The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2207: Doing things (2)

Let the alchemists responsible for repairing golems speed up the repair speed. There are 791 gargoyles on their side, and 4,279 flying golems.

It was only half a month before the end of the West China Sea War, and many of the golems that were moderately damaged or even severely damaged had not yet been repaired.

In this battle, more than 300 enemy Europa fighters swept over, causing the damage figures of the Golem troops to increase slightly.

Of course, the number is not particularly high.

To be straightforward, according to their current air combat capabilities, more than 300 Europa fighters are not their opponents. If they want to fight across, they must further increase the number of Europa fighters.

This problem is a little bit of a headache for Stephano Giabanna.

Because from the earlier expedition of the main fleet to now, in such a short period of time, his empire has lost 10,394 of the most advanced Europa fighters! That's not counting early warning aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft and gunships.

This number, even for a player in the golden ranks like him, is quite painful, and it also clearly increases the financial pressure of his empire.

However, there are still resident combat capabilities within his empire and major air bases.

Today, the size of this air base in the western part is smaller than that in the border area. The number of fighter jets that are usually resident is only one or two hundred.

During the war, heavy soldiers were hoarded in border bases, and the number of soldiers in the rear was relatively average, or even decreased, because they were transferred to the border.

Previously, more than 300 Europa fighters could be launched for air strikes, apparently because Stephano Giabanna had already deployed some combat power from other air bases around.

However, from the results of this temptation, he himself realized that more than 300 Europa fighters were not enough! He needs more fighters!

It will take some time to transfer more troops, but Luo Ji obviously didn't plan to wait like this ...

After discussions with General Rodlin, they quickly reached a consensus.

That is, while their Air Force still has an advantage, they have to fight for two rounds!

The opposite was apparently staring at them. As soon as their air forces were dispatched, the air force base opposite the second line of defense on the west side received the news. A large number of ready-to-run Europa fighters were immediately fastest Strike and go to intercept.

Although the enemy's current air power is not dominant, the home air defense force is quite strong.

In addition to a large number of anti-aircraft missiles, the anti-aircraft fire network composed of fully automatic anti-aircraft guns and self-propelled antiaircraft guns is also quite scary.

If you choose to resist hard, I am afraid you have to pay a lot of casualties.

To this end, Luo Ji directly signaled Ysera to press forward, and then towards the second line of defense, a dragon star group came!

This made their first wave of air strikes relatively smooth.

At this moment, Luo Ji's plan is very simple, that is to suppress the forces on the opposite side.

They knew that Stefano Jabanna must be mobilizing airpower from elsewhere.

Suppose they destroy one hundred Europa fighters today, then tomorrow, even if the other one hundred Europa fighters transferred from other air bases arrive, the combined figures will not be their opponents.

Luo Ji, they want to use this non-stop offensive method to suppress the opposite side for a period of time to prevent the opponent from building up their forces.

During this period, Luo Ji did not intend to cease on the ground forces' side.

Although Gao Su did not support the army, he was equipped with two strategic giants and the combat effectiveness was quite fierce.

At the same time as the air force launched the attack, Luo Ji's orc army was also dispatched. It was led by the horned land dragon cook and the black armored rhinoceros two strategic-level land giants. The other orc forces of other races followed the giant Behind the beast began to advance.

The whole battle, which was called a murderous one, was a stance to break the second line of defense in one breath.

But the commander-in-chief of the second line of defense on the west side clearly did not intend to make them wish.

Before they approached, a large number of main battle tanks deployed by the enemy on the second line of defense were killed. Attempting to intercept the ongoing orc army, at a glance, there were thousands of main battle tanks. Seems to follow a field chariot equipped with other weapons.

There is a saying that a thin camel is larger than a horse, not to mention that Stefano Jabbanna has not yet died!

Now, with the sleeves rolled up and hands up, it's really unambiguous.

Faced with such a battle, the ordinary troops estimated that morale had to be weakened by three points.

However, the orc soldiers are often more reckless than the others, and there is no need for counseling, and the horned land dragon cook and the black armored rhinoceros who lead the charge do not need counselling at all.

For a main battle tank, the captain estimates that it is about ten meters, maybe less than ten meters.

What about these two giants?

Today, the body shape of the Xuanjia Battle Rhino has grown to more than 35 meters, or even close to forty meters, and the body size of the Horned Dragon Dragon Cook has almost reached the level of 50 meters!

In the face of these two giants that are as big as hills, the morale is lost, but on the Europa side.

Of course, after all, they are professional soldiers who have been trained. They will not fall too hard, and will remain at 60 or 70.

Taking advantage of its range and quickly adjusting the muzzle orientation, the Europa main battle tank fired first, and each of the specially-depleted depleted uranium bombs that came out of the breech was blasting with shouts and blasting towards the corners of the dragon, Cook and Xuan. A battle rhino set fire!

Faced with the attack of the enemy's main battle tank, the two beasts were obviously psychologically prepared.

Although there are some special reasons that have been said for a long time, they can't use powerful attack spells, but some enhancement spells can be used without any problems.

At that moment, under the blessing of the enhanced spell, the physical fitness of all sides of the horned horned dragon cook and the black armored rhinoceros, UU Kanshu was obviously strengthened.

Compared with the Xuanjia War Rhino, on the defense alone, the Horned Dragon Dragon Cook may be slightly inferior. The pieces of depleted uranium bombs hit him. Although it is clearly disintegrating its outer armor, but wants Let it see the blood, and obviously have to work harder.

This is still the case for the Cook Dragon Dragon Dragon Cook. As the monster with the strongest defense among all the monster units in the civilization of all walks of life, the Xuanjia Battle Rhino is not to mention.

Want to effectively kill Xuanjia war rhino, and cause it a deadly threat.

I am afraid that it was really like the original Michael who launched a single attack at the strategic level and concentrated all the forces in one place to make that possible!

The chance of a round of fire, the explosive power of the Horned Dragon Dragon Cook, which is much stronger than the black armor and rhinoceros. With the blessing of enhanced spells, the thick limbs slammed on the ground, pushing the ground stiff to the crack. At the same time as smashing, its huge body flew out with a terrifying explosive power.

Between the electric light and the flint, I heard only a roar of loud noise, blocking more than a dozen main battle tanks on the assault route of the horned land dragon cook, because they were not able to dodge, they were hit by force on the spot! !!

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