The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2427: , Meow meow meow meow meow?

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赛 relia's archery is outstanding, but the kick is equally powerful.

A series of serial kicks, even if it is Wang Kai, they feel the pressure on his body doubles.

However, after this series of kicks was over, Cerella did not continue the onslaught, but instead arched his hands at Wang Kai with convincing expression.

Captain Wu, I lost.

You can only use training arrows for this type of counter-attack, which is greatly reduced in strength. It is not true. Cerella, you just shot the four arrows in an instant, which is really beyond me It is expected that if you replace it with actual combat killing, all your four arrows can be replaced with magic arrows. By then, I am afraid that all of them will hang.

He talked, Wang Kai smiled, and at the same time he was surprised at the improvement of Serella's strength.

And for the praise of Wang Kai, Serelia just chuckled.

Sure, she can only use training arrows, which will greatly reduce her strength, but if it is replaced by actual combat killing, how can Wang Kai only defend and not attack?

The captain of the guard, standing there with a knife, gave her the feeling of impeccable!

I was struggling between the two, and Luo Ji approached slowly, and at the same time I heard part of the conversation between the two, which made me even more surprised.

Selia, can you shoot four renju arrows? !!

The so-called renju arrow does not mean that you close your eyes and do nothing, it is enough to shoot the arrow out at the fastest speed, it does not make any sense.

A qualified renju arrow, while completing the rapid burst, you also need to ensure the accuracy and power of each arrow. Needless to say, the power must at least not miss the target.

Luo Luoji will also be able to dart arrows, and his dart arrows are just at this ‘qualified’ level.

As for the renju arrow of Serella, it is undoubtedly stronger than him.

The great thing about this is that while Seleria shoots three arrows in a row to ensure accuracy and power, she can even aim separately and let the three arrows shot out to three different ones. Tricky angle.

It is no exaggeration to say that Serelia's renju arrow is already amazing, and with all kinds of magic arrows, it is a means of killing.

Under this premise, if you want to shoot one more arrow to make the renju arrow reach the level of four consecutive shots, it is almost impossible!

刚才 And just now, everything happened too fast, and Luo Ji didn't even have time to see it clearly, so naturally he couldn't be sure.

Alas, Wang Kai said so, surely Zelaria has really completed the amazing four-shot!

As a person who will also make Renju arrows, Luo Ji has to be amazed.

When talking about it, Cerrelia also saw a rare joy in her eyes.

Yes, Your Majesty, your subordinates have just completed the four consecutive shots of Renju.

As she spoke, Serella lifted her hand that opened the bow.

At that moment, everyone could clearly see that there was a slight tremor in Cerella's hand.

The load on the arm of the Lianzhujian is already very large. After four consecutive shots, the burden is almost doubled. For the time being, every time this trick is used, the subordinate will lose the ability to open the bow and force open Bows and arrows shot out will only lose sight and power.

I heard a glance in Luo Ji's eyes after hearing this.

Luo Lianju's burden on the arm, of course, Luo Ji knows, but in the past, Serella was so strong that she could still open the bow after shooting the Lianzhu arrow.

Looking like this, the burden of four-shot bursts is indeed beyond imagination.

No wonder, just after opening the bow, Serella turned to melee.

Oh, by the way, Serelia, what you covered on the arrow just now should be suffocating, right? Have you improved your exercises? !!

I asked Luo Ji of these words, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

Serialia is improving her internal skills. They all know about Luo Ji. Even Luo Ji specially gave her a long vacation to let her concentrate on improving.

If the exercises can be improved successfully, the combat power of an entire Elven Army will be significantly improved!

And just now, he saw Cerella showing off 罡, how did Luo Ji not get excited?

For Luo Ji's question, Serella was not immoral, she nodded quite simply.

Yes, Your Majesty, although it took a lot of effort, the subordinates have successfully improved that Sanyang Gong, so that it can be practiced by our elves.

Did you practice Sanyang exercises directly?

Luo Luoji was a little surprised.

Because of the order, you should practice basic internal skills first.

Responding quickly, Serella

Yes, because in the process of improving the exercises, through some communication with the head of the guard, the subordinates found that they seemed to have the practice of Shifangjing. Of course, the basic internal skills and subordinates were actually improved, Before and after comparison.

It ’s different from what is said in Basic Internal Gong. It makes the body feel Qi, because the subordinates found that after practicing according to the Gong Fa, they are mobilized by the power of the elements in the body, not by internal strength. At the same time, during the practice, it can also speed up the absorption of elemental power. This feeling has never been felt before.

Speaking of this, Serella's voice paused slightly, and then she spoke again.

Next, in order to confirm whether there are any problems with the improved Sanyang exercises, the subordinates practiced for a while. Now, according to the advanced martial arts, the subordinates should have been repaired in a battlefield.

Although I did n’t concentrate on practice, it should be the biggest reason, but after practicing for so many years, I still got stuck in Luo Ji, a perfect place of Shifangjing ~ ~ At this moment, I feel obviously worried.

This is probably the gap between the martial art genius and his martial art mortal.

At the same time, through the remarks made by Serella, Luo Ji also realized another problem

In other words, Serelia, what you practiced is not actually radon, but the power of the elements?

He said that it is the power of the elements, but it is actually not very precise. During the cultivation process, the form of the power of those elements in the subordinates did change, and the subordinates did not know what to call this power.

When I heard this, Luo Ji turned his head, and then suggested casually.

如果 If you do n’t have a clue, what about ‘fighting’?

Are you angry?

Nian chanting the name, Cerella nodded after a little thought.

I have no opinions.

By the way, Serelia, just in case, let ’s just confirm that your improved basic internal skills and Sanyang skills can be practiced by other elven soldiers?

Your Majesty, please let other people practice!


Now that one thing is settled, Luo Ji is in a good mood now.

After looking back at Ike, it seemed that Luo Ji had thought of something, and she was speechless.

Ike, do you work hard too?

what? Meow meow meow meow meow?

:. :

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