The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1805: Deep sea monster

Under the surface of the sea, the blood of the giant whale Simon is almost completely dyed red in this whole sea area.

Unlike those attacks that hit it, it is safe and painless. The attack of the first unit of the stalker is undoubtedly effective.

Although it can be hit hard without reaching a few times, it is accompanied by an increase in the frequency of attacks and the accumulation of injuries.

At this moment, on the body of the giant whale Simon, it is already covered with large pieces of dense wounds, and even the whole appearance looks a bit flesh and blood.

The huge whales are constantly tumbling, picking up one huge wave, and the giant whale Simon at this time seems to want to use this turbulent current to forcibly interrupt the attackers.

The huge waves that are picked up, even if they are warships on the sea, will be shaken by the shots. The submarines under the sea will naturally be affected.

However, the advantage of their attack distance is, after all, placed there.

In the short distance, if you can't launch an attack, you can simply pull away from the distance and get rid of the influence of those currents. There is no problem.

It must be said that the way the elite hunters are coping is effective.

Sustained with the spell of the harpoon, the intense pain constantly stimulates every nerve of the giant whale Simon, causing a scarlet color in its pupil!


With a violent whale, the giant whale Simon is completely mad!

Crazy, can be said to be a powerful weapon of the orc civilization.

Once in the mad state, the orc civilized unit will have a multiplier increase in combat power. At the same time, they will lose their pain and fear, become fearless, and even have the influence of 'moral' on them. disappear.

The behemoth, as a strategic-level unit of the orc civilization player, undoubtedly has the ability to enter the mad state.

But earlier, it has been said that compared with ordinary orc units, the beasts of the beasts are more full, and the players of the orc civilization will use the item of "crazy restraint" to the full level, and the monster unit will fall into madness. The state will be out of control directly! It is a horrible double-edged sword!

At this moment, a fierce breath, bursting out from it, carrying a pair of eyes completely dyed into scarlet colors, completely maddening the out of control of the giant whale Simon, as if incarnate for a sea of ​​celebrity beasts, churning Between the direct, picking up the waves!

The killer whales and whales who were aware of this situation suddenly changed their faces.

This is really too bad.

The mad madman, who is out of control, has no distinction between the enemy and me. He will attack everything around him madly. All of this, including them, of course!

"Retraction! All the staff retreat!! Once Simon is eyeing, it is really finished!"

In the long war history of the orc civilization, the madness of the beasts is out of control, and it must be a few times. Therefore, the reaction between the killer whales and the whales is also very rapid.

This rapid response allowed them to successfully avoid becoming the first target of the giant whale Simon.

The power broke out, and the giant whale Simon controlled his huge body and rushed directly to the few hunters who were closest to it.

The speed that is driven by power alone is astonishingly fast, so that it is like a high-speed train, which is completely whizzing.

In a blink of an eye, its huge body was so directly crushed on the few hunters.

There is no doubt that a deadly level of attack.

Under one collision, the devastating force destroyed all the bones on the body and the internal organs, and they were completely shattered. completely cut off the vitality of those hunting people.

In the scene of the monks, the other few hunters who were nearby were all pale and a little bit pale. The subconsciously rushed to escape and kept a safe distance from the out-of-control monster.

Unexpectedly, the monster is out of control, but it is not ambiguous at all.

Probably aware of their existence, I saw that the giant whale Simon suddenly opened his mouth after the fierce collision.

In an instant, a horrible suction burst out, in a whale-like momentum, inhaling everything around him into his mouth.

"Hell, run!"

The nearby hunters have a desire to run, but the suction is too horrible.

At that moment, it seems that there are countless invisible big hands, firmly grasping them, and want to drag them into the mouth of the giant whale Simon.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Within the scope of the sucking, the desperately stalking screamers screamed and screamed, almost simultaneously turning the madness.

However, even if it is mad, it has not changed their destiny, the monster-level giant mouth, directly swallowed everything around.

The dominant power that was originally firmly grasped by the hunter’s troops was actually taken away by this uncontrollable behemoth in the most arrogant way!

But at this moment, the giant whale Simon has long lost his I don’t know what I am doing.

It is now just following instinct and destroying everything around you!

At this moment, the giant whales and the killer whales took advantage of the opportunity of the giant whale Simon to attack the stalkers. It has long been a long way to go. The giant whale Simon in this state is simply unstoppable. It will not stop until everything is destroyed.

At the same time, everyone above the sea is obviously not sure what is going on under the sea.

However, from the beginning, it has been turbulent, inciting the constant sea surface, so that Tang and Song and Hua Wei have a vague uneasiness in their hearts.

The result was that at this moment, the two only heard a muffled sound from the distance, accompanied by the broken sea, a huge to exaggerated figure, so jumped directly into the air!

This picture is really amazing, so that the soldiers who saw this scene almost gave their eyes out.

After all, a guy with such a heavy tonnage can jump into the sky? Just this is enough to scare people.

The huge body, after a short stay in the air, crashed down, but this is a fate.

I saw the body of the giant whale Simon, so directly on a dwarf battleship.

When the strike fell, the dwarf battleship broke into two pieces on the spot in a roaring sound, and it was destroyed in a moment. Obviously, even if there is a quality guarantee for the dwarfs, there is no such thing as the tonnage of the mountain.

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