The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2480: What kind of demon is a ghost? !

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Almost at the same time as the azure color circle unfolded, a series of cruise missiles on the opposite side had already fired towards Ysera.

Faced with this threat, Ysera couldn't be unaware.

But in the special headset tucked in its ear, Hill's voice calmed it down quickly.

"Don't worry, the rear position will cover you."

During the speech, the defense system of the Winter Army quickly responded, intercepting the attacks on the opposite cruise missiles one after another.

At the same time, Ysera chant was completed.

In a low roar, a sky-blue dragon's breath passed directly through the circle, split apart instantly, and turned into countless sky-blue meteors hit the battlefield!

Facing the almost overwhelming group of dragon stars, inside the rear command base, General Lekto's face also sank.

However, he had already issued the order before the cruise missile was launched.

After all, he also knows that there is a high possibility that the launch of cruise missiles will be intercepted by the opposite.

Therefore, at the same time that Ysera appeared, he had given the artillery unit instructions to avoid at any time.

Seeing this now, where else does each firepower phalanx need to say more?

One by one self-propelled artillery quickly showed their mechanical advantage and launched evacuation avoidance.

As far as possible, avoid being hit by the Dragon Star Group.

During this period, with a heavy sound of footsteps, the seven-headed black armor fighting rhino rushed directly to the steep **** that blocked their advancement, and under the cover of the Dragon Star Group, rushed into the battlefield!

Before waiting for Admiral Lekto to think about it, there was a movement in the distance.

It's a tank mech!

It's just that at this moment, the track wheels of those tank mechas have all been converted into mechanical leg forms.

The tank armor in the form of mechanical legs is not affected by the terrain at all, just like a mechanical monster, and its mechanical legs are turned over!

Seeing this scene, the whole heart of Admiral Lector twitched fiercely.

Now that this battle has been fought, he has the urge to scold his mother for the first time at this moment. When the giant **** soldier appeared before, when the lava and stars fell down, he had never done so!

At the same time, he also wanted to know now, what kind of demon is their enemy this time? ! Why is there anything opposite? !

After many years of joining the army, the psychological qualities that have been tempered by countless sand places finally let his mind not collapse.

A command was issued, and pieces of cruise missiles and rockets flew crazy at this moment.

At this moment, under the order of Admiral Lekto, the border garrison on the second line of defense also entered a state of full firepower!

Faced with this battle, the Winter Winter Army side naturally started to intercept the opposite attack without saying a word.

The scene was no longer described by the word "spectacular", but it was already a bit mad.

The current Winter Army and the Saxon Garrison seem to have entered a state of smashing money with each other.

Each missile is a large box of banknotes.

You smashed a box of banknotes, and I smashed a box of banknotes. Whoever smashed it into a poor egg first, whoever lost!

The other party launched such a crazy missile and rocket attack, which made Hill frown.

With this style of play, what you are fighting for is the inside, depending on which side has more equipment and more resources.

Judging from the previous battle on the border, the firepower of both of them should be in a state of almost half a catty.

In that case, such a fight is undoubtedly too stupid, and you will repeat the same mistake if you are not careful.

And just like Admiral Lecto already knows Hill as an opponent, Hill also knows Admiral Lecto.

In her view, this opponent should not be so stupid.

Between thoughts flying, a number from the report below surprised Hill.

The number of missiles that they can launch at any time in the hands of their rear troops has killed nearly half of them in a short time.

In that kind of high-intensity mutual smashing process, the loading efficiency is simply not up to the launch efficiency.

If you follow this rhythm, continue to fight with the opposite.

So soon, they will fall into the same situation as the Saxon garrison when they were at the border.

That is, the missiles are all empty and can no longer intercept the opposite attack!

"Is this your purpose?"

Between muttering, Hill's complexion obviously became dignified.

Looking at this situation, it is her wave of cards that have been opened one after another, which is a bit urgent for the opposite side. In the current situation of the other party, it is already a bit hard to fight with them at any cost!

At the same time, it is precisely because they are fighting for hard power, so they are inevitable.

Once they cannot resist the attack on the opposite side, their rear positions will surely be leveled by countless cruise missiles and rockets in a flash!

"Submit the order, let all Destroyer-1 replace the ammunition and turn into interception and defense!"

Before, they were mainly responsible for launching interceptor missiles, and they were all launchers in their army. The destroyer tank mech unit is always in a state of preparing to launch an attack ~ ~ But now, in the face of confidence The full Saxon side, out of caution, Hill also felt that his rear camp should enter a state of full defense.

After all, even if there is no missile output from the rear to provide firepower, her Winter Force's current offensive power is enough.

It's not a big deal to attack during the offensive process, it's always better than a moment of carelessness, it was bombarded by the opposite side of the rear position, and then all will be lost!

At the same time, for the sake of insurance, Hill has also ordered to evacuate the position of the rear position to ensure that even in the worst situation, she can minimize the loss of the Winter Winter Army.

This wave, General Hill and Lekto, undoubtedly entered a state of gambling.

Both have only a rough estimate of each other's firepower.

After the First World War on the border, the follow-up troops on the civilization side of the world reached the front line one after another, adding a lot of fighting power to the front line.

Admiral Lekto also applied to Ajal Bald, and in the shortest time, a larger number of missile launchers were transferred from the Western Front and the Eastern Front to match the firepower inside the second line of defense. It is to allow him to use hard power to suppress people at this critical moment and forcefully suppress this opponent who is completely beyond his imagination.

For this wave, Admiral Lekto is quite confident.

In the battlefields on both sides of the east and west, their frontline pressure is very small, and Ajer Bald has transferred him enough reinforcements.

Now the firepower behind his second line of defense is very fierce!

No matter what demon or ghost is on the opposite side, he will show it to you! !

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