The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2433: Spring breeze

The battlefield of the all-silver battle in the silver ranks. After a great battle came to an end, in the face of the goblin army that science and technology began to take off, players from all dynasties no doubt felt the pressure.

I was really helpless. After a while of internal discussions, they decided to send a letter of assistance to the prime ministers for help.

However, as we all know, at present, the prime ministers in their respective leagues are basically playing World War IV, and they cannot compete with the players in the Europa and Fuso camps, and they have no time to control them.

Under this premise, for Ke Xiuwen and Huo Qiguang, the most convenient one is Luo Ji.

The big brothers and them, even if they are in the same alliance, are actually somewhat separated. It feels like the boss and the subordinates, but Luo Ji is not the same. Luo Ji and them are sympathetic, so they Pull up foreign aid, and the pressure will not be too great.

Ke Xiuwen's opportunity to ask for help has been used up before. Therefore, pulling people fell on Huo Qiguang.

Now a letter of help has been issued, waiting for Luo Ji's response.

On the silver battlefield, the war naturally continued.

This time the Silver War, Ke Xiuwen and Huo Qiguang had good luck. When they entered the territory, the territory was systematically dropped on the same continent, with an unlucky player in between.

After picking up the hibiscus player, the two basically unified the line of defense and entered a state of covering and supporting each other and resisting the invasion of foreign enemies.

At this moment, on the front battlefield, the goblin army has been under pressure for many days.

A large number of goblins' airships continue to exude a sense of oppression over the silver battlefield.

After the old generation of silver band players rose to the gold band, the strength of the silver band players has been flattened, and basically there are no over-specs.

Therefore, today's silver band, each player, the air combat power is extremely scarce.

Basically, who can have a decent air force, who can occupy a huge advantage in this battlefield.

Obviously, the goblin players of the Fuso camp are relying on their airships to rise strongly.

However, his wave of hits did not count as smooth sailing.

Because unlike the newcomers to the silver ranks who came up later, Ke Xiuwen was a player who had participated in the last silver war, so his background and experience should be deeper.

After the old generation of players rose up, according to Ke Xiuwen's strength, it naturally became a big-time player in the silver ranks, and the ranking also soared.

And because of the influence of the last Silver War, Ke Xiuwen also has an airship in his hands.

At this moment, the airship forces on both sides are also deadlocked in the sky, each side has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Although there are no bright spots in the airship of the Tatar people, from another perspective, it is balanced performance and stable quality.

On the other hand, although the airship of the Goblins is called black technology, it also has the advantages of low cost and high production efficiency. However, the disadvantage is also well known, which is that it is prone to failure.

This goblin player is not the same as Luo Ji.

Luo Luoji is the top talent of some people and dwarves to help them adjust the design drawings of the Goblin. Although the cost has been increased and the production efficiency has been reduced, the probability of failure is basically suppressed to the normal level.

普通 And ordinary goblin players do not have this treatment.

Under normal circumstances, a goblin player, ten airships are flying in the sky. During the battle, one or two of them suddenly failed. It was completely daily, and even darkened, and three of the four ships were not faulty. What a curious thing.

Thanks to this, Ke Xiuwen was basically at a disadvantage in the number of airships, and his production efficiency was no better than that of a goblin civilization. He could also work with each other in the air.

He would not be attacked by the other side, directly destroying the border defense line.

即使 But even so, the situation on their side does not seem to be optimistic.

Above the border battlefield, an enemy goblin army and a large number of artillery almost sealed the entire border.

By the height difference of a terrain, they were directly arranged into three exaggerated rows.

Each round of shelling will form an exaggerated fire coverage net, forcibly suppressing an entire area.

In the face of this firepower, Ke Xiuwen and Huo Qiguang's coalition forces assembled on the front line could not pass at all, and they were constantly bombarded by the firepower advantage on the opposite side.

In this state, the border garrison was miserable enough to pray daily against the artillery bombs on the opposite side.

In fact, the probability of bombing is quite high, especially after firing multiple times ...

However, with the bombardment of some cannons, the goblin army on the other side wanted to self-destruct, apparently dreaming.

The Goblins' weapons were cheap and high-yield. Today they blew up a hundred artillery pieces, and immediately returned to send three hundred.

The goblin player on the opposite side has won streaks after the official rise, and is now snowballing. In a short time, the money is not bad at all.

"Hum, still struggling."

Listening to the latest report from his subordinates, a goblin wearing a military uniform with a disdainful expression on his face, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, posing as if shaking. UU reading books

"Weak Tianchao players have only this degree. It is really because of the hard work of those‘ predecessors ’that they had been killed before, and they were even killed several times. In the final analysis, they are too weak?”

In the end, the face of the goblin player is full of pride.

The next group of subordinates, naturally, sent a variety of compliments to the horse in a timely manner, and the goblin players were quite comfortable.

Although after fighting here, his offensive has been frustrated in the face of the joint army of Ke Xiuwen and Huo Qiguang.

But from the overall situation, he is still quite proud of it.

I have a feeling that I have opened the protagonist's aura and I'm invincible.

In fact, he thought so too.

Although his goblin civilization was a bit uncomfortable when he was in the bronze and black iron stages, after entering the silver stage, he felt that he just took off in situ!

According to this momentum, the scientific and technological power of his goblin civilization will only be like a snowball, and the more developed, the stronger the strength will be. At that time, it will not be difficult to come to the golden band in one go.

Suddenly, that goblin player was thinking so.

A sudden system prompt sounded in the ears, giving the goblin player a slight look on his face.

He didn't expect that the Silver War had already reached this point, and there were still people supporting him.

Moreover, the name of this Tianchao player who supports is still very strange. .

"Luo Ji? Who is that?"

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