The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2146: Super big surprise! !!

Meanwhile, on the other side ...

The Fifth Wing fighter plane that had penetrated the enemy line and was about to attack the enemy aircraft carrier was damaged in a short period of time. The general command of the Europa side undoubtedly received feedback as soon as possible.

"Did you use anti-aircraft missiles?"

Under the circumstance that most of the system instruments have been discarded by them and they were also subject to their electronic interference, the Admiral of Croatia does not feel that the anti-aircraft missiles on the other side can pose a threat to the fighters of the Fifth Wing.

But the fact is that the thirty-six fighters of the Fifth Wing had no news in a very short period of time, and the feedback given by the system was destroyed.

"what is the problem?"

"Reporting general, it should not be an air-to-air missile."

"What is it supposed to be ?!"

This answer is really difficult to make people satisfied, and even the Croatian general who has been calm in his performance has a little irritability.

"Reporting and reporting to the general, according to the radar feedback at that time, something seems to have appeared near the Fifth Wing."

The startled Europa soldiers stuttered even when talking, but there was no ambiguity in his hands, and he quickly projected the radar display onto the large screen.

"What is projected now is a small picture transmitted from one of the fighters back then. It should be that thing ..."

As soon as the words were finished, it had not been more than three seconds, and the Croatian admiral hadn't even seen anything clearly.

"Electronic interference?"

There was a hint of wonder in the tone of the Croatian general.

He didn't feel that the opposite side had the ability to electronically interfere with them.

In this regard, the Europa soldier did not say more, after a pass of operation, the limited picture appeared again ...

"This is a picture that zooms in and slows to the limit."

At this moment, the Croatian admirer finally barely saw it. In the picture that was obviously disturbed and became extremely unstable, an unknown object appeared to be wrapped in black light.

"I'm afraid this unknown object is carrying a very strong lightning electromagnetic field, and it is extremely fast ..."

Just when the Europa soldier was telling himself to analyze, the Croatian general standing there, his face was clearly dignified.

"Hell, it's a magic unit."

The technology side and the magic side are absolutely incompatible with each other. The existence of the other side has always caused each other a headache.

Just like people on the magic side, it is difficult to cope with some of the technical means on the opposite side, and so is the technology side.

Therefore, the people on both sides, in fact, prefer to fight with their opponents of the same type, rather than with this group of bad guys.

With these magical creatures, there is little science and reason to tell.

With the advent of the gloom, the Croatian general is now hesitating.

Because he does n’t know what other magic units are opposite, and at the same time, what is the intensity, in order to ensure foolproof, his first reaction is to send ten more air alliances,

However, the thoughts had just risen, and the words had just reached the lips. A voice that suddenly sounded in the general command room interrupted what Croatia's general was about to say ...

"Report, report general! In an emergency, aircraft carriers 041, 042 were attacked by enemy air forces!"

----Dividing line----

A few minutes ago ...

On the Europa side, over the internal defense zone of the aircraft carrier formation, an eagle that looked indistinguishable from the ordinary eagle quickly flew ...

Gaze swept constantly, and at the moment when he saw a figure on the sea, an ecstatic joy appeared in the eyes of the eagle.

Just then, just listening to the distance, a sudden sound of a hawk came.

The eagle glanced subconsciously in the direction of the sound of the eagle, and the next second, another eagle of the same shape without any special features, flew in front of him at a rather amazing speed.

"Colonel, an enemy aircraft carrier was found over there!"

Now, another eagle laughed suddenly ...

"Ha ha ha ha, I also found one here! What is the distance between the two aircraft carriers?"

Hearing this, the eagle that flew over took a quick look at the aircraft carrier below, and after a brief estimate, quickly said ...

"Less than twenty kilometers."

Stefano Jabbana sent too many aircraft carriers this time, so that when they found out, they were found two.

"Gathering ordered, the first team will attack this ship with me, the second team will take the lead in attacking the other ship, don't wait, after the gathering is completed, go straight to the top!"


After the order was issued, the previously scattered eagles quickly gathered. In the blink of an eye, there were already 28 eagles gathered around the eagle.

"College, the first team, twenty-eight people are assembled!"

"Okay, four people will destroy the navigation room and radar equipment on the opposite side. The others will give priority to destroying the Europa fighters parked on the deck, and then destroy the opposite runway and corresponding equipment. , Destroy the power system and the command room below the deck! Now, surprise !!! "

In the low roar, plus the headed one, UU reads www. A total of 29 eagles,, dived directly towards the aircraft carrier on the sea.

This whole process was not blocked in any way.

Because their current shape is no different from ordinary eagles, the radar equipment will filter them out if they can stop on the arms of others. Otherwise, there will be too much information on the radar display. .

Along the way, in the case of decentralized operations, the opposite radar and early warning aircraft did not find their presence at all.

Speaking late, then fast.

The swarm of eagles swooping all the way, continuously narrowing the distance with the enemy aircraft carrier, until the swarm flies directly over the aircraft carrier, and the height from the carrier deck is less than 100 meters, The eagle's body lighted up the magic light at the same time.

Under the shroud of magic light, they still maintained their eagle shape, and their body shapes began to expand wildly, one meter, two meters, three meters ...

At this moment, the radar equipment in the carrier's navigation room finally responded, and at the same time, the alarm was a masterpiece, but it was too late.

In the roar, the ceiling of the navigation room collapsed in an instant, and the four bears with a size of at least ten meters or more fell into the navigation room as if they had fallen from the sky.

The next second, I saw a giant bear headed and grinned, showing a smile, but the two rows of pale fangs made him smile with an indescribable horror and coy.

"Hahaha, didn't you think? Super big surprise !!!"

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