The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2200: Rare opening

After some careful consideration, Luo Ji finally decided not to be too turbulent, and on other people's sites, he should be low-key.

Unlike Gao Su's time, Stephano Jabanna knows the coordinates of his own place, but he knows it! In case of urgency, people lift the table ...

"That city, I don't want it anymore!"

What about throwing mushroom bombs directly on top of them?

I didn't do it now, apparently I still couldn't make that determination.

After all, it is his own place, and it is also a port city with a very developed economy and a very important geographical location. How much time and energy and financial resources did it take to develop it?

This mushroom bouncing down will directly destroy the city. In the next few decades, I am afraid that no one can live. How much loss is there? It's not just a matter of making a decision.

The most important thing is that he can still grab it back in this city. As long as there is hope, he will not easily attack.

Based on this premise, Luo Ji decided to deal with the other party relatively calmly in the following days, so that Stephano Jabanna should not suddenly think about it and throw mushroom bombs on his own site.

So, this ended the dialogue with Gao Su, and Luo Ji quickly turned his attention to the naval base in front of him.

The original naval base and large building complex were basically destroyed because of Mesokawa's blasting, and those that had not been destroyed were also bombarded by the magic guides of his five wizard ships. Sore holes.

The huge naval base was turned into a ruin, and it was obviously impossible to pick up a ready-made frontline base.

But the impact is not great, no matter how bad the environment, can it be worse than when it was camped in the wild and floated at sea?

It's okay to clean up the place and let the army station.

After all the military stationing was arranged, Luo Ji naturally had other things to do next, and at the same time it was still a very good thing for him.

That is receiving booty!

Heaven and earth conscience, he really opened this rare, ah, this battle finally let him return to the original.

Boarding a ship, Luo Ji took a group of guards to the sea. On the sea, there were eight nuclear-powered aircraft carriers waiting for him to take it!

This time, under his prior advice, General Rodrín kept everything, and did not use mushroom bombs, but only let those nuclear-powered aircraft carriers lose their combat effectiveness.

The only pity is that no nuclear submarine was available.

At that time, the nuclear submarines of Stephano Giabanna were hiding in the deep sea. It was too difficult to capture. In order not to add more variables and risks to the battle, Luo Ji did not fight the idea of ​​nuclear submarines. After Major Boros discovered it, Just kill it.

In the final analysis, it is not difficult to find a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier floating on the sea. Looking at it from afar, the appearance of the nuclear-powered carrier at this moment is also a bit embarrassed. The deck and the runway are completely destroyed. The damage is small and quite a lot.

But even so, for Luo Ji, the value of these nuclear-powered aircraft carriers is huge.

There is no need to deliberately return those nuclear-powered carriers to the port. After the 100,000-ton ship has lost its ability to move, it is not an easy task to get it back to the port.

Luo Ji first asked the soldiers to occupy those nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. In this way, the system would determine those nuclear-powered aircraft carriers floating on the sea as his loot.

After that, things were simple, just trade directly with Ye Qingxuan.

Next, in the face of a series of transactions with eight nuclear-powered aircraft carriers coming over, Ye Qingxuan was also surprised, but she could imagine in her mind that Luo Ji had definitely done a big vote.

There is no need to vaguely throw the most damaged ship to the Ordnance Research Department and the Institute of Science and Technology for research, and the remaining seven ships are stored in the backpack grid for proper storage.

In this way, after their civilization technology has matured, maybe they can easily get seven nuclear-powered aircraft carriers simply by repairing!

Next, Luo Ji also obtained 27 fairly complete Europa fighters from an air force base located on the outskirts of the city, and then removed all the vertical launchers in that defensive position and found them. A lot of missiles that have not had time to launch, all trade back!

This wave can be said to be making a lot of money! Let Luo Ji's depressed mood be swept away until noon the next day, His Majesty's General sent the post-war report of this battle to his eyes ...

The things that should be faced must always be faced. With a long breath, Luo Ji opened the report in his hand.

In that battle, Gaosu's troops were still playing the main force on the front, and his troops were only playing on the side. Therefore, this casualty situation should not be too serious. Let Luo Ji pump a heart.

Xingying Yushou troops, 987 first-order Xingying Yushou troops, killed 223 people, seriously injured 356 people, and all remaining minor injuries.

Thirty-one second-order Xunyings held their hands, killed three people, and injured 11 others, all remaining slightly injured.

Judging by this number, I may not have much feeling yet, but when Luo Ji first supported him, he quickly controlled the army, but brought more than 2,000 people!

When this battle was fought, it was already over half damaged. After this battle was completed, one third, or even one quarter, of the more than 300 people who were seriously injured could continue to serve, even if it was good, then The 223 people who were killed were almost halved, and the final troop strength was estimated to be only four or five hundred.

The rest of the casualties were more serious, undoubtedly the two Air Forces of the Orcs, namely the Hawkmen and the Pterodactyl Riders.

The Eagles had 2,974 people, killed 497 people, seriously injured 701 people, and all others were slightly injured.

The pterosaur rider unit, 2,387 people, killed 336 people, seriously injured 281 people, and the rest were all slightly injured.

According to the resilience of the orc soldiers, skimming directly and seriously wounded soldiers, most of them should be able to be preserved.

But even so, from the time of the support to the present, the two Orc Air Forces have already paid more than half of the casualties, because when the support came in, the Hawkmen had 5,000 troops, and the pterosaurs had Four thousand troops!

In comparison, before acting with Luo Ji, UU reading www. is responsible for cutting back the elves' druids and the Gryphon Knights. The casualties are very small, because the entire rhythm of the cutting back is controlled by Luo Ji.

If you take a shot, you will have the advantage. You will suppress the target enemy in one go, and you will not cause much casualties if you do not give the opponent a chance to fight back.

After the Army troops landed, the enemy army lost its combat intention long ago because of the termination of the base and the death of the commander-in-chief. In order to preserve its strength, it retreated without much fighting, so the casualties caused were not large.

After reading the report, Luo Ji opened his backpack and took out three bottles of elf elixir, motioning Wang Kai to take it to the medical class, so that they try their best to protect the Royal Gryphon Knight, Elven Druid, and the second-order Swift Eagle. A class of top-level services with severe injuries.

It is not easy to train high-level units. The top-level units are more difficult to cultivate. They can be kept, but they must be kept as much as possible. Not to mention, the special arms of their elven clan can be served as long as they can be kept. century!

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(End of this chapter)

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