The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2038: , Full of saucy operations

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"Support, we need fire support !!"

There is no doubt that Europa players at this level, each of their mechanized units, has a complete communication system.

While receiving the request for help here, the frontline command side also confirmed the situation at the fastest speed, and then issued instructions.

Unlike early wars, technology has developed to this point. They can now even be located in the rear, directing individual soldiers to perform certain tasks directly through the communication system.

On the battlefield, a main battle tank that received the order, turned the turret directly, and aimed at the simple bunker built in the air, which was a shelling.

This simple bunker is simply piled with earth and stones to block the bullets and help them build some high advantages. However, if you encounter a shelling at the current stage, let alone a simple bunker. Can't resist a few times.

In the roar of artillery, the simple bunker collapsed and turned into a ruin.

The sight was also that Luo Ji's eyelids jumped twice.

It stands to reason that according to the artillery power of the main battle tank, it is absolutely impossible for a normal person staying in a simple bunker to be spared.

However, those people don't look normal!

Therefore, Luo Ji still wanted to look at the special force in Gaosu, and what other operations can he do next.

At this moment, after receiving a shelling support from the main battle tank, the mechanized infantry regiment opposite Europa regained the dominance of the war situation here.

A large number of heavily armed soldiers rushed up with automatic rifles in their hands, trying to harvest a wave of human heads.

However, after a wave of losses before, those Europa soldiers also had a long memory and were directly divided into two batches. One batch rushed to confirm the situation, and the other was armed with an automatic rifle and followed, ready to cover fire.

And just as Luo Ji wondered who would shoot first, there was a sudden movement in the area turned into ruins. A lot of earth and stone seemed to come alive, and they directly rolled in the nearby Europa soldiers.

The next second, the other soldiers were killed from behind the earth and stones. The weapon in his hand became an automatic rifle when he did not know it. Aiming at those Europa soldiers, a burst of fire made Luo Ji completely give up thinking.

He was too lazy to figure out how to do the opposite, he couldn't figure out anyway!

In fact, at the time, if he had the internal vision of the bunker, he could see it at a glance.

The special force in Gaosu clearly stated that it had long been expected that Europa would let the main battle tanks attack their bunkers.

Therefore, at a critical moment, they directly disintegrated the earth and stones under their feet, allowing them to fall to the bottom of the bunker at the fastest speed, and then quickly built several layers of walls on their heads with earth and stones to form protection. .

In other words, the bombardment came through, and although it directly penetrated the upper level of the bunker, it was actually completely empty. They had already hid beneath the ground and were not above the bunker.

Immediately afterwards, the mechanized infantry regiment opposite Europa would definitely come to make sure they were dead or alive.

So, seeing the opportunity, they directly controlled the debris of earth and stones that pressed on top of them, and wrapped the Europa soldiers who rushed in front of them. While holding the other side, they could smoothly run themselves out of the ground and quickly Turn the heavy machine gun into an automatic rifle and launch a counterattack.

Said it was a show operation, it was really not too much.

During this period, it is naturally impossible to stop fighting on the main battlefield.

Two special forces, although anti-tank rocket launchers, hit the Europa tank forces.

However, the main battle tank on the opposite side is also equipped with an interception system and reaction armor, so the damage caused is actually relatively small, and the crazy advance of the main battle tank has not been intercepted.

However, at this moment, compared to worrying about the collapse of Gaosu's frontline war situation, Luo Ji is now completely in the mood to see what Gaosu's army can do.

But when Luo Ji thought about it that way, he was in the air and clearly saw that Gaosu's position was actually out of a large group of rock giants with huge bodies!

There is no doubt that this is definitely not a normal creature. Every rock giant is estimated to be thirty meters high, and every part of the body is made of a large number of rocks.

However, these are not the points! The point is that the number of these rock giants is simply exaggerated. The specific number, Luo Ji has not been counted, can not be confirmed, but from this perspective where he is now, at a glance, everywhere!

Exaggerated numbers of rock giant troops rushed into the battlefield, and the heavy steps almost made an entire land shake.

However, the opposing Europa troops should have seen this battle for a long time, so at this moment, the rushing main battle tanks are not panic at all.

One of the main battle tank turrets turned and fired, destroying the right leg of one of the rock giants on the spot.

The out of balance rock giant fell to the ground, but they didn't seem to have any pain. The rock giant who fell to the ground supported his huge body with his remaining legs and supported his huge body to stand up again.

During this period, there was a flash of light at the fracture of the right leg.

Between the flashes of light, a large amount of earth and stones flew around, and it was actually the right leg that was severed, and it was picked up again!

In the dense roar of artillery, on the Europa side, a large number of main battle tanks fired wildly, destroying the rock giants approaching them.

According to the firepower of the main battle tank, it can completely cause definite damage to the rock giant.

But the problem now is that the rock giants are not afraid of death at all ...

It may be strange to use the words 'don't be afraid of death' ~ ~ Because now Luo Ji can't even confirm that those rock giants are not creatures.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that those rock giants have quite strong self-healing ability, and their limbs, trunks, and even heads are damaged, they can recover by themselves.

And once they get close to the main battle tanks, the two heavy punches that are more exaggerated than the siege hammers will be continuously issued, in the most rude and direct way, the enemy's main battle tanks will constitute a clear destruction!

For a while, Luo Ji only felt that the scene was magical.

In the meantime, on the other side, in accordance with Luo Ji's intentions, Barenque who hurried back to give the order was also brought back by the troops with the fastest short-distance support within the civilization of all walks of life. .

At this moment, it is the wood elf general who rides the second-order fast eagle, Calgan!

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