The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2248: Unexpected ending

In a word, everyone was stunned.

Not to mention General Luo Delin and Major General Huang Feiyu, even Luo Ji himself stayed in place.

"Gao Su him ..."

Just after saying three words, the system announced the defeat of Gao Su and the end of the total war, which interrupted Luo Ji's words and let him know everything ...

This all-out war is over, with an ending that was completely unexpected.

The system prompts: Do you want to activate the "Conqueror of Civilization" skill for the civilization of Europa player 'Scarlett Winslet'?

At that time, the entire state of mind was a bit sloppy, and it wasn't until the system reminded me again that he finally returned to God.


The system prompts: It is detected that the target is a special civilization. After launching the ‘Civilization Conqueror’ skill, the characteristics of the opponent ’s special civilization may affect your civilization to a certain extent. Do you want to continue to launch it?

"Go ahead."

The system prompts: It takes 1,976 points to conquer points to activate the ‘Civilized Conqueror’ skill. Are you sure to confirm the consumption?

If he remembered correctly, the conquest points for conquering Scarlett Winslet were more than two hundred points more expensive than when conquering Chris Evans.

It seems that the silver content of this silver is indeed quite high.

Moreover, unlike Chris Evans, when the difficult conquest conditions were reached and the cost of conquering points was halved, this Scarlett Winslet's wingman civilization, if Luo Ji wanted to annex, had to pay Full price.

However, Luo Ji did not regret it. The cult leader couldn't even think of it.

At the same time, Luo Ji paid this conquest point completely.

Because when he first came in, he conquered the credits of the points, which originally had more than 2,700 points.

Plus the fight afterwards.

It is not the same as when abusing indigenous people and vegetables, playing several at the same time, and earning 500 conquest points after finishing a wave.

The players in this battlefield have too much gold.

Just after playing Scarlett Winslet, smashing and occupying each other's cities, Luo Ji's conquest points have accumulated to more than 3,800 points.

Later, he fought with the army of Stefano Jabbana and Rose Barka.

Although Luo Ji is about to drain his savings, in the case of playing weak and strong, conquering the points is not ordinary fast. If you play casually, you can earn two or three hundred points. If you can win, Even occupying urban sites, it is even more exponential.

At this moment, the total number of conquest points in Luo Ji's hand is 6,889 points!

After swallowing the wingman civilization of Scarlett Winslet, there are still 4,922 points, and nearly 5,000 conquest points.

After confirmation, the conquest points were deducted, Luo Ji successfully annexed the wingman civilization, and the system prompt continued ...

The system prompts: Do you want to launch the ‘Civilization Conqueror’ skill on the civilization of the Gaosu player?

Although it was psychologically prepared, the moment Luo Luo heard the prompt of the sound system, Luo Ji's complexion was still uncontrollable, and at the same time, his mind was mixed.


The system prompts: It is detected that the target is a special civilization. After launching the ‘Civilization Conqueror’ skill, the characteristics of the opponent ’s special civilization may affect your civilization to a certain extent. Do you want to continue to launch it?

"Go ahead."

The system prompts: ‘Conquering Conqueror’ skill needs to consume ‘Conquer Points’ of 5,064. Do you confirm the consumption?

As soon as this number came out, Luo Ji's heart twitched fiercely.

Even with the complex and heavy emotions before, they were slightly diluted.

This price is too exaggerated, right?

Was Gao Su too fierce, or did he underestimate the value of the prime player?

If it were to be annexed at the original price, he would bankrupt him even without swallowing the wingman civilization.

Fortunately, the second system prompt sounded, and Luo Ji was relieved.

The system prompts: Confirm that the player's "Luo Ji" meets the difficult conquest conditions, and the "Conquest Points" consumption is halved.

Sure enough, the opponent's active pass was also counted as one of the difficult conquest conditions.

The price after halving is ...

The system prompts: To launch the ‘Civilized Conqueror’ skill, it ’s necessary to consume ‘Conquer Points’ of 2,552. Do you confirm the consumption?

Still expensive and scary.


One point deduction, Luo Ji's conquest point, only 2,390 points left in an instant.

But everyone knows that it is not over.

After the settlement of the city territory, it will also consume civilization points, one city and two civilization points.

During this period, if Luo Ji needs to readjust the position of some cities in his territory, he must launch the project capability of 'territory adjustment'. That is really expensive, unlike the adjustment ability attached to 'Conqueror of Civilization'. Cheap.

At this stage, when you adjust an ordinary city, you usually have to consume dozens of conquest points, and some high-value cities consume more than a hundred directly.

Therefore, although there are still 2,390 credits in hand, UU Kanshu, but if you don't plan to put it casually, it may not be enough.

The old rules first show all the facilities and resources in each city.

Those developments of Scarlett Winslet are still in the medieval city. They have no value in themselves. All are lost or stayed. Luo Ji depends on whether there are special facilities and resources.

There are still a lot of ore resources on the other side, but they are all ore that some ordinary human civilizations have.

For Luo Ji, it is necessary or not. After all, within his civilization, these ore resources are not particularly scarce.

So, throw it aside first, whether you want to stay or not, all depends on whether his last points are enough.

In addition, three natural wonders were discovered, one of which was a one-star wonder, and two Samsung wonders. Although the level of the wonders is not high, just the wonders have the value to stay.

Under this premise, what Luo Ji didn't expect is that Scarlett Winslet's rebirth pond in the capital turned out to be a five-star special man-made wonder of human civilization.

Nothing to say, this must be taken!

After a selection, Luo Ji planned to keep few wingmen cities.

On your own main continent, if you move a little bit, you can still squeeze it.

Among them, the capital with the rebirth pond, as an important resurrection point, must be placed in a safe interior.

Fortunately, under the premise of limited development and construction capacity, the area of ​​this capital is not particularly large.

Luo Ji took a bit of effort to move the place, and finally settled this winged civilization capital on the outskirts of his city ...

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Updates are sent, and thanks to the bookmate 'Wen Lingyu Kuang' for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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