The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1725: ,black Knight

After the first wave of confrontation between the two armies, the disadvantages of the human army quickly became apparent.

Their close combat ability is simply better than the Dark Elf army.

At this stage and even in the next stage, the military development of human civilization has a characteristic. That is, with the development of military power, the attack distance becomes longer and longer, and the long-range firepower is getting stronger and stronger, but the melee ability is embarking. A downhill road.

At this moment, the weakness of their melee ability can be said to be completely exposed.

Although these soldiers have the skills to practice the bayonet, can they really compare with those who have been fighting with swords? The answer is self-evident...

The Black Knights waved a big sword and opened the scene for a whole battle. The Dark Knights and the Spearmen, which were then killed, launched a fierce offensive.

At this moment, although the strength of the Tianzhao army is dominant, it is affected by the negative buff on the opposite side. In addition, the morale of the party has fallen, and the whole situation has fallen into a disadvantage.

In this case, after seeing the Hua Wei frequently wrinkles in the rear, he quickly got in touch with the command center of the front line through radio communication equipment.

Next to the radar car, the temporary front-line command center was set up and implemented the first time after receiving the order.

According to the order, the Tianchao army that was engaged in the war began and fought back.

At that time, the dark elf army, whose offensive was fierce and morale was more prosperous, naturally went all the way.

In the face of this situation, Chris Evans, who is watching the situation in the back, his brows are obviously wrinkled.

No one is an idiot. At the moment, his dark elf army is too far behind. The dark elf sergeant and the dark elf sorcer at the rear support the front squad.

Unless they follow it up...

Chris Evans undoubtedly saw the opposite intention.

If he chooses to chase, then his own rear troops will inevitably be exposed to the outside. At that time, there will be a risk of being cut in the opposite direction.

And if you choose not to chase, then there are two more situations.

One situation is to let their front-line troops fight alone, and in another case, to call back their front-line troops.

These two situations are not a good choice.

Needless to say, it is inevitable that the repatriation of the front row of troops will inevitably affect the morale of the army at this time.

At the same time, it is a pity that it is so easy to retreat. It is a pity that it is such a retreat. Moreover, the Dark Elf Masters under his command, considering the speed of mana recovery, this spell is really one less, and now it has already smashed two The spell went out, did you give up?

Between the thoughts flying, Chris Evans bit his teeth and then ordered...

"The order is passed, and the Dark Warrior's Seventh Unit and the Spearman's Eighth Unit are transferred back to the Guards Rear Force, and the Hawks and the Banshee. How many troops are there in the Hawks?"

"Responding to the elves of the elves, the eagle body banshee, now less than three hundred troops."

Chris Evans, who heard this, noticed a sharp jump in his eyelids.

The eagle banshee is definitely counted among the many arms of their dark elves, but before that, under his command, the harpy squadron constantly moved toward the opposite airship unit and dwarf. The helicopter squad launched a strike, and the wave of troops that were constantly piled up was lost, and no matter how many troops could not stand it!

At this point, Chris Evans, whose two eyebrows have been twisted together, opens again...

"Tune three eagle squad squads, go to the back of the troops, and be on alert, the rest of the forces, all staring at the opposite air force."


The eagle body banshee, a small team consists of ten eagle banshees, three squads are thirty, this number, even in the civilization like the elf civilization, the population is scarce, not counted what.

However, if it is only used to perform the alert task, if necessary, when you open a buff to play assist, 30 eagle banshees can actually make do with it.

A series of orders were quickly implemented. Obviously, this wave, Chris Evans is determined to pursue.

Now his dark elf army is in full swing, the morale of the army is almost equal to one hundred, and the situation also occupies an advantage. Where is he still guilty?

If you can use this wave of offensive, you can suppress the strength of the opposing Tian Chao army, and then his days will undoubtedly be much better.

"Your Majesty, the rear row of the Dark Elf side chased it out, but he has a considerable number of guards around him."

Listening to the report from the radio equipment, holding a telescope at the time, watching the battle of the Hua Wei Shen Shen should be heard.

"Let's wait, let them push a little further and say, by the way, let the Dark Elf Masters throw another spell."

Since the opposite side was killed with the Dark Elf Masters, it means that this unit can also release spells.

Chris Evans knows that Hua Tuo will have a good chance of staring at his backs, so he has prepared.

But in turn, Hua Wei actually knows that the opposite can't be so stupid, and will definitely make some arrangements.

So, let's see who they are better at.

The battle continued. As the war progressed, on the side of the Tianchao army, the total number of casualties continued to rise. The black knights who waved the swords were scary and scary.

After several times of rushing down, with the increase in the characteristics of the arms, their combat power has at least increased by 50%!

With a big sword, ordinary human soldiers simply do not have their enemy.

This increase is called 'Dark Touch', which is one of the enhanced characteristics of the Black Knights. The effect is no longer necessary, but this feature project is not without Any restrictions.

To give a simple example, a black knight is like a balloon that has been filled with air, and once the enhanced feature of the 'Dark Touch' is applied, it will go to the balloon a little bit after the attack. Inflated.

However, there is a limit to the endurance of a balloon. If the gas filled in exceeds the limit of the balloon, he will slam it and blow it directly!

In order to prevent the Black Knight from suddenly exploding in the battle, there is another project that is unlocked together with the Touch of Darkness, that is...

"Hey! Evil! Hey!!!"

In the roar of the roar, a gasping, overwhelmed black knight resolutely waved the strongest sword.

At that moment, above the blade, the dark power frantically surging, and finally turned into a powerful sniper, smashing toward the group of Heavenly Soldiers closest to him! !

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