The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1952: Long-lost name

The news that Meng Xuan sent in succession made Luo's brow wrinkle tighter and tighter.

The other news of the other party is almost to let Luo Jiming clearly realize that someone in the words is Gao Su.

Luo Ji is slowly responding after thinking over and over again...

"Are you talking about someone?"

Probably felt the doubts of Luo Ji, Meng Xuan returned to such a message after a slight hesitation.


The simple two letters, while not directly mentioning the other's name, let the person who knows clearly lock the identity.

Later, not waiting for Luo Ji to think more, Meng Xuan’s news has been sent again.

"I can understand your caution, but I can guarantee that for gs, we are friendly and stand on the stand of the heavens. He is an important force. If you can, everyone hopes that he can live well."

Meng Xuan's words, let Luo series somewhat shaken, indeed, from the perspective of the camp, as a player in the golden section, Gao Su live, it is more favorable for the Tian Chao camp.

At this point, I saw that Luo Ji entered it again...

"So, what do you mean?"

"I intend to tell you something and the current form, but before that, it is your turn to prove your identity."

Luo Ji understands the meaning of Meng Xuan, so he sent a message directly.

"My seniors are Gaosu."

This time, the Luo series directly hit the name, so that Meng Xuan who saw the news completely confirmed his identity.

While exhaling a long breath, quickly enter the road...

"Gao Su's current situation, you should be clear?"

"I heard that I was being besieged by the players in the three Europa camps. What is the situation?"

If it is as Meng Xuan said, they want to keep Gao Su, then why would it become like this? For this, Luo Ji still has some doubts in his heart.

In this regard, Meng Xuan did not hide and squatted, and directly sent several messages, giving Luo Zhen a good explanation of the current situation...

"The reason is not complicated. In simple terms, Gao Su did not join any alliance. This time, the battle is actually the private enmity of Gao Su and the Eye of God. This makes us not have a proper reason to intervene. Battle."

"If forced intervention, it will easily become a full-scale war between the Heavenly camp and the Europa camp!"

"But you should know that in this battlefield, it is not only our Heavenly camp and the Europa camp, but also a foreign alliance of multinational players. Under this premise, we can't easily fight with the Europa League."

"Because one fights, no one knows what will happen afterwards."

Looking at these several messages, according to Luo Ji's ability to understand, naturally it is impossible to understand.

Nowadays, the players of these parties are intertwined into a huge network, and they are moving all over the body!

The Tian Chao camp did not want to lose the strength of Gao Su, but at the same time had to take into account the entire camp situation, can not easily start, completely detonated the full-scale war between the two camps.

Between the thoughts flying, the first reaction of Luo Ji is...

"So, do you want to use me as an excuse to get involved in the battlefield?"

In this regard, Meng Xuan’s answer is...

"You think it's too beautiful. Although this excuse is hard to use, it's okay to use it. However, you should know that it is too far-fetched. Even if we use this excuse to intervene, the Europa camp will never accept it."

"So, can I save people by myself?"

The Luo series that issued this message seemed to be speechless. He could understand the situation of the Heavenly camp. But he and Gao Su’s situation are too terrible.

"The only thing we can do now is to check and balance the other players in the Europa camp, so that they don't dare to move easily. This is the limit."

"But you can't afford to see me too much? Gao Su is opposite, but there are three players in the golden section! It seems that there are still many silver ranks. How many wins can I and Gao Su have?"

Seriously, the psychological pressure of Luo Ji is really very big for this matter.

And Meng Xuan who saw this news, the heart is also more helpless.

"Who is the one who is called Gao Su is so unique? On this battlefield, when the lone ranger is not a good choice, I can only say that the odds of your two will not be zero."


"Don't be like this, hope is not small, your seniors are not so good to deal with, Gao Su is so good to deal with, the three guys of God's Eye, have already given him."

The Luo series that heard this, for the strength of Gao Su, inevitably a little more reverie.

But at the same time, his mind is also awake.

"Oh, you should know that it is one thing to be able to hold one, and it is another thing to be able to win."

This really makes Meng Xuan a bit unable to refute. Indeed, a war, light can be useless, want to win, Gao Su needs to face the three Europa gold players at the same time, with the ability to turn over .

"Of course, we also have to consider this, it is impossible to do nothing, I pull you into a group, you pass."

After a message was sent, it was not waiting for Luo Zhen’s reaction. Meng Xuan’s invitation window was accompanied by a system prompt and popped up in front of Luo.

System Tip: Tianchao player ‘Mengxuan’ invites you to join the ‘Tianchao Alliance’ group. Do you accept it?

In this regard, after a little hesitation, Luo Ji finally chose to accept, in short, advanced to see and say.

As soon as Luo Jigang entered, the group labeled "Tianchao Alliance" had already slammed.

"Is this the descendant of Gao Su?"

At this moment, the one who sent the message was a player named ‘Liu Junjie’.

Seeing this news, Meng Xuan, also within this group, gave the other party a positive answer.

During this period, Luo Ji's attention is mainly concentrated on the members list of this group.

There are not many people in this group. There are only 12 people in it. Unlike other groups, the players in this group basically only display one name. Most of them are very strange to Luo. .

However, considering the identity of Meng Xuan, and then think of other people, Luo Jixin, probably already has a number.

During this period, the line of sight sweeping through the list of members, at the moment of sweeping to a certain name, looked awkward.

"Zhong Mo..."

After a short embarrassment, Luo Ji quickly responded.

After all, in the past a long time, there are only two people in his buddy list, one is Gao Su, the other is Zhong Mo.

However, Luo Ji really did not expect that he would actually see the name Zhong Mo in this group.

For a while, my heart was a little surprised.

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