The border fort was blood-washed, enemy forces invaded their kingdom, and they blew up a Basilica of the Holy Light, killing a large number of prayers and fanatics.

A message made a whole wingman civilization violently turbulent.

Within the border fortress, Michael, Uriel and Gabriel were all ugly.

The first response was to mobilize the border forces to hunt down enemies who invaded their civilization.

However, since receiving the news of the series, why would they make it so easy to mobilize their troops to hunt down his wind knight?

Directly increase the offensive strength. Some time ago, it was only a long-range consumption mainly based on elephant giant artillery.

But when the Irvine-based Wind Cavalry troops invaded, he patted the table and launched an aggressive attack!

As a strategic unit, the horned land dragon cook and the two black armored rhinoceros were pushed forward several times.

It's exactly a stance of ‘you have to send troops to have a look’.

Facing such a battle of Luo Ji, even if they knew that the other party was restraining their forces, they were not afraid to guard.

Everyone knows that on this battlefield, the first second may be just a check, but in the second, only one command is needed, and it is likely to become a full-force attack.

The bombing of a Basilica of Light, coupled with the destruction of prayers and fanatics, will definitely have an impact on their faith on this frontier.

Fortunately, in a short period of time, this impact will not be too great.

In comparison, after the statue of Goddess was blown up in the Holy Light Cathedral, the faith stored in the store was completely lost, which was really painful.

Now that they can't deploy more troops, they will simply redeploy the limited security forces in the city for patrol and security, and protect the remaining 29 Holy Light Cathedrals.

This approach has indeed played a role.

After entering the enemy battalion, the wind knight unit must be kept in a hidden state. Once the trace is exposed, they can be in danger next.

Therefore, under the circumstance of rigorous defense of the wingman civilization, they are also a bit unable to find a chance to do it.

But how do you say it? Have the opportunity to come, there is no opportunity, to create opportunities!

Irving had a very small force, he decisively divided the one hundred wind knights in his hands into three teams again, allowing them to sneak into three different cities.

Then, one of the squads stormed the Basilica of Light by night.

In a wave of attacks, although a round of high-explosive grenades were lost, under the strict precautions of the opposite, they did not have the opportunity to properly arrange bombs.

After all, the Holy Light Cathedral is one of the top buildings of the winged civilization. It is easy to throw a high-explosive grenade. Even if it is a dwarven product, the explosive power has always been strong. thing.

Unless they are lucky enough to drop a wave of high-explosive grenade, they will just blow up the multiple structures of the Holy Light Cathedral and cause the entire building to collapse. Otherwise, a random round of grenade bombing will at most be Caused some basic damage and casualties.

As a price, the city marshaled and hunted down the wind knights hidden in the city.

While taking advantage of the wingman's side, the two waves of wind knights seized the opportunity and succeeded in one breath, blowing up two Holy Light Cathedrals.

That fierce blow really hurt the wingman civilization.

At the same time, Scarlett Winslet also made it clear that the enemy forces that had sneaked in had been reduced to zero and dispersed into several waves.

For a large civilization, a hundred-man army is already too small to be smaller. Although the Elven and Wing Terrans are completely different in some physical characteristics, you are throwing a night pearl in a sea of ​​ocean. Is it easy to find?

Still hard to find!

But now, the other party is split up again, which makes the matter more difficult.

To be honest, Scarlett Winslet, who received the news, was already a little crazy.

I can't wait to install surveillance cameras on the streets and alleys of her wingman civilization. Of course, she is limited to just thinking that her wingman civilization obviously does not have this technology.

And during this period, Luo Ji will certainly not be idle.

This period of time is definitely the most diligent period of time since his army came under pressure.

Relying on the recovery ability of the Orc Corps, he launched an attack almost every day without stopping.

At this time, Luo Ji realized thoroughly that using the Orc Legion was really cool!

Regardless of whether it is a human army or an elven army, you are attacking once and for all. After that, you have to rest for ten days and a half months, or even longer.

What is it like the Orc Corps, as long as you don't easily launch a madness with side effects, you can continue to attack every day, it is simply heartbroken!

The pressure that Luo Ji exerted on them made the atmosphere inside the wingman civilization across the border fortress extremely dignified.

In the past years, they fought too hard against Gao Su, consuming too much savings and strength ~ ~ who can think of it, they have already hit this share, and suddenly, Can you run in for a reinforcement?

The most terrible thing is that the reinforcements seem to be harder to fight than they expected. In these recent waves, they are almost going to fight them off.

According to Gabriel's temper, he had patted the table several times, saying that he would take the Blazing Legion to kill him and die with Luo Ji.

But he was stopped by Michael and Uriel every time.

Because in this state, they are fighting hard with the opposite, but they don't have much chance of winning.

It can't be said that it can't be completely defeated, but it's just that the real blood fights to the end. Even if one of them wins, it is definitely a miserable victory.

Once this price is paid, their wingman civilization will not be a situation that can be restored after a hundred years of cultivation.

At that time, there may even be opportunities for other enemy civilizations to pinpoint the opportunity.

Involved in the life and death of his civilization, so even Scarlett Winslet, after hitting such a point, is not afraid to take too much risk.

Directly gave the three Michaels at the border fortress a clear order to allow them to fight for time. After the training of the 100,000 winged men behind them was completed and the Allied supplies were delivered, they gathered their strongest strength in one breath Destroy the army of the invaders!

Until then, what they have to do is to preserve their fighting power as much as possible, not to add unnecessary casualties, and prepare for the next important battle!

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