Now turn the perspective back to Pompeland.

After telling the story, it took two days, and the information about the shark's personality was quickly sent to his eyes.

As it turns out, in his army of fishermen, there is really a major sharkman named Gert, who was sent out to perform his duties.

At the same time, the distance between the sea area where the other party performs the mission and the sea area on the 15th is not particularly far.

The integration of all kinds of intelligence directly made the rebellion of this fisherman's unit a thing of the past.

The most nervous thing about Pompeland is that the one who led the team to rebel is still a shark.

As I said before, in order to stabilize his rule, he has been deliberately suppressing the sharks. Now that he has done this, he has to think more...

"Zach, what do you think?"

During the conversation, Pompeland ran directly to the side of Zach.

He was thrown into the army earlier. He wanted to let him practice for a few years and accumulate some practical experience, so as not to become a fool on the paper, but he did not expect an accident and became a disability.

Since they have reached this point, there is nothing to say, Pompeland Rand simply left Zach here, a staff officer.

Now, when they hear their questions, Zach screams after a little thought...

"The sharks are a strong family after all, and their strength cannot be underestimated. If you make a final conclusion, it will inevitably cause trouble. Moreover, a shark person will not be able to explain the problem. According to his opinion, it is better to shark. The patriarch of the family called, and then told the other party about it. It’s not too late to see the reaction of the other party."

The other party’s words are also reasonable.

After slightly suppressing the anger in the chest, Pompeland Rand, after recruiting and beckoning, directly indicated to the soldiers beside him, to call the patriarch of the shark family, Flanders, to come and see him.

The sharks are a strong family of fish people. After years of development, there are naturally party forces that are biased towards them in this huge fishman empire.

Therefore, for the traitors in their fishermen, headed by the younger generation of sharks in their family, Fulangde also received the wind in advance...

Nowadays, they received a call from their majesty. For a moment, there were many thoughts in their hearts.

To be honest, this time I received a call to see the palace, there is no doubt that there is risk.

After all, theirs have been jealous of their sharks for a long time, and now this happened again. No one knows what their minds are in their minds. Maybe he is not going back.

Therefore, before you leave, you must first explain to some of the pillars in their family...

"Gott? How is it possible?! Why did he rebel?!"

Although they are sharks, they have been dissatisfied with Pompeland's years of suppression, but they are clear that they are not going to be rebellious.

Not to mention that Gert is also a very outstanding younger generation in the younger generation of their sharks. This time they were sent out to perform the task. It is also an opportunity for the family to help him. To put it bluntly, it is to go out and get the military.

Although Pompeland has been suppressing the sharks, he does not dare to suppress it, lest the other side rebound. In order to maintain a balance, in many cases, it is necessary to make some concessions.

Occasionally, the younger generation of sharks have some opportunities and promoted several military officers for this reason.

Originally, according to the plan, after Gert’s return, he should be promoted directly to the Lieutenant Colonel. As a result, this happened...

"The patriarch, you can't go! It's too dangerous!"

At this moment, one of the sharks has directly suspected that Pompeland is going to start with their sharks. Under this premise, it is natural that the richer who is the patriarch can not take this risk.

In this regard, Flanders, who had already prepared himself psychologically, shook his head.

"I can't help but go. If I don't go, the emperor will probably directly believe that we have a heart of inconsistency. At that time, he will not be soft."

"That, then I will enter the palace on your behalf!"

"No, no."

Flanders shook his head again.

"This time, the emperor is arguing about us. At this juncture, if we show any kind of inconsistency, he will definitely have some action, so whether it is not going, or letting people go for me, It will aggravate his suspicion. This time, I can only run it by myself."

Having said that, Flanders gave a slight relief and then spoke again...

"But don't worry too much. Over the years, the power of our sharks in the empire is not small. The emperor is afraid to take us with us. I am now jealous of you, but it is just in case. ""

Time is limited, and when Flander hastily rushed those things, he immediately followed the whale's family to the palace.

On this road, he can clearly feel that the guards in this palace seem to have become more.

Other fish people do not say for a moment, just a whale, he has seen no less than twenty or thirty people.

Considering the particularity of the whales, this number can be quite a bit.

In this regard, although the Fulangde is still calm on the surface, but the heart has already raised a lot of vigilance.

This embarrassment, he is afraid that it is a little bit worse, it is no longer a disaster!

Entering the main hall, facing the high-end Pompeland, Flanders is quite a respectful ceremony.

The physique between the two is actually half a catty, but due to the location, the oppressive feeling that Pompeland Land has brought to him is exceptionally strong.

Looking at the shark patriarch below, the other party respects the appearance of the ceremony, so that Pompeland Rand's face is slightly slower. After indicating the other person's excuses, he only listens to his rather simple opening...

"The name of the rich patriarch, Gert, can you have an impression?"

In the face of such direct questioning, Flander slowly opened his mouth after a little sinking...

"If the micro-committee remembers correctly, Gert should be a junior in my family."

Faced with this answer, Pompeland Rand blinked as if he wanted to see something from the other's face. At the same time, after easing for two seconds, he only listened to his cold voice...

"The news came from the front line, that is, this junior in your family, with the fishermen under his command, attacked the fishermen that I sent to the 15th sea, including Polk's narwhal! Fulang De, what do you have to say now?!"

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