The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1673: ‘Fireworks’

The spark of the sky made this night completely "hot".

The dark elf camp that was attacked was in chaos, and Philip Albert’s army clearly did not give them a chance to breathe.

The position of the first round of shelling is actually a subtle deviation. If the special white phosphorus bomb attack is not very large, the round of attack may be short.

After confirming the attack landing point, the second round of shelling, the scout is undoubtedly a secondary calibration of the shelling coordinates.

After being calibrated, the artillery units that locked the coordinate positions directly launched a more accurate fatal blow.

The splendid ‘fireworks’ that blooms in the night sky are constantly sweeping toward the dark elf camp, causing a piece of killing.

In the camp, a figure rushed out quickly, wearing a black armor on his body, is the front line general of their dark elf army, Delk.

"Looking for a bunker, find a shelter and hide!!"

The weakness of the white phosphorus bomb is obvious. After a brief observation, the general of the dark elf has undoubtedly discovered this.

That is, after the white phosphorus bomb is blown up, the sky of Mars is relatively slow in the process of falling. As long as the shelter is found in time, it can still be avoided.

Even with two skills, while maintaining his morale, Delk quickly indicated that the Dark Elf Master had cast a detection spell, accompanied by the display of spells, the red light in the distance, so that they quickly locked the attacker's position.

However, according to this distance, under this kind of night, the army forces want to kill the past, I am afraid it is too late.

After the thought turned, I saw him immediately ordered, indicating that a group of hens hens directly lifted off, bypassing the spread of white phosphorus bombs, and approaching the area in a roundabout way.

The eagle owl with flying ability, in the case of ignoring the terrain obstacles, shows that the overall efficiency is still quite high.

Immediately afterwards, the existence of artillery units was quickly discovered.

Without hesitation, a large number of hens and banshees screamed at the same time. With the spread of sound waves, the negative buffs of the circle were quickly placed on the soldiers.

At that moment, their status undoubtedly became a little bit worse, the efficiency began to become lower, and even the mistakes occurred.

I couldn’t think too much. In the roar of the front-line commanders, the infantry who had guarded the artillery units, they took up the bolt-type rifles in their hands and began to shoot in the air.

The eagle owl, flying in the air, is indeed flexible, but the power of the rifle is not to be underestimated.

Not to mention that compared with the previous manual rifle, the attack efficiency of the bolt-type rifle is greatly improved. In the face of the high-frequency bombing, even the eagle banshee, after several shots in the continuous body, it has to be awkward. Falling from the sky.

However, during this period, he realized that his own situation was unfavorable. Delk, who had not been beaten, had already withdrawn his former camp with his army.

A simple round of confrontation, Philip Albert's army, can be said to have taken advantage of the cheap, even with the morale of the army, are encouraged a few points.

On the other hand, the dark elf army that was evacuated from the camp overnight was undoubtedly a bit embarrassed, and it was simply withdrawn in the back of the city occupied by them.

When they arrived in the urban area, it was already in the early morning after a few days, and the sky was bright and the sky in the distance was white.

Delk, who had not been able to sleep for several days in a row, was covered with bloodshot eyes, but the emotion of anxiety was to make him sleepy.

In that battle, the dark elf soldiers who were not injured were found to have various adverse symptoms in the following days.

Considering the bad symptoms, there may be a possibility of spreading. Delk directly draws a quarantine area overnight and pulls up the blockade line, temporarily placing all the wounded soldiers in the quarantine area.

At this moment, on the bed of the quarantine area, the body of a dark elf soldier, the large area of ​​the burn, looks so shocking.

A burst of sorrow that could not be suppressed, constantly poured into everyone's ears, further destroying his will.

Above the next-bed bed, a dark elf soldier with a serious injury and an ugly face suddenly coughed up.

That posture seems to be to cough up the lungs.

And just in the violent coughing sound, the big mouth of the blood coughed up directly from his mouth, and even with that whole face, it instantly became unmanned.

A group of medical soldiers and dark elves who went to the army saw the situation and quickly ran over and began to rescue the dark elf soldier.

As I said earlier, the elves are very attached to every soldier of this family, and even the Dark Elves are no exception.

Therefore, these wounded soldiers, they will definitely do their best to treat.

In the face of this serious situation, the wounded soldiers, the ordinary treatment, is undoubtedly useless. I saw the dark elf mage, quite simply sang a spell, it is the unique spell of their dark elves, blood therapy Surgery!

Accompanied by the chanting of the spell, a surging spell of light, and soon wrapped the dark elf soldier inside bathed in the light of the spell, over time, that dark The face of the elf soldier is undoubtedly good to see. The face that was originally distorted by pain is obviously relieved.

Although compared with the healing spells of the wood elves, their blood therapy has a much worse effect, but it is undeniable that blood therapy is useful for the bad symptoms of the dark elf soldiers. .

Delk, who received the report, took a sigh of relief, but his face was still not very good-looking.

If the symptoms can only be cured by spells, then the consumption of the Dark Elf Masters in his army may become quite large.

Thinking of this, I saw him quickly turning to look at his adjutant...

"How many left of the magic crystal we brought out this time?"

"Reporting the general, according to the latest statistics, there are 3,286."

Dirk, who heard this, nodded.

"Distribute those magic crystals and let the wizards speed up the recovery of mana."


Don't look at these more than 3,000 pieces of magic crystals. It seems that they are quite a lot. You must know that among the dark elves, they need to consume the magic crystals, not just the Dark Elf Master.

For the simplest example, the predator smashes the gun, which is also a weapon that needs magic crystal as an energy source!

More than 3,000 pieces of magic crystal, in fact, it is already a little inadequate...

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