Remember in one second 【】

The main continent of Wanjieming is very, very wide. Therefore, there are many old mountains and forests that are rarely visited by people.

Those areas are not particularly suitable for human habitation due to the terrain environment.

If you have to build a city and develop it, you will probably have to spend a lot of time and change the landform on a large scale. At the same time, it will consume more resources.

Therefore, considering the development efficiency, Luo Ji naturally bypassed those areas that were not suitable for human habitation, and built various cities in some wider and flat plains.

After waiting for all the areas suitable for the construction of the city to fill up, this is the way back, slowly tossing these areas that are troublesome and time-consuming to develop.

This is one of Luo Ji's big strategies of the year.

But later, due to various things, it was too much, which caused him Wan Jieming to develop these deep mountains and old forests, which has been slow.

Therefore, on this main continent, there are actually large undeveloped areas, and in those undeveloped areas, there are many wild animals, even Warcraft.

For example, when the bear child Nieder Hog went out to accumulate actual combat experience, he specifically drilled into such deep mountains and old forests and returned Luo Ji with a few first-order magic cores.

However, in the old forest of the deep mountains, there are still giant beasts, and even evolution has occurred, which really shocked Luo Ji.

From the report recounted by Henry Bol, he can clearly feel that the five mountain pig giants should not find enough winter food in the deep mountains, so they came out to grab food ...

And here, we need to focus on the difference between the monster and the World of Warcraft.

Giants refer to top-level units peculiar to orcs. They have the characteristics of orcs, and their physical qualities on all sides are far beyond ordinary creatures. Those large animals owned by ordinary humans cannot As a beast, the difference is clear.

Under this premise, due to Luo Ji's Wan Jie Ming, he completely integrated the Elven Ming and possessed the special species of ‘Warcraft’.

This led to the existence of a boundary that was impossible to cross between the beast and Warcraft, and was broken.

As a result, a large number of monsters have evolved.

But note that in Wanjieming, even the evolved beasts, Luo Ji directly called them beasts, not Warcraft.

Like Ysera and Hydra, it is a serious Warcraft.

After the evolution of the monster, it is essentially a monster, and there is no magic core in the body. Generally, you can only use some low-level enhancement spells, but nothing else. In the end, you still have to rely on your physical fitness to fight. the difference.

After eating and drinking in the wild boar territories, the five wild boar monsters fled back to the mountains.

For this situation, the local troops, while mobilizing a large number of armed helicopters to conduct air reconnaissance, also sought support from the nearby Hawks.

At the same time, the foxmen's reconnaissance unit was mobilized to come over, and is currently trying to lock the old nest of the five wild boar beasts.

However, in the undeveloped old mountains of the deep forest, it is really not an easy task to lock down the five targets that escape into the depths of the mountains.

The following troops are already investigating, and at the same time, according to the speculation of the garrison, according to the food intake of the five mountain pig giants, after a period of time, they will definitely kill and grab food again.

In this regard, Luo Ji issued an order that is to let the garrison troops directly put a batch of grain outside.

Let the five giant pig giants finish eating and leave.

Because according to the garrison's combat power there, if you want to resist against the five giant boar beasts, it is estimated that there is not much success rate, and it will only increase losses.

Moreover, I really want to move, Luo Ji did not intend to move near the wild boar tribe.

That mountain pig giant clearly shows that it belongs to a strategic unit.

Leaving aside the shame of giant beasts like the plague rat, under normal circumstances, the enemy's strategic units can only be settled by their own strategic units.

This is common sense.

It's like comparing the last pair with mushroom bombs, then you must have mushroom bombs, or you can use weapons of the same level to balance each other. Otherwise, you basically have to fight this battle.

The battle between strategic units and strategic units will cause great damage to the surrounding environment.

If you move near the wild boar lands, it is estimated that there will be only a ruin after the fight.

Therefore, Luo Ji plans to transfer the battlefield to the old forest in the mountains.

At the same time, if conditions permit, it is best to first find out the old nest of the five wild boar monsters, and maybe there are no other wild pigs in the old nest.

Once we have enough information to figure out everything, we'll do it again.

Upon receiving Luo Ji's instructions, the garrison side naturally followed their orders.

After five days, the five giant boar beasts came as expected.

Looking at the grain piled directly outside, the five wild pig giant monsters should be a little surprised.

However, after all, giants are giants, and even if they are more intelligent than ordinary animals, they basically don't think much about this situation.

After eating and drinking, turn your head and leave.

During this period, the Garrison also started operations.

In addition to letting the Foxman Reconnaissance Force and the Eagleman Force conduct a full range of tracking, he

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

We are still stuffed with small piles of small positioning devices in the pile of grain eaten by the beasts, hoping to come in handy.

In the beginning, it was really useful, but after entering the old forest of the mountains, after a few days, those small positioning devices have no response.

I don't know if this old mountain forest signal is bad.

Or the stomach of that mountain pig giant, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is really powerful, the positioning devices that they stuffed in have been digested.

During this time, the tracking of the Foxmen Scouts and the Eaglemen soldiers continued.

The speed of those wild boar beasts running up is simply amazing. While maintaining concealment and being undetected, the speed of the Foxman Scout alone is really a bit too much.

Fortunately, those wild boar monsters have not been running wildly. After rushing into the mountains, the speed slowed down significantly.

Taking this as a premise, the Eaglemen soldiers rely on the empty vision and flying speed, and will not be completely thrown away by the five mountain pig giants.

Maintaining this state, after some tracing, it was finally found in the depths of the mountain forest, the old nest of the five mountain pig giant!

At the same time, in the old nest, two heads less than ten meters in size were found, which should be juvenile giant cubs ...

ps: the code word is not easy, please support the creation of the world | | | net, qq reading and starting | * 点 * 网 正

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^

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