The sight in front of us is incredible for all players. It can even be said to completely subvert their worldview. Another common sense that they have accumulated over the years has been ruthlessly rubbed on the ground.

Humans, orcs and elves? Why do three civilizations of species appear in an army?

As a result, they did not wait for them to think about it. From the other few airships that landed, several green guys came out and their worldviews were refreshed again in a short time.

Ok, another group of special races...

Feeling the sight of falling on himself, Gao Wen did not make a fuss.

After all, it has been a goblin king that has been used for so many years, and has long been used to being noticed.

At the same time, the attention of most of these people is still concentrated on Luo.

For those who have been in high positions for many years, the gas field emanating between the gestures is completely different from other people.

In the meantime, Luo Ji’s feeling is different from other players.

At this moment, the players in the sky who are not far away, the whole feeling is very subtle.

I don't know if it is my own psychological effect. I know that the other party has done nothing, but just by seeing each other's figure, they will feel an inexplicable pressure, and the whole person is not consciously tightened.

At the same time, the feeling like this is especially strong for the guards who are behind the players of the Celestial.

Even so strong that they couldn't help but keep their head down, to the point where they simply couldn't look directly at each other.

The reason why this kind of effect is produced, the root cause is actually a special project from the civilization of Luo Ji Wanjie, the posture of the tyrant!

It may not be noticed by Luo Ji himself. Under the influence of the 'baze of the tyrants', his gas field has become more and more intense over the years, and he will bring huge people to the surrounding people invisibly. Impact.

Even if he followed him for many years, he knew that he was the guardian of the character, Wang Kai, and sometimes he felt a lot of pressure, let alone other people.

In the meantime, it is slightly different from the players of the Tian Dynasty, and the performances of Tang and Song and Hua Wei are still calm.

After all, as early as the air forces appeared, they had already had some speculation in their hearts.

At the same time, I would like to associate with the rumors that spread earlier in the silver section...

"Look at this situation, those rumors turned out to be true."

While confirming this situation, both Tang and Song and Hua Wei saw from the other's eyes a horror that could not be concealed.

Obviously, even if you have psychological preparation, it is really too scary to change this matter...

"It seems that he is really able to plunder other special civilizations. Otherwise, so many special forces of different races cannot explain at all."

"I am afraid this is true. I have seen the dwarf helicopters before, not mine."

At this moment, Tang Song, who is talking with Hua Tuo, has a feeling of 'living ghost' on his face, because it is too exaggerated, even if the facts are already in front of him, he is still a bit I can't believe it.

And Hua Wei, who received this news, his face was changed for a while, and he quickly replied with his mouth...

"So, do you want to avoid it a little?"

Obviously, even Huaying can't deny that after confirming the characteristics of Luo's ‘predation, the existence of the other party itself can pose a threat to all players of special civilization.

Not to mention that Luo Ji also showed such terrible air combat power.

According to his preliminary judgment, according to the strength of such air combat, at this stage, even in the heyday of Chris Evans and Tang Song, and his one-on-one single-handedness, I am afraid that the odds are only three or four percent.

In the silver rank, the only chance of winning may be more than 50%. I am afraid that there is only the first silvery Scarlett Winslet...

In the face of Chinatown’s proposal, Tang Song shook his head.

"No, at present, he is not hostile to us. Moreover, he already has a dwarf unit. It is reasonable to say that there is no need to remember my dwarf civilization."

Just in the time when the two men exchanged messages, under the circumstance of a group of guards, Luo Ji has already come on the head.

At this moment, among the players of the heavens, the ones who are headed are undoubtedly Tang Song and Hua Wei.

In this world, the strong is the respect, the middle of the station, this is common sense.

When I saw Luo, the Tang and Song dynasties did not put on the shelves of the old predecessors. I walked quite a few steps and greeted Luo Ji...

"Luo brothers, long-awaited, I am the Tang and Song of the Alliance."

Tianxia League can be said to be one of the top alliances in their celestial camp. The strength is even stronger than the Brotherhood. Even the Luoji, which does not care much about these, knows this alliance.

The Tang and Song Dynasties are the brothers in the silver section of the World League.

After the Tang and Song Dynasties opened their heads, other Tianchao players naturally reported themselves to their homes. Obviously they all wanted to mix their faces in front of Luo.

In this regard, Luo Ji is also a smile to greet the past.

However, during this period no one asked about special civilizations and those races.

Are they not curious?

They are certainly curious!

But as long as it is a person with a brain, it should be clear that it is not appropriate to ask such a question.

They can think in a variety of ways in their minds, or they can discuss it privately with a few players they know well, but it is not convenient to ask Luo.

So everyone is selectively forgetting this issue.

Like this whole state did not last long ~ ~ above the sea, a big battle has just finished, although many things can be told to the naval generals under the hand, but in fact, the player They are not so leisurely, there are still many things that need them to make arrangements.

In this way, after a simple meeting, everyone agreed to discuss the matter at night.

Before that, everyone obviously had their own things to be busy.

Even Hua Tuo had to rush to integrate their own sea fleet.

However, the Tang and Song Dynasties stayed because they had something to find.

This matter is not complicated.

Simply put, in the previous battle, he had a dwarf tank unit on this battlefield.

According to the current situation, the troops are likely to be completely destroyed. However, even so, Tang and Song Dynasties want to recover the wreckage of the tank chariots and the bodies of the dwarven soldiers as much as possible.

This kind of thing, he can do it directly, but now the situation is somewhat different.

Because this entire port, as well as the port city behind it, was occupied by Luo Ji as his front line in this sea area.

Under this premise, before the Tang and Song Dynasties, if you don’t say hello first, it will inevitably lead to any misunderstanding.

In this regard, Luo Ji apparently did not refuse the reason, quite simply agreed, and even can take the handle.

Anyway, the area is definitely going to be cleaned up. Otherwise, after the army of his 10,000-strong civilization has landed, there is no place to station.

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