The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2474: , Are you interested

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Link by link, at the moment when the Destroyer-1 tank and mech unit fired at full force, the battle at the border could be said to be the overall situation.

The Saxon border army actually still has a fairly strong combat power, but Heil Hill simply does not give them a shot.

This is like ammunition in an ammunition warehouse.

Even if your ammunition warehouse is now full of tens of thousands of missiles, what's the use now?

You have launched all the missiles that can be launched, and the opposite side will not give you time to reload at all, and you will not be able to use the missiles!

In the current situation, if General Lecto stays here, he will only be stolen by a wave of advantage and opportunity.

As long as the opponent doesn't show any flaws, you don't want to make a comeback.

Under this premise, Admiral Lekto and Hill have had more than six months of fighting experience.

Although the two had not met face to face, General Lekto knew that it was too difficult to catch the flaw in Hill.

Therefore, it is very likely to choose a dead-end hard defense.

The strong man broke his wrist, saved all the fighting power that he could save, abandoned the border and retreated, and then regrouped, it was the clear choice.

After sacrificing a whole tank unit and a part of the air force to perform the post-cut mission, General Lekto was decisively decisive, allowing their border troops to lose their combat power to a minimum.

After the war, the army of Hill's army drove all the way and broke through the Saxon border while occupying the other's border city.

Under the previous frenzy bombing of surface-to-surface missiles, the enemy's border cities were already in disarray.

But at least there was no radiation pollution. After fighting for more than half a year, they finally got them a frontline base.

In terms of resources, all that can be taken away is naturally taken away.

A veteran like Admiral Lekto cannot make such a low-level mistake.

At the air base and the nearby civilian airport, they are even more simple. After their plane took off, they turned back to a wave of bombings that bombed the air base and the civil airport.

Hill ran over to confirm the situation in person, and let the engineers in the army roughly judge it. According to the current conditions of their frontline army, it would take a lot of time to repair it.

However, in terms of loot, the Saxon fighters that basically crashed are not mentioned, and the main battle tank is still very rewarding.

From the damage level alone, it is basically moderate damage and severe damage, and the number of light damage is very small.

After the news came back, there was already a series of tank mechs for the main battle tanks. Of course, it is impossible to go back and toss this main battle tank unit.

In this way, the message interface of Tang Song, Hua Ye, and Song Hui sounded the sound of 'Dididi'.

"I just arrived a batch of battle-damaged versions of the main battle tanks, all of which are the latest gold-class main battle tanks. The overall performance is stronger than the previous batch of main battle tanks. Discounts, are you interested (kiss your hands)? "

As soon as the news was sent out, the three Tang and Song people who received the news were all refreshed.

"The overall performance is really better than the previous batch ?!"

Similar news came out one after another.

The three Tang and Song people who had bought war-damaged equipment from Ye Qingxuan didn't mind this at all.

In the final analysis, it is worth buying them with their comprehensive performance over the previous batch of main battle tanks! Because they now face the huge threat of Ajer Bald, they really need to improve their strength.

In particular, Hua Ye, who is currently being invaded by the opposing army, is already mentally prepared to win a batch of main battle tanks at all costs.

"Of course it is true, the store has always been not fake in terms of goods and integrity."

Ye Qingxuan's remarks were unexpectedly convincing among her clientele.

Basically, players who have dealt with her all know that this profiteer is black, but the goods are absolutely okay. This integrity is really accidentally guaranteed.

Now listening to Ye Qingxuan's remarks, the Tang and Song people have also let go of their hearts.

Then I have asked to see the goods one after another, want to know more detailed information.

For this, Ye Qingxuan was naturally ready for a long time.

Those batches of main battle tanks and engineering troops on the front line have already dealt with them. While erasing all the individual features, they also sent messages to report back.

Now Ye Qingxuan introduced it, it is also a set.

It is basically unnecessary to say that the damage level is cheap and the damage level is light.

The three Tang and Song people naturally wanted light damage. This was not only easier to repair, but also convenient for them to carry out research, so as to make their own production.

However, this price is not cheap after all, plus these three years, the three of them bought a lot of goods from Ye Qingxuan here.

It's not been a few years now. Although we have won the battle before, we really don't have much savings.

It is really impossible for a person to eat all of this batch ~ ~ and Ye Qingxuan, under Luo Ji's indication, she also intends to sell this batch to the conscience Tang Song and the three of them provided a wave of support in disguise.

But without revealing her identity and position, she can't do things too obviously.

After the quotation, Tang and Song were silent for a while, obviously they all went to count their savings.

In the end, the three people took a few pieces of gold-level and silver-level props and posted a few points of civilization. If they were not enough, they could only use some development resources in their own territory.

For example, last time Song Hui used uranium resources and photographed an aircraft carrier from Ye Qingxuan.

On Ye Qingxuan's side, some development resources may be more valuable than props.

After all, open the gold-level props to see the face purely, how much can a gold-level "wood-cutting veteran" skill book be worth? If you fall into your hands, you won't want to.

However, these development resources are indeed real and can be used. In Ye Qingxuan's case, they are hard currency. They are not worried that they cannot sell, they can't sell, and they are not enough for their own use.

After a wave of transactions, Ye Qingxuan gave Luo Ji a glance at what he had earned.

There are really many things brought out by the Tang and Song people.

It is a pity that there is basically no use of Luo Ji for props.

But this is also something that cannot be done. Ye Qingxuan does business. Under the premise of allowing players to pay for items with props, if she only accepts the items needed by Luo Ji, then she really can't do this business.

As for how to deal with these props that are not used in Luo Ji? That is naturally used as a bargaining chip in transactions with other players.

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