The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1647: Energy-saving and environmentally-friendly labor force

The specific content of the 'family planning' policy is nothing more than the modern society. There is nothing to say, but whether it is Luo, or Lu Yang and Ye Hua, they all feel that this policy has been promulgated in a short time. It is difficult to play a clear role.

In this way, under this premise, the "family planning" policy was promulgated, and another encouraging policy was soon promulgated to encourage people to go to the Imperial District, the Great Food Zone, the Orc District and other areas for work development.

Unlike the crowded Central Plains area, those areas, after experiencing the early years of war, are now basically restored to a certain degree, but the problem of population size, in a short period of time, it is impossible to recover. of.

Once the population is not enough, the productivity and labor force of those areas will be reduced. The best way today is obviously not to wait for the natural recovery of the population, but to directly immigrate and transfer too many people in the Central Plains area. Form labor and productivity!

Of course, many people are unwilling to do things like leaving their homes, let alone in the eyes of countless people. How many places, how can they be civilized?

For this, Luo Ji can only give this group of people various preferential policies in a targeted manner.

In addition, over the years, for the people of the Wanxiang civilization, with the increasing population, the most direct impact on them is not only crowded, but also the job search has become A problem.

In comparison, there are too many job opportunities in other areas, and even many jobs are long-term recruiting.

Once several policies were released, they suddenly caused a lot of repercussions, and various preferential policies made many people feel heart-warming.

In just one month, from ‘want to go’ to ‘where to go’, in the various heated debates, the number of applicants in various cities has also begun to increase significantly.

The Luo series that got this feedback naturally has a feeling of relief.

Although the problem of overcrowding has not been solved perfectly, it has at least eased a lot and won more construction time for him.

During this time, Luo Ji naturally rushed to the construction of the Yangtze River to build a manpower project, and strive to complete as soon as possible.

According to the size of the city, once completed, at least two or three million people can be allocated for him.

At the same time, during this period, at the ruling meeting at the end of the fall, the director of the Urban Construction Bureau also proposed a plan to expand the urban area of ​​Der Spiegel in response to the population problem.

The sewerage projects in these cities have not been fully upgraded yet. Now we have to expand the urban area.

Various things, the old minister of the Ministry of Construction and Engineering, Sun Liang, and the director of the Urban Construction Bureau soon entered a state of mutual disobedience.

However, at that time, it was indeed a compilation of the problem of entangled population and living space. In the end, Sun Liang’s face was resentful and the proposal was passed.

Expanding the urban area is undoubtedly a big project. It is simple, but it is definitely not easy to do it.

Why is there such a long gap between the city and the city?

It's very simple, because the suburban areas are, to a large extent, not very suitable for living.

Under this premise, if you want to expand the urban area into those areas, you will have to spend a lot of manpower and resources to make large-scale renovations in those areas. This is a rather striking expenditure.

However, Luo Ji has just one hundred, and it is also an energy-saving and environmentally-friendly labor force, that is, the giant beast unit of the rhinoceros family!

After a long period of slumber, the sleeping behemoths have also completed evolution and have awakened.

The eagle's storm giant eagle, naturally needless to say, and the rhinoceros of the rhinoceros family, after the completion of the evolution of Warcraft, the name is the mysterious warrior!

For the first time, Luo Ji saw the image of the mysterious warrior, the photo sent by the orc province and the report of Mia.

From the appearance of the characteristics, the most obvious change, that is probably the color of the body's epidermis and outer armor.

The original armored beast, the color of the body's epidermis and outer armor, is completely biased between light gray and dark gray, and after they evolve into the mysterious warrior, an entire color is undoubtedly more dull, body surface. That huge piece of outer armor, in the sun, even emits a metallic luster similar to the black iron.

In addition, the original awkward body, after the evolution into Warcraft, has become more refined, at first glance, there is a feeling of a few muscles.

At the same time, the long pointed corner of the head is also becoming more sturdy!

Compared with these relatively obvious shape changes, the change in body shape is hard to feel from the photo alone.

However, from the report of Mia, the four heads of the mysterious warfare that evolved into World of Warcraft, even the smallest one, have reached the level of 30 meters, while the one with the most burly figure is It has reached 34 meters!

As far as the property is concerned, there is no accident that the earth system is Warcraft. This is considered to be in the expectation of Luo This time the big project just happened to give these four heads It is very important that you develop your own body strength. If you don't know what your strength is, it's too dangerous to participate in the battle.

Moreover, Luo Ji himself also needs to have a preliminary understanding of the strength of these several World of Warcraft. After he has done a good job, he can better move.

In this way, when the four Xuanjia giant rhinoceros arrived outside the city of Der Spiegel, Luo Ji was undoubtedly going to run out of the suburbs.

At the same time, considering a security issue, a whole area around it has naturally pulled up a long blockade line, and even transferred a force from the nearest fortress to ban it. The citizens are close to this construction site.

At the same time, the bright eagle rang through a whole sky, and four eagle hawks, including the bald eagle, were flying in the air.

If you look closely, you will find the front of the four storm giants, and a black figure, there is no doubt that it is a glimpse.

Today's glimpse, among the lion's behemoth units, is like a boss's posture, the following four storm giants, and a giant wing war eagle that has not even evolved, has become its Little brother.

Of course, they are here today, not because of special circumstances.

Instead, on weekdays, glimpse often takes his own younger brother and walks around here.

In this regard, the citizens of Der Spiegel have long been used to it.

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