The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1902: But, it’s so cool!

After abandoning a lot of work, I finally let him confirm the resources of each city sector, and I couldn’t help but swear.

"This group of people, let alone the five-star spectacle, how come even a four-star spectacle?"

One star to Samsung's spectacle, this wave of countdown, and let him find seven in succession, and then he found that this group of people is not good!

So how many wonders have you had for so many years? It’s too bad to mix.

At the same time, there are relatively few rare resources. For example, uranium mines, although they have found a uranium mine, but give him two three seats, he is not too much.

But it turns out that the uranium mine is really a scarce resource and even rarer than the rare resources.

So many players in the territory, no one has uranium mine, which can not help but let Luo series slightly disappointed.

However, it is also much lazy to do tangles, quite simply in his own territory, playing a jigsaw puzzle.

Of course, this jigsaw puzzle is also very particular. There are generally two deployment methods, one is unified deployment.

To put it simply, you have piled up all the mining-developed cities in one place, and then slammed into the middle, throwing a spectacle of the mining industry, and upgrading the mining industry in the most efficient way. Development speed and mining efficiency.

As for the other way, it is called full deployment.

To put it simply, it is to let you have all the resources in a region, and all sides can maintain a certain level, in order to achieve the goal of stable development.

Although the above unified deployment can achieve extremely high returns in terms of individual development, there is a problem that it is severely partial, and the development of that area is extremely uneven.

Still taking the example of mining industry, the industrial city with developed mining industry, the environment is mostly bad, the livability is not high, and it can be difficult to maintain at an ordinary level.

With this as a premise, so many industrial cities are piled up together, and if you are not careful, the livability will fall into a negative number. In other words, it is easy to play off.

The development of Luo Ji, to talk about a long-term flow, too extreme means, he will not use, so, from his personal point of view, of course, is more inclined to fully deploy, and occasionally waved so...

"There is a Samsung mountain spectacle here, and there is a two-star lake wonder at the foot of the mountain. Ah~ comfortable~"

At this moment, the Luo series that dragged the plate is pleasant, and unlike the previous tangled state, he is now completely arrogant.

Like this way of stacking wonders, the price/performance ratio is actually not high, but it is cool!

Put together and put together, how spectacular is it at first glance? !

It took a lot of effort, and finally Luo Zhi, who had all settled down, couldn't help but stretch out, and then squatted directly on his chair, looking at the huge virtual window suspended in the air.

At this moment, in the area where he was surrounded by civilizations and opened his vision, all the cities in the city were filled up.

Of course, the desert in the west and the extremely cold land in the north, the two areas, Luo Ji did not go toss.

Although it is directly covered, you can change the landscape, but unless you cover all the deserts in one go, you still can't change the western city and take advantage of the fact of a desert.

Terrain like desert and frozen soil is extremely topographical and has a bad environment. No matter which city is next to it, the livability will directly reduce you to a negative number. Who can eat it?

The bitter cold places can live, because they lived there in the northern tribe ancestors, and the natives of the land adapted to this environment, so the impact on livability is small, there is nothing to say.

But if you throw a city out of thin air, the hundreds of thousands of people in the city can adapt to it.

Even if you have a long time, the chances of desertification of the city's land are much higher than the chances of completing the greening in the desert.

By then, the city will be basically half abandoned.

There are indeed desert cities, but in this city, you have to build for the environment, not to say that you can get it if you just throw a past.

This matter, Luo Ji obviously has to slow down first.

In this way, this time the deployment was mainly concentrated on the southern side of his Wanxiang civilization and the dark elf island on the sea.

On the island, there is nothing to say. As for the south, the site is relatively large, so you can talk about it.

Originally, Luo Ji wanted to directly count the cities that were newly deployed in the south as a province for governance.

But then I thought about it. As a province, it seems to be a bit too big. Let a senior official and a group of mayors go to govern. Then the workload must not let them go crazy?

With this in mind, it is rare for Luo Ji to divide the original province into two.

The one near the Yangtze River is directly named 'Tokai Province', while the one near the South China Sea is named 'Nanhai Province'. It can be said to be quite simple and clear.

At the same time, it must be said that these two provinces can be awesome. At first glance, resources and wonders are everywhere. For players like Luo Ji, it is simply too comfortable.

This wave of all-out war, saying that he is rich, is absolutely light.

Seriously, I saw the deployment again. After confirming that there was no problem, I decided to click the OK button. In a timely manner, the world changed. The cities were invisible and distributed.

And Luo himself, it is quite a simple departure from the battlefield.

After the end of the general battle, the system will give the player a time to burn and rob, but Luo Ji has no interest in this, so he chose to leave early.

At this point, many players in the battlefield are the same.

Those ones, now are eager to leave the battlefield, and then adjust the time difference, and strive for more development time, where is the leisure time wasted here?

Although it has only just passed through a life-and-death storm, but next, the promotion of the golden section is not another life and death?

When you go up, it will be blown up by the big man in the golden section, but it is really cool.

Only one blink of an eye, the change of the heavens and the earth, the transformation of space, has already left the battlefield, and received a reminder from the system without any surprise...

System Reminder: Congratulations to the players of the Tian Dynasty, Luo Zhi, for reaching the promotion request. Based on the time of the neutral region, you will be promoted to the gold position in one month!

Listening to the system's congratulations, including Luo Ji, at this moment a large number of players in the silver segment, the face is completely happy.

This system reminds that falling into their ears is no different from a reminder.

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