weekdays, find a restaurant to wash his mouth, but other fish people have no choice.

It is for this reason that whenever fish people attack certain land cities, they will find ways to get some cooked food and wine on land. This time is obviously no exception.

However, this still cannot change the fact that their requirements are very excessive.

This expedition hit this point, even Luo Ji himself, that is, just smashed a few canned meat, although he can choose whether it is spicy or braised, but certainly no fresh barbecue is delicious.

As a result, the gang of fish people asked him to ask him as soon as he came up?

Take a deep breath and slow down your little temper. After a while, Luo Ji slowly opens his mouth...

"Give the bons to get some meat, but..."

Having said that, Luo's slightly upturned mouth began to reveal a bit of coldness, and then he saw him slamming his finger at Wang Kai.

"Wang Kai, there is something for you to do, listen well..."

During the speech, Luo Ji said his request and Wang Kai quickly.

After listening to Wang Kai, he should be down, and then he is obviously busy.

On the island, the capital of the island is relatively scarce. Under this premise, once entering the wartime period, the scarcity of materials and the sharp rise in prices are almost the norm. Even local residents have basically no meat, let alone.

In addition, the food consumption of the fishermen has always been exaggerated. Even in the case of having completely occupied an entire island, it is not an easy task to take out so many meats in a short time.

But in any case, after a lot of work, I finally got it.

After the shark's huge body swam to the shallow sea area, it slowly revealed the sea surface. When he boarded the port, the body shape of 15 meters or more brought a strong sense of oppression.

But in fact, it can be said that the soldiers of the Wanjie civilization who are used to various large-scale arms units are not afraid. However, they follow the instructions of the above, deliberately pretending to be such a 'scareful fear'. It looks like it.

The sharks who landed, after seeing the look of the soldiers' faces, flashed a glimmer of satisfaction on their faces.

The other fish people who came along with them also made a sneer of ‘hahahaha’ while they felt a sigh of relief.

The fishermen distributed in this sea area, although there is only one unit, actually have a lot of them.

Large units have only one shark, while ordinary fishermen under ten meters have thousands of them.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you want to feed them, you may have to consume meat that is close to 10,000 people.

"Hey! Wine and meat?!"

The line of sight swept across the entire port, without seeing the expected flesh and blood, and the shark personality made an impatient voice.

In this, in the pre-prepared port area, a blonde soldier rushed forward and said quickly in a fluent Europa language...

"Gate is asking for anger, we have already prepared the barbecue for you, please come with me."

During the talk, the blond soldier made a ‘please’ action.

In response, Shark Personality looked back at the sea behind him and then spoke again...

"No, take all the meat and meat here! We will eat here!"


"What? Can't you?"

"No, it's a lot of barbecue, plus a variety of barbecue equipment. If you want to move here, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time."

While speaking, the face of the blond soldier showed a clear dilemma.

However, the people who are headed by the shark personality are obviously not meant to cooperate...

"Then go move! Don't worry, I can't wait for this time!"

After thinking about the barbecue and wine afterwards, the shark personality is obviously quite good.

In this regard, the blonde soldier can only nod his head, and then hurried away, while telling the soldiers to carry the barbecue and barbecue equipment he found a hidden position, fast A brief report was made with an officer next to him.

Obviously, although the fishermen were unscrupulous at sea, after they got on the shore, they were shocked and unexpected. They did not intend to go too far from the sea, or even directly said they were eating in the port area.

At that time, even if something unexpected happened, they could rush into the sea at the fastest speed.

But it doesn't matter, just now they are just a simple tempted some.

If the other party is really arrogant to follow them into the urban area, it is naturally more trouble-free. If you don't go or have no influence, it will take a lot of effort.

In order to appease the gang of fish, before the barbecue was delivered, the officers in charge of the port area sent the first batch of wine to the past.

In this regard, the shark personality first let a fisherman under his arm drink two, after confirming that the other party is okay, he and other fishermen are relieved to drink.

Undoubtedly, wine is also a rare item for the fish people. If you follow the army on weekdays, even if you can get some spoils occasionally, those wines will be basically distributed by the patriarchs of the various ethnic groups and the big men in the army. After all, they will not be able to take them.

From this point of view, from the main force, ran outside to expedition, to the accident is a good difference.

According to the shark's personality, the large wooden barrel was caught in his hand, just like a small glass, and went straight, and dried up a whole barrel of wine.

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)

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