The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2205: Fire on 4 sides

Alchemists on nearly a hundred off-road armored vehicles acted at the same time and soon laid a relatively thin minefield in the outer area.

In this kind of emergency operation, it is obviously difficult to operate with large forces in accordance with the efficiency of mine clearance tanks.

Although the Europa side also has the means to prepare for the alchemists, to make the main battle tanks chased as far as possible, but in the process of seeing and dismantling the two sides, they are still inevitable.

No one can deny that although the method of dropping anti-tank mines is simple, it is very effective.

As long as the track is broken, no matter how aggressive the tank is, you can only paralyze it.

If the hit Europa main battle tanks are within their range, then the alchemists will never mind carrying their individual rocket launchers again and firing towards the opposite Europa main battle tanks. .

Alas, the effect is not as good as anti-tank mines.

Although individual rocket launchers are also anti-tank weapons, the Europa main battle tanks at this stage are equipped with interception systems and reaction armor, which makes the individual rocket launchers threaten to reduce to a certain extent.

即使 But even so, in the face of those alchemists who are constantly against them, Europa's troops are still in a disadvantage.

In the face of this situation, the approach of the commander-in-chief of the Europa side is extremely simple and rude, that is, sending more main battle tanks and gunships to fight hard.

Anyway, we must not let the alchemists get close to their rear fire position!

Continually increasing troops and fierce cross-fires made alchemists who tried to cut in from both sides of the battlefield stubbornly derived the second and even third battlefields.

But which side is the most fierce? It is undoubtedly the battlefield in the air.

At the golden level, whoever can rule the sky will win the final victory!

In the air combat capability, the ten dual aircraft carrier formations in the rear were terminated, and the Europa side that had lost its reserve air combat capability was undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

They only have more than 800 Europa fighters on the front line, while Garrison ’s southern border garrison directly dispatched 30,000 flying golems.

一 Once the two sides are compared, the gap in air combat power is already clear.

Not to mention the garrison in the south, there are 5,000 gargoyles!

附近 Near the frontline air base, three hundred miles away from the main battlefield, to avoid the frontal air battlefield, five hundred gargoyles appeared here.

As a high-level arm of the alchemy civilization, the gargoyle troops are highly qualified on all sides, and the five hundred gargoyles responsible for the attack are even more elite among the gargoyle troops. All of them have rich combat experience. Veterans who have experienced a lot of war baptism.

The air force base's garrison spotted them, and the surrounding anti-aircraft artillery fired wildly in an attempt to destroy them.

However, in the face of such a situation, the five hundred gargoyle veterans are almost experienced, and they are all very easy to deal with.

之上 On the runway of the plane, more than a dozen Europa fighters that had just completed the ammunition supply attempted an emergency take-off and started to meet.

As a result, while they were taxiing on the runway, they were like meteorites, and the gargoyles descending from the sky stumbled on the runway, the impact caused by the fall, and by the way let them smash the cockpit of the fighter plane. Together with the pilots who stayed inside were dead flesh and blood.

With inertia, the Europa fighter that is still accelerating is under the impact of force, and there is fierce friction with the runway below. While bringing up a series of Mars, it emits a burst of harsh noises, It was completely scrapped on the runway.

This paralysis is a big trouble for this air base.

If the Europa fighters destroyed by the gargoyle cannot be removed from the runway, other Europa fighters in the base will not be able to take off, and the fighters returned from the front line for supply maintenance will also be unable to land. For Europa's air force, it is probably the worst situation.

If you want to remove the destroyed Europa fighters, the garrison must kill the five hundred gargoyles, but the gap between the garrison and the defense facilities makes it very difficult for them to do this.

After receiving information from the air base for help, the chief commander, aware of the bad situation, first dispatched one hundred armed helicopters to maintain the situation, and then transferred three hundred infantry fighting vehicles and a regiment's self-propelled artillery to rush to support , Trying to restore the situation.

However, there is already a big gap between the strength of Stephano Jabanna and Gao Su, and this wave of strong attacks by the troops stationed in the south of Gao Su is really too fierce.

In the face of such a strong attack, as long as the frontline army has a problem in one place, the chain reaction that follows will be enough to affect everywhere.

At this moment, the chief commander of the Europa side only felt that the battle was on all sides, making him impossible to save.

遭到 The attack on the Air Force Base had a fatal impact on their air forces. Under the leadership of the gargoyles, the overwhelming flying golems crushed them.

The dominance of air dominance was gradually lost, and according to this situation, the opposing air forces would soon threaten their rear positions.

There was no choice but while the remaining Europa fighters were still able to resist, the chief commander gritted his teeth and issued an evacuation order.

After all, once the air dominance has been completely subjugated, they ca n’t even leave.

During the retreat, the Europa side fired a large number of 'Hive Swarm' missiles to conduct emergency road closures to block the pursuit of the opposing Army forces.

"General, do you want to chase it forcibly?"

In the headquarters of the south garrison, the chief commander shook his head in the face of the problem of the deputy ...

"Don't worry ~ ~ Let the Giant Rock clean up those mines, the Golem troops evacuate, stay alert, and be careful to counterattack by long-range firepower."

If this all-out war can be ended after playing this game, then of course he doesn't mind paying some price and forcing the pursuit.

But the problem is not.

Even if he solved the frontline army of Stefano Jabbanna, Gao Su had to turn around to deal with the army of Rosse Barka and Donald Carap.

Therefore, unnecessary injuries and losses can be avoided if they can be avoided, and the fighting power that can be preserved is also preserved as much as possible.

Of course, what's more important is that they don't want to rush Stephano Jabanna, and then just throw mushroom bombs directly into this area, then it will be troublesome.

Because of the early release, all coordinate locations of urban facilities outside the second line of defense of the southern border of Gaosu have been completely exposed to Stephano Giabanna.

In other words, the opponent already has the basic conditions for firing a mushroom bomb.

The reason why He did not launch was because his own frontline army was still here. He still had some thoughts in his heart and wanted to save his frontline army. As long as this idea did not disappear, he would not act lightly.

For this reason, Gaosu's troops need time so that while they can take back the occupied cities little by little, they can re-integrate strategically-strengthened formations in the cities. .

At least until the formation of the refining team is completed, they can not let Stephano Jabanna lose hope.

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