The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2447: , Follow-up arrangements

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提醒 The system reminder sent here, it shows that the battle on the other side of the silver battlefield has been completely ended.

罗 Not long after Luo Ji completed the deployment of those new cities, the news of Huo Qiguang and Ke Xiuwen had already been sent out.

While giving thanks to Luo Ji, he also told him that they would never say anything about this time.

In this regard, Luo Ji also smiled and thanked.

Although he has developed to this point, he has basically been unable to hide it, and even many players have made a rough guess about him, but Huo Qiguang and Ke Xiuwen are willing to help him keep it secret, which is of course a good thing.

After a while, the two couldn't help asking the current situation of the major camps.

他们 In their opinion, today's Luo Ji is already a big brother in the golden ranks, and they should know more than them.

Nowadays, the gold ranks, the outbreak of the Fourth World War completely, these silver ranks, and even the black iron ranks players, life is not peaceful.

Everyone is heartbroken.

In case the above players collapse, then these low-level players must follow suit.

I don't want to panic.

However, Luo Ji doesn't really know much about this issue.

Because when the Fourth World War started, he was fighting full-scale war with Rose Barka.

Suddenly, a war broke out between the camps, which also made him feel surprised.

The only thing I can confirm at the moment is that the newcomers in the golden stage, Tang Song and Huayu, they should be able to win the Fusang camp.

Because of the situation on that battlefield, Ye Qingxuan is quite well-known.

But Luo Ji didn't know the battlefield where the big men gathered.

唯一 The only thing he can confirm for now is that Liu Junjie was killed.

主 The leader of the Confederate Alliance is dead, and the Vice-Leader Zhou Wenbing is in power.

However, this is not a secret, and it has long been a buzz.

I was busy with the collection of battles on my side at the time, but I knew it later than other players.

But at the time, he was still frightened after confirming the news.

No one could have imagined that the big boss, the leader of the world alliance, was gone.

So what the final battle of the golden war will look like, Luo Ji is really not easy to talk about, and at the same time it is not clear.

Can only remind Ke Xiuwen and Huo Qiguang, let them seize this opportunity, quickly improve their strength, can adjust the time difference, and quickly adjust the time difference to develop.

At the same time, there is no need to deliberately card the position.

If the gold band collapses at that time, the silver and black bands below cannot escape at all.

So it's better to take advantage of this wave, the players of the other ranks of the gold ranks have no time to manage the opportunities of these newcomers, quickly rush to the gold ranks, and then stand firm.

Otherwise, you are stuck in the silver band, all sides are restricted, and it is impossible to beat the golden band.

Ascended to the golden stage, after the strength is raised, he can still fight.

It is safest to hold your own life in your own hands.

At the same time, it can also increase the overall combat power of their Celestial camp in the golden position, thereby increasing the odds of the war to a certain extent.

Anyway, what Luo Ji said, as to whether they could listen to Ke Xiuwen and Huo Qiguang, it was their own business.

Ended the long-lost conversation with the two, Luo Ji closed the chat window and turned his attention to the reward of this support battle.

Ke Xiuwen and Huo Qiguang are ordinary silver civilization players. The props in their hands are mostly ordinary to Luo Ji.

But this time the biggest reward, he has accepted that goblin civilization, so there is nothing to complain about.

At the same time, there is indeed one of those props that Luo Ji can use.

That's a gold-level "Fleet Commander" skill book.

技能 This skill book is a passive skill belonging to the command system, which can increase the overall combat effectiveness of an entire fleet.

Xuan Yuanxi already had a gold-level "Fleet Commander" skill, and it was unnecessary and impossible to make a second book.

Therefore, after a little thought, Luo Ji finally chose to take this golden-level 'Fleet Commander' skill book to the commander of the West Sea Fleet, which is Wang Sheng.

On the Yangtze River Fleet side, after all, there is still a Murloc group. The Murloc group cooperates with the Yangtze River Fleet. The sea area to the east of Luo Ji has considerable combat power.

But on the other side of the West Sea, it was a little worse. There were no large-scale Murloc troops stationed.

Therefore, at this time, it is a safer way to improve the overall combat power of the West Sea Fleet to make up for the shortcomings of your own defense line. Luo Ji ’s current thinking is roughly the same.

Through the operation of the panel, it took a civilized point, after Wang Sheng replaced this golden skill, Luo Ji turned his head and opened the relic bag of the Fuso Goblin player.

玩家 This player is in the silver rank, his qualifications are not deep, the number of civilization points in his hand is very small, and in Luo Ji ’s view, even a fraction is not counted.

In terms of props, after all, it is a player of goblin civilization, but there are many special props of goblin civilization.

However, the items in the backpack are generally low grade, basically all are bronze and black iron, and even silver are rare.

I don't know if it's all used up or it's all stored in the system warehouse.

Take a look around ~ ~ There are many skill books and design drawings of the goblin arms.

However, according to the current development progress of his civilization, the props in the opponent ’s relic bag are basically out of date in Luo Ji ’s view. Take a few copies and study some of the black technology in the Goblin family. As to whether it can come in handy in the future, it is really difficult to say.

Of course, aside from this, this wave of special artificial wonders he can get to a five-star level is already earned by blood.

Because of this prop, he doesn't have to worry about it.

After sorting out all the waves of his own loot and counting them clearly, Luo Ji dialed a phone, contacted Ye Hua, who was far away in the New World, and told Ye Hua about the large number of goblin cities.

The resources inside the puppet are well collected, and at the same time there are so many Goblin populations that provide technical power for the New World, which is definitely beneficial for the development of the New World.

相对 Comparatively, compared with civilizations of all walks of life, the development status of those goblin cities is far behind.

Leaving aside the land of the Snake race, let's not say that even the worst-developed city on the new continent is probably more advanced than those goblin cities.

On the premise of leaving those cities, we must definitely carry out large-scale development and construction.

As soon as this batch of cities is lost, as the ruling officer of the new continent, Ye Hua's workload is naturally skyrocketing!

In the following days, he may be busy.

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