The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2402: Retirement time

Remember in one second 【】

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Maintaining a state of rapid development, ten years passed in a blink of an eye. There was a bad news from the Gene Research Institute.

There was a problem with the cultivation of Warcraft Chimera.

After successfully cultivating a Warcraft Chimera that year, Dr. Coland used the genes of Warcraft Chimera directly to start cultivating a new Chimera.

I thought it would be able to successfully cultivate the cubs of Warcraft Chimera.

Who would have thought that the batch of Chimera cubs that had been successfully cultivated after all were all ordinary synthetic beasts, not Warcraft!

This news, after feedback to Luo Ji, Luo Ji directly asked them to stop other Chimera breeding programs first, and focus on cultivating the batch of Chimera cubs first, to see if they will naturally evolve after they grow up. .

It now appears that the results are clearly disappointing.

Although the Chimera bred with the Warcraft gene is obviously stronger than the original Chimera, it is far from reaching the standard of Warcraft.

Dr. Coland, who applied afterwards, used the b11 gene mutation agent on that batch of Chimera, which successfully stimulated their potential and entered the evolutionary sleep.

In view of this situation, this artificial and natural fertility is indeed incomparable. In the end, it still has to be assisted by the b11 gene mutation agent.

In this way, considering the direct injection of the pups, the risk of sudden death is too high, and the adult must be injected. This, coupled with the evolutionary sleep time, may be around the year. The cultivation cycle of Warcraft Chimera is suddenly extended To ten years.

But this is also a helpless thing, I can only admit it.

Time continued. On a new day, the latest report sent by the military caught Luo Ji's attention.

The matter is not complicated at all, in simple terms, over the years, many troops suddenly found that the service time of soldiers has increased significantly!

Those who fulfill their civic obligations and serve two years in military service are not counted.

Under normal circumstances, an ordinary regular soldier retired is roughly the case.

One is wounded in the war, unable to continue serving, and can only choose to retire.

The second is to control annual military expenditures, ease some financial pressure, and actively retire some soldiers.

As for the last one, it is simple, that is, the veteran who retires after serving for a long time and reaching a certain age.

In Wanjieming, veterans retired, most of the cases were due to the decline in training performance, can not keep up with the training of the army, then they can only retire.

If you have always been able to maintain your condition, and even have better training results than other soldiers, then why retire you?

This is the case now, since the basic forging power has been completely spread by the military.

The physical fitness of a forged soldier has been greatly improved. Even if he is over ten years old, even when he is fifteen years old, his physique is still very strong.

According to previous standards, there is no stress at all until serving forty!

Under this premise, after training the inner strength, Shifang Jingwu martial arts have a stronger physical fitness, let alone forty years old. Depending on their physical condition, serving to the age of fifty or even sixty may be fine.

To confirm this, the military really did just that.

And now, his serving soldiers in the military of the Jie Mingming army have already reached the age of 40 or 50 years old soldiers.

The biggest feature of these soldiers is that they are all warriors, and at the worst they have the strength of Shifangjing!

The Shifang realm is still like this, and the warriors in the battles are naturally stronger.

After receiving the Luo Ji of this report, my heart was mixed.

For ace troops such as Xuanjia Army and Fengyan Iron Rider who have very high requirements on soldiers, Luo Ji certainly hopes that the longer the soldiers serve, the better.

Because of the ace troops like this, a group of veterans retired. After the recruits came up, retraining required a lot of time and resources.

But ordinary soldiers are a bit of a headache.

Leaving aside the special races with a small population, there are recruits from their clan every year.

If the service age of ordinary forged soldiers rises to forty years, the veterans will not retire in the next few years, and the recruits will keep coming up, and the number of regular military members will increase.

There are simply more troops, which is certainly a good thing.

But the premise is that you have to have money to raise it!

In Wanjieming, regular soldiers are treated well, so the more regular soldiers there are, the greater the pressure on military spending each year.

Once this number is too large, it can only reduce development funding, which will significantly reduce his development efficiency.

Those who have millions of troops at every turn can really come out of their mouths? Have you used your brain? Have you considered the situation on all sides?

Under the condition that all conditions are met without significant impact on its own economy and development, it has a million troops and can provide sufficient supplies to the million troops at any time after the war begins, and it will last at least ten years. From the above, the overall strength is basically strong enough.

In view of this situation, Luo Ji knows that all aspects of the military's standards and systems must be adjusted!

This matter was handled by Guo Jia.

Guo Jia directly called the staff of the staff headquarters and the military generals. All the people who were able to be present could not be there.

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

Field, then start a remote conference.

After the meeting, Luo Ji sat and listened.

Prior to that, Guo Jia apparently had prepared a preliminary plan. The next meeting was mainly to discuss with various general officers and adjust and improve this plan.

There are two main aspects that need to be adjusted.

The first aspect is to improve the requirements for regular training performance of regular soldiers.

If, according to the previous standards, the total score is one hundred points, sixty points are qualified, and eighty points are excellent, then now, the total points have been raised to one hundred points, eighty points are considered qualified, one hundred points Considered excellent.

At the same time, considering the fact that the recruits have just joined the army, even after the end of the recruits training, the average recruits' performance is basically impossible to match the veterans.

Therefore, for the recruits, Guo Jia formulated another set of standards.

The recruits are given a period of training results, and there is no need to compare the safety period with the veterans.

However, this period of security does not mean that recruits can rest easy.

Because during the security period, the instructors will stare at the results of the recruits.

At regular intervals, the training performance of each recruit must be improved enough.

If the performance has not been improved for a long time ~ ~ At the same time that the performance has not been improved, and the qualifying line that has not reached the latest standards, then the recruit can be retired before the comparison with the veteran.

Guo Jia worked out the entire plan in great detail, and discussed it with the generals one by one.

The generals are undoubtedly more experienced than Guo Jia on how to grasp the degree and time of performance improvement.

During the adjustment of the plan, the entire meeting went smoothly.

After the promulgation of the new military system, the response was not bad.

Everyone should have been mentally prepared.

At the same time, more importantly, after accepting the opinions of the major generals, Guo Jia's new standards were indeed reasonable to the current soldiers.

The new system was successfully implemented. After a period of practice, the state of Wan Jieming military regions gradually adjusted back.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^

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