The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2232: Tactical force

As a giant orc unit with thousands of special orc races, the bloodthirsty goblins, as the top armies of the Rousse Barka mouse empire, cannot have too many, but obviously there is no shortage of them.

Among his hundreds of thousands of regular rat-humans, there are 10,000 bloodthirsty goblins!

With this as a premise, at this time on the battlefield, basically every orc army in Luo Ji was attacked by the bloodthirsty goblin!

The individual combat power is in no way inferior to the bloodthirsty rat devil of other orc units, which makes people clearly realize that the regular army of the rat race is indeed not comparable to the rat soldier slave soldiers that formed the rat tide before.

At the same time, the periphery of the battlefield did not cease.

The battle has reached this point, the main forces of both sides have been fighting hard, and even strategic units have suffered casualties. However, this unit of Rose Barka has waited slowly until now from the periphery of the battlefield. Appeared in a corner.

It was also a rear unit, with a group of more than a dozen zombie men. The positions were also extremely scattered like the previous flying mouse unit. They pushed the suspected artillery weapons and pushed them to a certain distance. Under the operation, fire quickly.

Pieces of artillery shells plunged into the battlefield with globs of green light.

After landing, it exploded. In the next second, a dark green fire burned in the entire area!

It was found that General Rodrín's face changed, and he immediately contacted Luo Ji with a communicator.

"Sir, that army is out!"

"I see."

When the communication was connected, Luo Ji was holding a telescope to look outside the battlefield.

Although the battlefield outside the second line of defense on the northern border is huge, the dark green fire is quite eye-catching.

That should be the special weapon of the Rat Race, the Plague Cannon!

From the division of arms, this should be regarded as a special type of artillery unit.

However, the output method of the Plague Cannon is far from that of ordinary artillery units.

The Plague Cannon basically does not bring any explosion damage, it is a functional weapon.

After the special cannonball is detonated, the special flame inside will spread.

The dark green flame belongs to a poisonous fire.

If it is burned by the poisonous fire, it will have two negative effects.

One is to reduce the body resistance of the burn unit.

Second, there is a great chance that you will be infected with plague!

The effect of this plague cannon is undoubtedly useless for Luo Ji's orc army that has been completely immune to the plague virus.

Therefore, their attack target was not an orc army from the beginning, but a garrison in the north!

Compared with those extremely eye-catching units, the northern border garrison with armored chariots can be said to be very simple and unpretentious on this magic battlefield, and even its presence is a little low.

But no one can deny their importance.

They are the backbone of the rat tide.

Without the help of the North Border Garrison, Luo Ji's tens of thousands of orc troops alone, even if the individual combat effectiveness is high, will be swallowed up by Rosse Barkana's heartbroken rat tide!

The purpose of the opposite today is relatively obvious.

First use the Plague Cannon to pull down the northern garrison, and then use the strength advantage to overwhelm Luo Ji's orc army to determine the victory!

How can Luo Ji make them wish?

"give it to me."

With an order, Luo Ji quickly passed orders to his troops.

Facing Rosey Barka and Luo Ji, who are backed by the North Line Second Defense Base, the electronic equipment was not restrained at all, and there was no pressure on communication.

At that time, Fengyan Tieqi, who was looking for a shot, was on the periphery of the battlefield. After receiving Luo Ji's order, he temporarily changed his plan and attacked the Plague Artillery Unit that appeared at the corner of the battlefield.

It was only halfway through, and before they approached completely, the enemy's intercepting troops appeared without any surprise.

Although the Plague Cannon does not directly damage it, it has a very strong tactical value. As long as the northern border garrison is infected with the plague on a large scale, then this northern border line of defense will also be empty for them!

With this as a premise, of course, Rose Barka could not let the opposite side easily and easily end his own tactical unit.

Amidst the roar, a special cavalry unit appeared on the periphery of the battlefield, accompanied by the earthquake on the ground.

Those cavalry are undoubtedly rat men, and their peculiar thing is their mount, which is a giant rat only two meters in size.

Obviously, this is also a special arm of the Rat Race, the Giant Rat Cavalry!

The number of troops is also a consistent feature of the Rat Race, that is, more! There are enough 50,000!

The torrent formed by the 50,000 giant rat cavalry was almost in sharp contrast to the three hundred Fengyan Iron Riders.

The difference in strength between the two sides is more than a hundred times worse!

Even if it is the top-level Fengyan Iron Rider, the pressure on his body has risen to the top instantly.

How can I fight this?

This gap in strength is really just the strength of the light pile, which can pile people alive!

Regarding this, knowing that Luo Yan's current troop strength is too small, can you be a little bit prepared?

Above the sky, while Ysera appeared, she began to chant the spells of the Dragon Stars.

There was a commotion when the giant rat cavalry was found in Ysera.

During the gallop, the cavalry who had originally gathered in one place quickly dispersed, and the large-scale evacuation formation made the scale of a giant rat cavalry even more frightening.

But everyone knows that such an evacuated formation will reduce the cavalry's charge, but at the same time, the fundamental purpose of doing so is to make it plain to prevent the possible large-scale strikes that may occur next!

After all, I have already seen it twice on the battlefield. How could it be a bit unprepared?

Ysera's last dragon star group turned into a dragon's breath. UU Reading did not choose to directly attack the Plague Artillery, but instead used the giant rat cavalry as its first attack target.

After all, as long as the Giant Rat Cavalry is solved, the Plague Artillery Force is in front of them, the lamb to be slaughtered. On the contrary, if the Giant Rat Cavalry directly attacks the Plague Artillery Force, then according to the scale of the Giant Rat Cavalry, it is considered to be wind inflammation Iron riders also have to bear huge threats!

Even in the case that the Giant Rat Cavalry has been evacuated to the maximum extent, reducing the threat of the Dragon Star group strike.

In the face of the dragon star group that seems to be falling from the sky like a meteor shower, the giant rat cavalry running around is still paying the painful price of almost half of the casualties in an instant!

A strong blow was undoubtedly a boost to morale. After the Dragon Stars had passed, the distance between the two cavalrymen had also been completely shortened.

Luo Cheng, who seized the opportunity, ordered Feng Yan Iron to ride his body, and the wind and fire were intertwined, letting the element torrent swept up! !!

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(End of this chapter)

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