The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2229: Lord of Thunder

Luo Ji, located at the rear, clearly cannot immediately know what is happening on the battlefield in this situation. Even if there is a telescope to provide the field of vision, because the distance is too far, it is not particularly clear.

Just when he was still worried about the danger of his stormy eagle, and he pinched a cold sweat.

Suddenly, the dark battlefield sky with dark clouds and flashes of light changed the look on his face.

Through the telescope, he probably knows that this seems to be caused by a glance. After all, the black lightning that is constantly exploding is too conspicuous ...

"Hell, what happened on the battlefield now ?!"

Just before the storm giant eagle fell from the air, and now the glare suddenly broke out, which made Luo Ji's mood obviously become a little anxious.

This state did not last long.

Because the cloudy sky soon ushered in new changes.

Thunder thundered, countless thunders roared wildly in the dark clouds, and at the moment when they broke out completely, the thunderous sky seemed to have been pulled by some kind, but all fell on the glance!

The violent hawk roared through the heavens and earth, bathed in the glare of thunder, and its unique dark electric light continued to erupt throughout the body, and then intertwined with the thunder from the sky.

At that moment, the dark electric light seemed to be dragging the thunder that fell from the sky, and let them all be absorbed into the body of Glimpse!

After that, heaven and earth returned to a brief calm, but this calm lasted just three seconds.

Three seconds later, the glancing wings spread in the air, accompanied by the resounding of that hawk, and a terrifying mutant thunder element power burst out from its body.

Those flying squirrels trying to touch the gloomy surroundings were instantly killed by the erosive thunder.

But this is obviously just the beginning ...

I saw the glimpse at this time, as if entering a very special state.

Taking itself as the center, its whole body seems to form a mutated mine element magnetic field with a diameter of about 30 meters. Like a rat man at the level of a flying squirrel, if you dare to come up, you just rely on the crazy mutated mine that is inside the magnetic field. Elemental power is enough to easily take the life of the other party.

And Glimpse itself, every black and bright hawk feather on his body, is wrapped in violent thunder and lightning, and the black pupils of the black light are swept under the battlefield.

After the plague rat that had killed the storm eagle alive, after falling from the ground, they used the body of the storm eagle as a meat pad, relying on their own giant physique, and cooperated with the corresponding unloading action. All of them survived.

After landing, the sly mice were digging the ground as fast as possible, trying to get into the ground.

The glimpse of this situation was discovered, and the electric light in the pupils became suddenly more violent.

The next second, it fluttered a wing, and with a bang, a dark thunder suddenly burst out!

The plague rat's burrowing action is fast, but can it pass lightning quickly?

The unstoppable insane thunder raged past in a sweeping gesture, easily taking the lives of three plague rat.

Other plague rats want to run when they see this, but how can Glance give them this opportunity?

Between the wings, the glance at this moment seems to be the incarnation of the Thunder Lord, while the Thunder thundered out one after another.

The attacks full of mutant thunder elemental powers are fatal to the plague rat, and they can take away all their signs of life, and the monster's physique cannot save them.

And ordinary rat-human units, if thundered by this thunder, will be smashed to ashes on the spot, there is no possibility of surviving.

At this moment, the glimpse of the Thunder force has become the most terrifying existence on this battlefield.

Once it is targeted, it will basically die!

In order to escape the attack range of this horrible existence, the first reaction of the surrounding rat people was to drill down.

Indeed, in terms of pure attributes, the soil system is restrained from mines. As long as they successfully penetrate the ground, their safety can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

However, the thunder that fanned out from Glimpse is more than just a simple elemental attack.

After the elemental power condenses to a certain point, it will produce more substantial destructive power, which is enough to splash the earth and stones that are split on the ground. While the thunder sweeps, it directly tears a crack!

Even if it is a bear child like Nieder Hog who is not afraid of the sky, after seeing the terrible sight here, he can't help taking a spit, thinking about his past actions, and in his heart After a surge of fear.

Although I don't know what happened, it can clearly feel that the mood of Glimpse is very bad now. In the past many years, it has never seen such gloomy emotions!

This made Niederhogg's heart secretly determined, for the next few days, oh no, it was not for a while to provoke this guy who seemed to be unstable.

As a result, when it was thinking about it, the ground suddenly burst open, and a plague rat rushed out of its eyelids.

In the face of a sudden attack like this, the inexperienced Nieder Hog had no time to respond, and he was bitten by the horrible plague rat!

At that moment, with the sound of a violent collision of metal, the plague rat only felt as if it was biting on an alloy armor plate, and its original embarrassed face suddenly became more distorted.

At the same time, the reaction to Nieder Hog was also furious. Under the outbreak of Long Wei, with the forelimb dragon claws, he launched a counterattack against the plague rat that had attacked it.

The barrier of the dragon scale prevented the plague rat from successfully biting Nieder Hoog's neck. Under the attack of UU Kanshu, Nieder Hog successfully broke free and launched the first time. Counterattack.

Just looking at the size, the plague rat is about ten meters, and Nieder Hog is just in his early ten meters, it seems that there is not much advantage.

But visually, Nieder Hog is undoubtedly too burly compared to the relatively thin plague rat.

In the case of self-defense, it is definitely advantageous to fight hard.

All kinds of continuous culling, attack without fear!

However, the plague giant rat is agile and has much more combat experience than Nieder Hog, a bear child, but also more cunning.

Directly avoiding the frontal hard fights, they kept on chasing on the battlefield and launched ground-breaking attacks for sneak attacks, which made Nieder Hog uncomfortable.

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(End of this chapter)

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