The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2413: Average life

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接收 When receiving the population of Gao Su and annexing the population of the two hibiscus players, Luo Ji had both confirmed it and made a simple estimation in his heart.

I ca n’t say how accurate that estimate is, but after all he was an emperor for so many years, he has a number in his mind about how far the civilized population of the world can grow in the next few decades.

And it is precisely because of his count that he is basically at ease with the current grain output.

But now, the whole situation is obviously far beyond his expectations at that time!

The office of the Capital Statistics Bureau is in the office area of ​​the Royal Palace. Barenque ran this trip without much effort, and soon brought several statistical tables.

Find an empty table and spread out all the statistical tables according to the year.

Xu glanced quickly, and after turning the demographic table for nearly fifty years in one breath, Luo Ji gradually realized what the problem was.

幅度 Almost 40 years ago, the annual population growth rate was basically under the control of Luo Ji.

But after that, the rate of population growth has clearly begun to become a little less normal.

Later, it seemed that I realized what Luo Ji was, and quickly went over and checked a certain data, and then the whole person suddenly realized.

It's not that the number of new people has increased each year, but that the number of deaths has decreased every year!

Or to put it another way, that is, among his civilizations, citizens have begun to live longer!

Under normal circumstances, the birth of a new generation also represents the aging of the older generation.

At the same time that new life is born every day, there are countless lives dying. This is a cycle.

To some extent, it has also reached a balance.

I make a civilization, under normal circumstances, the population does not appear too exaggerated.

But what if the new generation is completely mature, and the old generation has not died naturally?

The whole balance that Jain originally maintained will naturally be damaged to a certain degree, and the magnitude of this damage will become more and more exaggerated with the accumulation of years!

"Barenque, you go to the statistics bureau again ..."

Luo Ji looked at the statistics in his hand and ordered again.

几次 After several errands back and forth, Luo Ji's desk was completely covered with documents, and at the same time, Luo Ji's basic thoughts were cleared up.

According to the latest statistics, the average life expectancy of his citizens of all walks of life is 84.3 years.

This average life expectancy is already very high. Based on this average life expectancy, many of them can easily reach the same level as the fourth generation, and there are not a few of them, but the life expectancy is longer than this average life expectancy. high!

In order to obtain a more reliable data, Luo Ji let various departments conduct more detailed surveys and statistics in the following days.

Finally, based on various data, a result was obtained.

There are more than one group of people within their civilizations whose lifespans have begun to increase.

The one that can be clearly confirmed is the members of the state religion!

Among the members of Xi Guojiao, there are young people who are over 100 years old. One of them is the oldest and this year is already 109 years old!

Even in today's civilization of all walks of life, an elderly human being can live up to the age of eighty or ninety.

Some of them are not unusual, but there are many within the state religion!

In addition, there are more old members who are 80 or 90 years old.

Although those believers were not too young when they formally joined the church, they have performed well in the decades since they joined the school, and they are extremely religious.

This made Luo Ji realize more clearly that such a situation would occur, which is probably due to the role of the faith built up in those believers.

With this in mind, Luo Ji himself has experienced it.

信仰 Those beliefs will have a beneficial effect on the body invisibly. When the body is good, the natural life will be a long time. This is a matter of course.

As for another group of longevity people, Luo Ji had some expectations, that is, those soldiers who had served as soldiers.

According to the report that is currently being submitted, the earliest retired soldiers in the forged body, even though their hair and beard are all white, and they are also 70 or 80 years old, they are still very good. Children are not inferior.

Looking at that posture, it would be no problem to live another ten or twenty years.

At that time, it is estimated that there will be a large number of centenarians.

Don't underestimate the number of soldiers who are retired each year. Over the years and years, the number has been quite amazing.

At the same time, within the civilization, the significant increase in the average life expectancy is probably inseparable from Luo Ji's early mass popularization of 'basic forging exercises'.

Even if you can't reach the forged state, the effect of physical fitness is also very good.

After many citizens realize the benefits, it is estimated that they do not need to be reminded, they will practice well.

In this way, along with the obvious increase in life expectancy and the emergence of many high-lived people, the civilization of Wanjie has directly increased the population of the new population, and the mortality rate of the original population has dropped significantly. Finally, the total population began to rise significantly.

Under this premise, if you look at it separately every year, you really can't see anything, but once piled together ~ ~, the total population has increased significantly.

In view of this situation, increasing the area of ​​farmland and thereby increasing food production in the next few years has really become a matter of urgency.

Although the area of ​​the land is suitable for farming, it must be large enough. In order to increase grain production, at least 500,000 mu of land is required. Under the premise of ensuring this limit, the larger the better.

But, on the main continent, except for the deep forests and old forests that are still under development, the available land is basically occupied.

I can never let him order, demolish the original building, and change the farm?

怎么 It's not a good idea to think about it.

As for saying, now it is too slow to speed up the development of those old forests in the mountains and then increase the area of ​​farmland.

With such a thought, she dragged the Luo Ji of the system map, and finally set her sights on the New World.

"Yes, there is a new continent!"

In the past few years, the main task of the new continent has been construction and development, and the supply of food has basically been provided by the main continent. In terms of farming, there has not been any good development.

I took this opportunity to develop the farming industry in the new continent.

On the new continent, there is currently a place. After thinking about it for a while, Luo Ji directly issued an order to the governance officials on the new continent.

Let them prepare for a large farm with 2 million acres!

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