The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2221: And black giant waves (2)

Facing the raging rat tide, Luo Ji had no choice but to open the Qing army.

Otherwise, the front line of defense will collapse, and millions of rat tide will all push beyond the North Line of Defense at a stretch. The firepower behind the line of defense alone cannot stand it!

After receiving the order, Ysera opened fire immediately. With the development of the huge azure formation, the dragon's breath instantly turned into a meteor shower when it passed through the formation, smashing towards the black rat tide below.

Now Ysera's use and control of the Dragon Star Group has become very hot.

As long as the troops of the two sides have not completely fought together, Ysera is confident that the Dragon Stars will not injure themselves.

At the same time as the Dragon Stars swept out, the three air forces also returned to the rear base, then completed the supply as quickly as possible, and returned to the battlefield again!

This was followed by a round of napalm bombardment, coupled with the previous large-scale attack of the Dragon Star Group, which was indeed effective in reducing the number of rat surges.

However, after all, the scale of the millions of rat tide is too huge, even if it is a continuous heavy fire onslaught, if you want to stop the offensive in a short time, it is impossible.

The bombing of the air forces, coupled with the crazy output of the artillery forces of the garrison in the north, has not changed the collapse of the first line of defense.

A large number of rock giants were completely devoured by the raging rat tide.

The collapse of the first line of defense led to more Squad Slave Soldiers flocking to the second line of defense.

Even with the second and third lines of defense composed of knight golems, there was a surge in pressure.

If the rat tide of Rosse Barka continues to attack this momentum, the battle will probably end sooner than everyone expected.

Gritting his teeth, watching the terrible rat tide below, he shouted at the communicator in his hand ...

"Release! Be careful to avoid the area where the Golem troops are located, look at the place where the troops are concentrated, and let it go!"

In this northern battlefield, there are too many places that meet the requirements of Luo Ji.

Quickly lock in a position, and before the second line of defense collapses, Mia sings the spell, waving her wand suddenly.

挟 With the terrifying hot lava fascinating star, it suddenly fell from the sky!

A shot down was like a comet falling to the ground, accompanied by a loud noise. At that moment, the earth was shaken, and the power of the dark red fire element hit the mad raging.

Within the scope of the attack, countless rat slave soldiers evaporated on the spot, leaving no residue!

The northern battlefield, which had been completely filled with the black rat tide, was originally cleared out of a large vacant lot because of this fall!

In terms of visual impact alone, this lava confused star is even more amazing than the previous Dragon Star group.

After two consecutive strategic strikes, after killing a large number of rat soldiers, the situation in the northern battlefield was finally controlled to a certain extent.

Next, they only need to hold their ground, they should be able to cope with it.

As a result, while Luo Ji was thinking so, in the distance, another horn sounded ...

"Is the main force opposite coming out?"

It is not necessary for Luo Ji to say that Ysera quickly raised the flying height. With the advantage of high altitude and the field of view provided by the telescope, Luo Ji looked towards the distance.

The next second, the troops appearing on the horizon made his face obviously hard to look.

Then quickly picked up the communicator at hand ...

"General Roderin, it's rat tide! The second wave of rat tide !!!"

The news returned by Luo Ji changed General Rodlin's face.

I saw at this moment that from the horizon appeared an innumerable group of rat-man slaves!

On the scale, it is much smaller than the first wave, but even so, I am afraid that there are millions of people!

Now Luo Ji and General Rodlin are aware.

Before co-authoring the millions of Rat Slave Soldiers, it was the bait opposite!

Speaking of bait, it may not be correct.

Because this is an outright conspiracy.

If you want to parry the super-large rat boom of that scale, you can't parry it without a bit of ruthlessness.

Therefore, at the time, no matter if they knew or were not happy, they had to make two big moves to dissolve the first wave of the Rat-Hus Army's offensive. Can completely crush their defense!

The second wave of rats has just appeared, and there is still a short distance from the main battlefield.

It takes time for the two waves of mouse tide to converge, and during this time, as defenders, Luo Ji must naturally grasp this time difference and further reduce the opposing force.

Of course, it is true to say so, but it is not so easy to implement it concretely.

On the northern battlefield, a large number of rat-slave soldiers have begun to pass through layers of defense, threatening the defense of the northern border.

With the firepower of the machine gun deployed, in the beginning, tens of thousands of rat slave soldiers were missed, but it was better to deal with it.

But over time, the second line of defense, composed of giants of the rock, completely broke down, resulting in an increasing number of rat-man slaves crossing this line.

The knight golems in the back, although they kept beating and killing with swords, still couldn't withstand the exaggerated amount.

100,000, 200,000, 300,000 ...

The number of rat slave soldiers rushing outside the base line of defense began to increase, and the pressure on the garrison in the north also increased.

At this point, Luo Ji had no time to hurt his elven magic arrows.

Let the Elves and Archers all change to burst arrows to increase the killing efficiency.

At the same time, the mage army headed by his royal mage regiment was not idle.

Each mage waved his staff, and while singing the spell, centered on several middle-ranked mages, they launched a joint cast.

The spell was in his hand, and he didn't rush.

Wait until the number of Rat Slave Soldiers entering their attack range reaches a certain level.

As the center of co-casting, the eleven middle-ranked mages of the Royal Mage Corps kept a certain distance behind the defense line of the North Border Base, lined up in a row, to increase their attack range as much as possible.

Immediately after that, at a certain opportunity, with the wave of the staff, with the support of a large number of early fire mages in the rear, the eleven huge fire red magic arrays were immediately deployed on the entire line of defense!

The next second, the raging fire burst out from within the eleven huge fiery red arrays. is the third-order fire median spell, flame!

Under the elaboration of eleven middle-level fire mages and fire mages, the scale of this flame technique is extremely large.

The terrible high-temperature flame, once burned, easily burned the rat slave slaves into coke.

But this is not over.

After the fire mage group performed the flame, as a good base friend of the fire mage, the wind mage group shot!

Also in conjunction with the cast, the third-order wind-based median spell, the gale spell raged out.

The flames burned, the winds blew, and the fire and flames were intertwined. While letting the flames burn more vigorously, by the wind, the attack range of the flames was greatly increased, directly outside the line of defense, forming a more For the terrible sea of ​​fire! !!

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(End of this chapter)

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