The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1541: Laissez-faire

The construction of the communication bridge is far from easy. The calibration work in the middle requires a lot of energy and time. Even Yuan Xi can only express ‘the first air reconnaissance team in the air.’

During this period, somewhere above the sea, accompanied by a painful groan, a burly figure floating on the sea, slowly awakened from the coma.

The eyes were not completely open. At that moment, the strong sunlight from the sky made his eyes feel a sharp sting, and made him subconsciously make a gesture of raising his hand.

Most of their fishermen live in the deep sea, and at that depth, the sun is basically untouchable.

Although their majesty, they also made some glowing deep-sea plants as so-called 'street lights', but the whole light is still very dark.

Long-term in this environment, making them fishermen, except for a few special cases, most of the eyes have been degraded to some extent, poor eyesight is a common phenomenon.

Therefore, in the face of an environment with too much light, they often take a long time to adapt.

This is also the main reason why they do not directly attack the dark sea from the darkness and directly attack the warship units moving on the sea. They need time to adapt.

Then, after the eyes gradually adapted to this brightness on the sea, he began to look at the surrounding environment.

"Where is this? Why, why are you here?"

He just woke up from a deep coma. At this moment, the whole consciousness can be said to be extremely chaotic. The pain in the lower part of the sea soaked in the sea, so that he could not help but reach out and touch.

As a result, this touch was actually empty!

At that moment, his entire brain was shocked and awake.

"I, my legs, no? Why not?! My legs?!"

No, the part that should have had legs, but it is empty at the moment.

Continue to explore, he faintly touched the fracture of his legs.

At this moment, all kinds of familiar and unfamiliar pictures are like flash slides in his mind.

He remembered that he had received news from the border patrol that a strange fleet had broken into the sea.

So, at that time, he was nearby, and he immediately attacked the squad with his swordfisher and launched an attack on the fleet. Then...

Thinking of this, the heart of the sailfish captain is obviously sucking.

Their surprise attack failed. The other party had prepared for a wave of attacks. Not only did it fail to cause damage to the enemy's warships, but they also paid a painful price for the lizards.

At the moment of realizing this, he immediately made a retreat command, led the remaining sailboat soldiers in his team, sneaked into the deep sea and evacuated.

During this period, the human fleet began to drop deep-water bombs without any accident.

So long time to fight, for the human fleet dedicated to dealing with their weapons, the fish people still have a lot of heart.

The power of deep-water bombs is indeed not to be underestimated. However, after all, there is a wealth of coping experience.

At the same time, according to the speed of their swordfishers, they only need to explode a little, and they will soon be able to rush out of these deep-water bombs.

In fact, he and other players at the time did do the same.

They broke out at a rapid rate and launched a deep dive. However, it was completely out of what they expected.

The deep-water bombs that the human fleet threw down were sinking at a much faster rate than the deep-water bombs they had encountered before. At the same time, the destructive power and scope of the explosion were even more Strong and amazing.

At that time, he was trying to dive all the way. He finally couldn’t escape the power of the explosion, and his legs were directly rolled in...

Now, the results are also seen.

The powerful self-healing ability, although the wounds of his legs began to heal, the part that was directly blown out was impossible to regenerate.

At this moment, I realized that I had become a crippled sailor captain, and the whole heart was filled with a strong desperation.

As a part of the orc civilization, the world of the fisherman also believes in the absolute iron of the weak meat, and in such a world, it becomes a crippled one, and how can it be imagined in the end.

"End, finished, my life... haha, hahaha..."

It was so strong that it was almost desperate to overflow, and the captain of the sailfish was stunned on the spot.

Instead of letting him live like this, it is better to let him die directly in the underwater big bang...

On land, a human, if there are no legs, there are two hands that can let him climb.

In the sea, it is different. In the sea, there is no solid ground. Most of the time, it is in a state of suspension.

In this state, even if you are a fisherman and want to move freely, you have to adjust it with your hands and feet.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the piece that affects the action A fisherman’s loss of his legs is far more serious than human beings. This is also the captain’s captain, why The biggest reason for desperation to this point.

When I was young, I became a captain. I should have a bright future and a promising life. Now, no more...

At this moment, the captain's captain gave up the struggle directly, or struggled to struggle.

He lost his legs and the balance of his body in the sea was almost devastating.

If he flutters in the sea with his hands, you will soon see him stupid like a fool who is rolling in the sea!

Although that is largely due to the force majeure after losing both legs, it is a huge humiliation for him to do that kind of action.

With the desperation, the captain of the sailfish who completely gave up, so letting himself drift along the sea, the pain caused by the long-term soaking of the seawater is gradually numb. At this time, he only hopes that anyone can Come and give him a good time, after all, I still have a little bit of trouble.

With such thoughts, I don’t know if God is open-minded. The light of the sailor’s captain’s eyes is faintly distant. There is a steel fleet slowly approaching this side...

"Who? Is it the Europa fleet? Or... forget it, everyone is good..."

The steel fleet sailing on the sea quickly approached. After the distance was close to a certain level, the opposite was undoubtedly the first time to find the captain of the sailfish, and the first contact was launched...

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