The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2082: Elf Swordsman

Casting divine magic requires prayer and chanting. Before the Templars, with the support of the ascetic, the two parties took turns to perform the gods magic, open the shield, and shield the madness with the support of the ascetic. Way, to bring the orc army sick to death.

But now, the situation has changed, the ascetic forces can no longer shield them. It is obviously not enough to rely on them to pray and sing alone. In the face of the Minotaurs troops led by the burdock, the Templars Son paid a painful price.

Of course, everyone knows that the battle has reached this point, and the key to dominating the land battlefield is no longer here, but on the ascetic forces and those elven swordsmen!

It is obvious that the assailants who were attacked could not be obedient to death. The templars were rushing towards them as fast as possible. In other words, as long as they were supported for a period of time, they had hope of salvation.

As a general of the Elves, it is impossible for Lombard not to know what the ascetics are doing.

Looking at the shields that opened the **** blessing, they were about to rush to the Templar in front of them, only to hear him quickly order ...

"First Squadron to Fifth Squadron, follow me! Sixth Squadron, continue to clear the rear platoons opposite!"

As a support unit, the ascetics are weak, but considering the efficiency of cleaning, Lombard originally wanted to leave the fighting power of two squadrons for cleaning.

However, for the winged army, the determination to rescue the ascetic army is undoubtedly quite large. There are three or four thousand templars in this wave of defenses coming back.

In addition, Lombard, they had three hundred squadrons, and six squadrons were 1,800.

The troop strength on the opposite side is basically more than double theirs. If the troop difference is too large, the casualties of their troops will definitely increase greatly in the next battle.

In order to reduce the number of casualties as much as possible, Lombard eventually made a more cautious arrangement.

At this moment, the distance between the troops of both sides quickly approached, and a chance was spotted. The sword in Lombard's hand suddenly waved. At the moment, the gale was roaring and another gale was swept out!

While giving the Templar troops on the other side a headache, Lombard took his hordes of soldiers and quickly killed them in a gale.

The sharp swordsmanship and the swift figure combined together to form a powerful aggressive force!

In just one round of fighting, the gap in the strength of the soldiers has reached an obvious point.

神 There is also a difference between the cultivation of this divine skill, which is not only reflected in the strength of the divine skill, but also in the efficiency of its performance.

Like this melee unit, the magic skill is relatively poor, obviously. After being attacked by Lombard, the shield of the **** blessing was destroyed and the formation was broken. Facing the elf swordsmen The fast-paced chasing, the templars who stood in the front row, even had no chance to re-open the shield of divine protection, they became their souls under the sword one after another.

Alas, this state did not last forever.

的 The Templars who came back to defend from the opposite side, but there were three or four thousand people, the front row was too late to perform the magic, but the back row had time!

This way, the Templars who successfully backed up the shield of Divine Blessing for themselves once again began to push forward quickly, while the Templars who had been in the front row originally consciously backed away.

Although this is a mid-level unit, you cannot deny that their actual combat experience is real.

In the face of the Templars who had opened the shield of Divine Protection, the difficulty of this battle increased significantly.

Taking advantage of the shield on his body to block the attack from the opposite side, a templar screamed and slashed at the elf swordsman in front of him while roaring.

This is also their consistent advantage. With the shield open, they can completely give up defense and attack with all their strength.

And such a play often allows them to effectively kill enemy units.

But this time, things don't seem to go smoothly ...

The sharp sword that fell was about to slash the elf swordsman, and the templar wielding the sword suddenly changed his face. He felt that the sharp sword in his hands seemed to be pushed away by an invisible force. Now, the sword that was absolutely able to hit the target, swaggered blankly.

对于 For this situation, the elf swordsman was very calm. Obviously, he knew from the beginning that the sword would never miss him.

The wind-like magic crystal inlaid on the azure elven armor is exuding a brilliant light.

While the Templar waved his sword at him, the Elf Swordman was also a sword like the wind, a series of three swords, icy sword light, at the moment of destroying the Templar God Blessing shield , Cut through the fragile throat of the other party!

The blood splattered by the puppet, when he approached the elf swordsman, spread into a blood mist directly.

Speaking of which, from the time the army rushed into the battlefield to the present, everyone had three or four dead souls under their swords, but their bodies were not stained with any trace of blood.

The elegant and neat posture, coupled with the beautiful appearance of the elves, makes them look like a group of noble swordsmen walking on the battlefield.

Storm Swordmaster! The name of this unit is also the name of this unit!

In the development period of more than one hundred years, Luo Ji spent a lot of money and hard work and cultivated the top army!

Their predecessor is the high-ranking armies of the Elves, the Divine Wind Predator.

However, the Kamikaze Marauder is a front armored infantry unit that is heavily armored and armed with a large sword.

While wearing the light armor and holding the sword of the Storm Swordmaster, compared with the Divine Wind Predator, how to look at them are two completely different positions ~ ~ Under this premise, this unit is How did you get here?

The basic reason is to say that the element alloy developed by Luo Ji in those 100 years!

The Divine Wind Predator is itself a high-level army unit equipped with spell armor. So, after having the elemental alloy with better effect, Luo Ji naturally thought of this unit the first time.

He pondered to recast the armor of this unit to improve its combat effectiveness.

Then, in the process of recasting, a cost issue was quickly put in front of Luo Ji.

Simply put, it's too expensive ...

What a joke? This unit is wearing heavy armor and using a two-handed sword, and none of them are material-saving!

的 At that time, Luo Ji was tightly bound. If he tossed in that way, he would definitely go bankrupt.

So, he quickly changed his mind, pondering to thin the armor of the Divine Predator, or simply changed to light armor.

Next, since the armor has been replaced with light armor, then simply change the two-handed sword to a long sword! Let's take the agile flow.

In the end, under the influence of the characteristics of the civilizations of the world, Luo Ji really tossed out a top-level unit that was not originally found in the elven civilization, and triggered special arms projects. .

And that special arm is the Swordmaster of the Storm!

:. :

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