The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2272: , But where is the 'door'?

For the situation at hand, Guo Zhen is already mentally prepared.

After all, the number of one hundred thousand is there, standing there for you to kill, can kill you until your hands are soft. This matter, it is not easy from the beginning.

With an order, a group of heavily armed mechanized infantry quickly descended above the machine gun chariot.

Don't forget, this chariot was converted from an infantry chariot, so the function of transporting troops has been retained to a certain extent.

The soldiers quickly picked up the Assault-7 automatic rifle in their hands and gave priority to shooting the rat slaves who broke free of the **** and rushed up.

Assault series of automatic rifles, after many large-scale upgrades of Bart Wildhammer, the performance is actually very good.

But the automatic rifle is an automatic rifle after all, and its power cannot be stronger than the eight-tube Yanlong cannon.

And the Rat Human Slave Soldiers are, after all, orcs! And still orcs in a frenzy!

With automatic rifles, sometimes in situations where the opponent's fatal vitality cannot be directly hit, even the rat slaves, even the three or four shots, will not necessarily die, which greatly increases the pressure on the soldiers in the west, and also allows The risk of this mission becomes even greater.

However, to Guo Zhen, this situation is also a good thing to some extent.

Because you can't let the soldiers do this kind of thing with a relaxed mentality, for a soldier, this mentality is the least necessary.

Being able to maintain a sufficient sense of crisis without causing them too much threat, let them clearly realize that although this task is not too difficult, once it is done, it will still die, that is the best.

The 100,000 rat slaves were struggling to clean up unexpectedly.

After killing to a certain extent, you don't know if there is any alive in this large corpse in front of you.

In the face of this problem, Guo Zhen's approach was very simple. He directly called another accompanying convoy, and the soldiers on the car pulled out a high-pressure water gun and started blasting towards the corpse mountain.

And of course, the spray is not water, but gasoline!

After the round of spraying was completed, Guo Zhen lighted a fire casually, and a raging fire suddenly ignited!

While solving the potential threats, by the way, even those corpses that are 100% plagued can be disposed of together, which can be said to serve two purposes.

As for saying, why didn't you set fire to it in the first place?

That's because when the 100,000 rat slaves are still alive, you set the fire down, and then all the ropes that bind their hands and feet will be burned. What kind of danger will the scene be after that? Do you still think about it?

In the scorching desert, this fire almost turned this entire area into a melting furnace, and it was hot and crazy.

In the piles of corpses, shrill screams rang out one after another, and indeed many of them were still alive.

All soldiers are armed with guns on alert.

During this period, many rat slaves, all covered with fire, crawled out of the corpse piles and rushed to the western border forces.

The result was no surprise, all were shot and killed by set fire.

Then, after the corpses were completely burned into coke, Guo Zhen's mission was officially concluded.

When they returned to the camp, their first thing was to check their health.

They were wearing desert outfits, and their entire bodies were almost completely airtight. In addition to the rat slaves at the time, none of them could actually rush into front of them.

So it stands to reason that they are very unlikely to get the plague.

But just in case, you have to check.

At the same time, Guo Zhen also transmitted the news back to the Huangsha Fortress through the communication equipment in the front camp, and then Du Yuanzhi, who was sitting in the Huangsha Fortress, reported to Luo Ji.

It is a pity that I have confirmed the Luo Ji of this news.

Because according to his expectation, while taking the Rat slaves, if only they could use them to refine the sage's stone.

But unfortunately, the sage stone is not something you can refine.

Although Luo Ji knew that the sage's stone was made from soul and flesh, he didn't know exactly how to do it.

At the same time, the servants also said that ‘the method of making the sage stone comes from the gate of truth, not the wisdom that mortals can have’.

This makes Luo Ji more helpless.

The attendant had told him that as long as there was a door to truth, everything could be done.

At the same time, he already had a "pass" from Gao Su, but where was the "gate"? He doesn't know!

I was too lazy to continue tangling this issue, adjusted my emotional profile, and quickly shifted my attention to the acquisition of conquest points.

This is undoubtedly one of his main purposes.

After confirming the points, simply do an addition and subtraction, 100,000 rat slaves, after all slaughter, let him get to 109 conquest points.

At first glance, it seems that there are not many, but after carefully calculating the account, Luo Ji soon found that this efficiency seems to be higher than when he fought before!

As for the reason, Luo Ji thought about it a little, and then he understood it.

Because of Gaosu's North Front Army!

Although the Northern Army of Gaosu performed a low-key performance, they did not kill a lot when facing the rat tide. Can the machine gun rush suddenly and can it be inefficient?

In addition, there are knight golems and gargoyles killing tirelessly there.

To be honest, at that time on the battlefield, almost 70% of the enemy's troops were killed by them.

With the strength of Luo Ji at that time, in the face of such exaggerated battles, he can only play auxiliary positions. This is the reality.

In the case of playing the auxiliary position, Luo Ji's conquest points can be reduced, of course, it is less ~ ~ Which is like this time.

Although it was unsuccessful to kill, the 100,000 rat slaves were indeed killed by his western troops, so all the points fell on Luo Ji's head.

According to this efficiency, the rat slaves provided oppositely increase by 50,000 every month, plus some conquest points that Luo Ji has obtained elsewhere. After a few months, you can definitely earn more than 1,000 conquer points , And more and more in the future.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji has moved.

If the other party does not take the initiative to do things, it is also very good to brush up the conquest points.

However, this thought flashed through his mind.

Because his reason is telling him that once he waits for the other side to take the initiative, it shows that Rose Barka has the ability to easily kill him ...

Therefore, for the sake of insurance, Luo Ji still feels that it is better to kill the opposite side before the opposite side has the ability to do things!

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