The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1758: Frontline command

The dark elves far exceed the fighting power of ordinary human soldiers, and they are indeed taboo.

However, both of them are old rivals after all, and they know each other well.

What is the word saying? The person who knows you the most is often not a friend, but your enemy!

At this moment, both sides are undoubtedly the same.

The front row of the Dark Elves moved, and the foreign army joined forces, and they also acted together.

The dark elf soldiers who rushed to the battlefield were quickly attacked by different teams. Everyone saw the move and saw who could laugh at the end!

During this period, above the sky, the harpy is also frequently dispatched.

Some of them are responsible for giving foreign soldiers a negative buff to support their own army, and some of them are flying around the sky.

Of course, the flight here is not to say that they are really flying.

Dominic Adolf knows what the harpy is doing.

They are looking for him.

Or, they are looking for the position of the front line command!

After all, once the front line command is attacked, it will have a huge impact on a whole foreign joint army.

And if the chief commander is killed, the impact can be even greater!

"Connect to the full channel."

"All channels are connected."

"Everyone pays attention to the eagle in the sky, pay attention to keep it hidden."

After that, Dominique Adolf, who put down the pager in his hand, quickly turned his gaze to another communicationsman.

"The scouts sent out, have the news come back?"

"Reporting the general, there is no news coming back."

"Good, pay attention to the opposite eavesdropping, and their technology can't be underestimated."


I have to say that this sentence really makes him say it.

When Delk sent the hens to search for the whereabouts of their frontline command, the Europa United Army could not sit still. In a radar car, various devices were quickly started. When maintaining internal communications, They are also trying to eavesdrop on the opposite communication.

However, in the face of the long-suffering foreign joint army, so far, they obviously have no gains, let alone eavesdropping communications, and even the radar scanning signals are blocked, sweeping can not be swept out.

At this moment, Dominique Adolf, who is the commander of the foreign joint army, is hiding there?

The answer is that he is hiding under a hillside quite far from the main battlefield.

The special terrain around them forms a natural barrier, and even if the eagle owls fly over them, they may not be discovered.

As for his position in this position, how to confirm the intelligence on the battlefield in the first place.

In fact, it is also simple, that is to confirm through his scouts!

First of all, they want to have multiple radar vehicles distributed throughout the area, through radar coverage, to form a communication area.

Under this premise, every scout must have a communication device.

These communication devices have very limited communication distances and can only be used within radar coverage.

At the same time, in order to receive signals and send signals anytime and anywhere, those scouts must carry a mountaineering bag size on their backs, special devices for receiving and transmitting signals, which can not be light weight, greatly increasing their weight. .

Now that I am at the right time, under the full command of Dominic Adolf, this whole battle can be said to be an abnormal anxiety.

Although at the beginning of the opening, the successful calculation of the opposite foreign joint army once dominated, but you can not deny that the strength of the Europa United Army is real.

Just like the dark elf army that they used to take advantage of the strength of the Dirk, at this moment, the Europa United Army is also taking advantage of the strength and fighting hard with them!

This type of play has caused the number of casualties on both sides to continue to soar.

Especially after the front row of the Dark Elves intervened in the battlefield, the black knights' strong combat power clearly put their casualty rating up to the next level.

At this moment, the balance called ‘victory’ is swaying up and down.

Just in Dominic Adolf, through the constant transmission of information, pay close attention to the battle, commanding the battle, the top of the hill, a scream of screaming to the extreme, so that everyone instantly changed his face.

"Hell, it’s a banshee!"

"We were discovered, all guarded!!!"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!!"

I saw that at this moment, on the hillside, an eagle owl is probably just landing here, wanting to take a break, and as soon as it landed, they found their existence.

This bad luck was maddening, and the other screamed. While giving them a negative buff, the other harpy around her was called.

In the face of this situation, the foreign soldiers carrying the **** missions, they took the rifles in their hands and fired into the air, trying to shoot the eagle **** who attacked.

At the same time, several of the pro-arms who were standing next to Dominic Adolf also quickly guarded their own generals and took the command car.

Compared with ordinary transport vehicles, this command vehicle is equipped with some radar communication equipment and signal shielding equipment to ensure that it can not be scanned by enemy radar to a certain extent.

At the same time, the external armor is slightly thicker, but the bulletproof ability is actually very general. After all, the armor is too thick. According to the current output of the engine, their car is likely to be open.

However, the attack used to block a harpy is still possible.

As soon as the throttle was stepped on, the command vehicle with the speed of the limit reached the limit, and under the guard of the surrounding six military vehicles, they rushed out of their hiding place.

At the same time, above the sky, a large number of hens are madly chasing them.

However, each of these cars is equipped with a number of soldiers. If the eagle banshees dare to enter their range, the soldiers will shoot them in the first time!

But even so, their situation is still passive to the extreme.

At this time, there is a situation!

"General! The radio communication signal is broken!!"

"what happened?"

"It is the radar car the signal receiving and transmitting device on the radar car has been destroyed by the eagle banshee!"

"Then start the device on the command car!"

"No, no, command the equipment on the car, the signal range is not enough! Now the distance is too far away, and there are no other signals!"

Dominique Adolf, who got this answer, was obviously sinking. Although he also had emergency radar equipment on his command car, considering the size of the space, the performance is undoubtedly better than the equipment on the radar car.

As the highest commander of a whole foreign joint army, once he loses contact with the army, what will eventually become a situation can be imagined.

Between the thoughts flying around, sitting in his own command car, I saw Dominic Adolf taking a deep breath and screaming...

"Change direction, go to the battlefield!"

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and starting | | point of genuine!)

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