The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2411: ,This is impossible

The formation of the Trial Knights does not require Luo Ji to worry about.

In the following days, Luo Ji lived a very regular life every day. The biggest change, I am afraid, is the divine magic that is mainly practiced at night. Now it has been changed to the blade of judgment and the sanction of the hammer.

不 The Blade of Judgment doesn't say that the sanctifying sanction of this intermediate attack magic is one of the exclusive magic of the judgment knight.

Because of this trick, the power can only be fully exerted if it is used in conjunction with the trial knight's exclusive equipment, the trial knight hammer.

Of course, if you do n’t have the “Judging Knight Hammer”, you can actually use it.

But the power will decrease, and at the same time, the consumption will become very large.

After the puppet casts, he can condense into a light warhammer to attack the opponent, and at the same time, he can directly throw the light warhammer to attack.

However, in the absence of the 'Judging Knight's Hammer', in Luo Ji's view, the punishment of this spell by the Hammer is really low.

Therefore, after practicing for a while, Luo Ji gave up this divine magic.

In comparison, the blade of trial is, in his opinion, more cost-effective.

Because the blade of judgment does not have exclusive equipment in the strict sense. Although the judges have the prop of the book of commandments, it is only an increase in the power of magical power, with the book of commandments. It can make the magic effect stronger, and also improve the casting efficiency. If not, it will not affect the original power of the magic.

More importantly, the Book of Commandments is much lighter and more portable than the Trial Knight Hammer. Even if Luo Ji brought a copy with him, he wouldn't feel too obstructed.

By comparison, ‘Judgement Knight Hammer’ is too much of a hindrance.

"Judging Blade!"

He sang softly, and Luo Ji was surrounded by a five-meter-long pure white trial blade, which immediately formed.

But it was definitely not the effect he wanted at first.

的 The basic consumption of the Judgment Blade is five hundred faiths, which can condense an almost half-meter-long Judgment Blade to attack the target.

Luo Erji's five-meter long was obviously because he did not control the output of his faith.

He accidentally consumed nearly 10,000 convictions.

After learning the new divine magic, his control is obviously still practiced.

At the same time, in the days of practicing the Blade of Judgment, Luo Ji ’s daily consumption of faith has undoubtedly become even larger. At the beginning, it may have consumed hundreds of thousands or even millions of beliefs a day. Is the prodigal.

Later, with the increase in the number of exercises, the consumption began to be less exaggerated, but it is not too small. Ordinary judges can't afford to practice this, and this situation is unlikely to occur.

Luo Luoji will do this, simply because of the faith in his body, it is too much!

Every time a mistake is made, the error may increase to thousands or even tens of thousands.

For this loss, Luo Ji can only use it as an unavoidable up-front investment, and then continue to practice divine magic.

During this period, one winter passed and the seven wild mountain pigs held in the wild boar tribe land seemed to have been quite honest.

There are days of eating and drinking, letting them largely give up resistance.

But the bigger reason is that every time they move, the sight of the four stormy eagles will sweep over. After that, the bear child of Nieder Hog will fall from the sky, catch one of them, and eat a fat meal.

To some extent, these violent wild boars have also been forcibly overcome.

However, in Luo Ji's view, this is not the time to relax.

If the four Stormhawks and Nieder Hog are removed, no one can guarantee that the wild mountain pigs will suddenly make trouble.

Just in case, Luo Ji decided to let Nieder Hog stay on the side of the wild boar tribe for a while.

It just happens that Nieder Hog has a suitable sparring opponent.

At the same time, the bear child seemed to be having a good time, and didn't mind staying there.

After reviewing one document, Luo Ji picked it up while putting it away.

I opened it and looked at it. The content inside it immediately caught his attention.

This document was sent by the Ministry of Agriculture of their capital. In the document, the old Minister of Agriculture stated very directly that starting next year, the area of ​​farmland needs to be increased.

Because their annual food production of Wanjie civilization is not so abundant ...

When I first saw this report, Luo Ji's first reaction was impossible!

His civilization of all walks of life has always been a big grain producing country.

In addition to being able to use it internally in a civilized way, the annual grain output can also be used by his wife to sell to other players. How can it not be enough?

However, the old minister of the Ministry of Agriculture is also a minister who has been in office for decades. It is also impossible to send a meaningless report.

With such thoughts, Luo Ji flipped through the report and quickly looked down.

I looked at it, Luo Ji's brow obviously frowned.

报告 This report of the Ministry of Agriculture gave him a clear comparison of data in recent years.

According to the data alone, Luo Ji found that his annual surplus of civilization in Wanjie civilization is really not as abundant as before.

According to the report, the root cause is the increase in the human population over the years!

More than just natural growth, in addition, Luo Ji also obtained a large population from Gao Su and the two hibiscus players.

After the development of these years, now the total population of his civilization across the world is almost like a snowball.

According to the latest statistical results of this year ~ ~ At present, his civilization has reached 1.4 billion people!

Under this premise, what is the fundamental reason why he has been able to maintain amazing food production for so many years in the past?

The first is because the kit of Kyushu tripod is "Five Grains".

Twenty-two is because the crop yield of the colorful terraces of natural wonders is a bonus!

Among them, the effect of colorful terraces is superimposed on the effect of Kyushu Ding's “Five Grain Harvest”, which has achieved even more amazing yields.

But! As a natural wonder, the colorful terraces have a limited area and cannot be larger with time.

So the number of grains produced each year is also limited.

However, the population of civilizations of all walks of life will become more and more.

不 Unconsciously, the annual rate of food production and consumption by civilizations of all walks of life has almost reached a balance.

In order to ensure that in the next few years, as the population continues to grow, there will be no problems with food supply. It is indeed time to increase the area of ​​farmland.

I can look at that data, but Luo Ji's brow is getting more and more frowning.

"Barenque, you go to the Bureau of Statistics and bring me all the demographic data from the past sixty years!"


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