The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2133: How important is a reliable wife!

After that, Ye Qingxuan sent a message and told Luo Ji about the magic guide.

In fact, Luo Ji was not in the civilization of all walks of life at this time. Although Ye Qingxuan had heard the news, he had a good understanding of the whole situation.

Since this matter has been discussed and confirmed by Guo Jia, Lu Yang, and Ye Qingxuan, there is basically no problem.

Like this, Luo Ji, who has great trust in the three's ability, decided this matter quite simply.

Next, I am afraid that the financial economy of the civilization of Wanjie in the next few years will not be sufficient.

Not only because of the manufacture of the fourth-order magic guide cannon, but also the main reason, it is that the previous successive defeats have caused damage to civilizations of all walks of life, which is too hurt.

Next, Luo Ji did not spend much time in the holy city of the winged civilization, leaving a unit, waiting for General Rodlin and waiting for the winged captives at the same time, he himself took the main force and quickly Rushed towards the coastal border of the winged civilization.

After this wave, since he was about to hit, he obviously had to move faster.

After all, it is important to first go to the place, find out the environmental route, and occupy the home court advantage.

On the way, dare to run to the cultist whose eyes were lowered, Luo Ji caught it. As for the unsuccessful, Luo Ji directly sent a message to Gao Su, let him go back and toss himself slowly, anyway Except for the lunatics, the actual combat effectiveness of cultists is basically a scum.

Taking this as a premise, Gao Su casually sent a few ordinary gun troops over, and it should be possible to easily arrest them, which is really no difficulty.

He did so, and it didn't take much time for this section of the road. He took his army and arrived quickly.

The port of the wingman civilization is really nothing special. It is a typical medieval port. Many sailboats are docked at the port. It may or may not be the characteristic ship of the wingman civilization.

After the collapse of the belief system, there was no way to see these things. Therefore, Luo Ji did not entangle more on those sailing warships. Instead, he seized the time and sent troops to occupy the important fortresses along the coast.

As for the next ...

Obviously he ca n’t just wait so stupidly. There is still a lot to do. For example, exploring the surrounding waters. Although the map found from the winged civilization fortress has given them some information, it was confirmed by himself. It's more insurance ...

However, there is a small problem here, that is, he does not have a warship now, it seems that he cannot get out of the sea.

This is actually what Gao Su means.

Although the battlefield of this all-out war has a large area of ​​sea, the main battlefield is still on the mainland.

The sea area is basically under the control of the players in the opposite Europa.

With this as a premise, if Luo Ji brought naval forces, the system would definitely throw him to the sea. At that time, he would not be allowed to land into a box and directly cool?

Therefore, Gao Su also tried to avoid Luo Ji's too bad luck and directly landed in a box. This is why he specifically mentioned this in his request for help.

This opinion, Luo Ji apparently listened to, but this is not a problem, he has the means.

He did not take the battleship, but he had enough people in the navy.

With this as a premise, there is only one thing Luo Ji needs to do now, and that is to let his wife Ye Qingxuan trade his fleet!

Look, how important a reliable wife is!

In Luo Ji ’s civilization of all realms, the fleet has been developed for so many years before, so he already told Ye Qingxuan before he set out to support Gao Su, and let Ye Qingxuan transform the fleet he wanted to use first. Into a commodity, receive the backpack, wait for his news, and trade at any time.

The fleet that Ye Qingxuan took into the backpack was Yuan Xi's South China Sea Fleet, so he actually brought Yuan Xi and his naval forces over.

Luo Ji, of course, chose the South China Sea Fleet, of course, after some careful consideration.

The South China Sea Fleet is the strongest comprehensive combat force in his current fleet of civilizations, and Yuan Xi is also his strongest naval general.

Of course, Luo Ji did not dare to care about the big guys in the golden band. Naturally, he had to send the strongest admiral.

In addition, even if the South China Sea Fleet without the South China Sea Fleet, he also had two Hydra and Neptune whale Simon headed by Pompeii Rand, and the Murloc Army was stationed, and the safety was guaranteed.

Replaced with other seas, Luo Ji did not dare to play like this. As for the other seas, as soon as the fleet was taken away, how much combat power was left?

After all, the simple round of transactions is completed.

Luo Luoji took out one after another those warships traded from Ye Qingxuan.

Suddenly, the port of this winged civilization is obviously lively.

In the early years, the Yangtze River Fleet ’s aircraft carrier, the Yangtze River Fleet, which had been improved several times, was called the second-and-a-half-generation carrier by Luo Ji, which was far behind the third-generation carrier.

A few years later, with the continuous development of his computerized computer technology, after having the experience of the Yangtze River, Luo Ji officially began to manufacture the third-generation aircraft carrier.

He carried out drastic reforms on an entire navy establishment,

之后 After that, the formation of the navy fleet can be said to be completely changed, and the formation of the formation was centered on the aircraft carrier.

The Luohai Nanhai Fleet is composed of three aircraft carrier formations as the center!

These three aircraft carriers are the Nuhai Class I ship Weiyuan, the Nuhai Class 2 ship Nanhai and the Nuhai Class 3 ship Haihun.

The name of one of the ships is inherited from the main flagship Weiyuan, which has been retired from the South China Sea Fleet, and it is a kind of heritage and will of the South China Sea Fleet.

The three aircraft carriers of the Nuhai class are all three generations of aircraft carriers.

Of course, the same three generations of aircraft carriers, in fact, the gap is quite large, and these three ships, according to Luo Ji personally feel, that is, just crossed the threshold of the three generations of aircraft carriers, and want to be tough with the big boss. I guess it's futile.

Luo Luoji transferred the fleet and said that he had to fight for support. The main task was still to be handed over by the Alchemy Gospel of Gao Su and his special air forces.

As for the carrier-based aircraft configuration on these three angry sea-class aircraft carriers, of course, for the next battle, Luo Ji plugged all of the plugs, which is a true full configuration for the expedition. The crystallization of civilized financial funds!

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that Ye Qingxuan's trading ability is derived from her business civilization project skills. Just like Luo Ji's project skills to launch the civilization of the world, it needs to consume the corresponding conquest points. Ye Qingxuan also needs to consume the corresponding Business points are not meant to be free.

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